The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 234 This taste is absolutely amazing

Chapter 234 This taste is absolutely amazing

He Xiner brought back the salt and pepper first, and when Ye Xusheng evenly spread salt and pepper on the chicken and rabbit meat, Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi also picked the leaves back and washed them in the lake.

"Big brother, I'm going to pick up some dry firewood"

"Well, be careful"

"We're going too"


The lakeside was clean, let alone dry firewood, and there were no dead leaves. The three of them went to the woods to collect some dry firewood, and came back fifteen minutes later, talking and laughing with dry firewood in their arms.

Ye Xusheng took out the fire folder from his schoolbag, lit the fire, and added small dry branches first, and then added large pieces of dry firewood when the fire was hot.

The pheasant wrapped in mud was carefully placed in the fire, and then he picked up a dagger to sharpen a piece of hardwood, put the rabbit on a skewer, and held it on the fire to roast.

The three little girls sat in a row, all without saying a word, just looking at the rabbit on the skewer with big bright eyes, salivating, Ye Xusheng suddenly got a little funny, finally the naughty boy stopped making trouble?
I'm honest when I'm hungry~
Soon the scent of the rabbit came out, and the little girl He Xiner wiped away the non-existent saliva and rubbed her stomach, "Smelling the scent makes my stomach even hungrier."

Ye Yuanyuan on the left nodded fiercely and swallowed, "Yeah, yeah, I'm so hungry"

The greedy look of the two made Ye Xusheng want to laugh out loud, his eyes were full of smiles, he raised the corners of his lips and said in a low voice, "Wait a little longer, it will be ready soon"

The rabbit meat has been roasted half-cooked, and it is slowly turning in the blazing fire, sizzling, and the tempting smell is wafting around, making the souls of several people almost drift away~
Even Guan Cuizhi, who often eats meat, couldn't help swallowing secretly. Zhang Dongqiang on the tree thought seriously: Do you want to go down?

Want it?

Under the watchful eyes of the three people, the rabbit meat was finally roasted. Ye Xusheng asked with a smile, "Eat the rabbit first, and then the chicken later?"

"Good! Good!"

Ye Xusheng put the rabbit on a clean leaf, cut off a rabbit leg with a dagger and handed it to He Xiner, "Eat it, be careful of burning it"

"Hee hee, thank you hall brother"

He Xiner happily took it, but she didn't eat, and waited for them to eat.

Ye Xusheng cut off another rabbit leg and handed it to Guan Cuizhi. Guan Cuizhi said softly "Thank you", but handed it to Ye Yuanyuan, "Yuanyuan eat the rabbit leg."

"Eat it, what else?"

Wiping her mouth, Ye Yuanyuan smiled and said, "Where is meat not meat? As long as there is meat, it's fine."

It happened that Ye Xusheng handed her a large piece of rabbit breast, and Ye Yuanyuan quickly took it with both hands, "I want to eat it"

"Well, eat them all"

So, a few people buried their heads and ate it~
Just as Ye Yuanyuan swallowed the rabbit meat, she sighed loudly, "It's so delicious", and after she finished speaking, she took another big mouthful, her mouth swelled, and she looked satisfied.

At home, Ye Yuanyuan can only eat meat once during Chinese New Year, at most there is only a piece of fat meat, where has she ever eaten like this, eating rabbit meat with big mouthfuls, her heart is bubbling with beauty~
"Yeah, it's delicious. It's charred on the outside and tender on the inside. It doesn't smell fishy at all. The taste is absolutely amazing."

The little beauty Guan Cuizhi didn't care about her reserve either, she stuffed her little mouth full, and ate super satisfyingly.

Zhang Dongqiang...

He Xiner nodded frequently, expressing her complete agreement with what the two of them said. She was very hungry, but she didn't have time to talk, her mouth was full~
The rabbit meat is rubbed with pepper and salt, and it smells better than last time. Now it tastes especially delicious in the mouth. Ye Xusheng's eyes lit up after eating it. The roasted rabbit with seasoning is more than twice as delicious, Xin Er too incredible……

Zhang Dongqiang on the tree was so hungry that he swallowed his saliva, the taste is too tempting today, right?

The four wolfed down the meat in their hands, and then stared at the lumps in the fire. Ye Yuanyuan poked lightly with a twig, "Is this edible? It has no taste at all." "

"It smells like smashing the mud"

(End of this chapter)

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