The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 235 It Was So Fragrant That It Almost Swallowed My Tongue

Chapter 235 It Was So Fragrant That It Almost Swallowed My Tongue
He Xiner wanted to start with a stone, but Ye Xusheng picked it up, "I'll do it"

"All right"

Handing the stone to the big hall brother, He Xiner stared at the mud bump eagerly. This was her first time making beggar chicken, and she didn't know if she would succeed.

Uh~ In fact, she taught the lobby brother to do it~
Ye Xusheng pulled the mud lump out of the fire, knocked it a few times with a stone, gently removed the broken mud, and then uncovered the steaming leaves, a strong and strange fragrance came to his face , the yellow pheasant looks so drooling.

"Wow, this smell is too fragrant, even more fragrant than rabbit meat"

"Yeah, it smells good, it smells good"

"I was full just now with a rabbit leg, but my stomach growled again when I smelled chicken."

Ye Xusheng was a little surprised when he smelled it. Is this beggar's chicken?

If a beggar can really eat such a chicken, then everyone will fight to be a beggar~
As usual, He Xiner was given a chicken leg. She was the youngest among them, and she was not fussy. No one had any objections. Guan Cuizhi was from a different surname, so she gave her the other chicken leg.

After playing for a long time, Guan Cuizhi also let go of everything. This time, she didn't give in anymore, and took it after thanking her. Ye Yuanyuan and Ye Xusheng shared the rest of the chicken. They looked at each other, didn't speak, and took a big bite in tacit understanding. down.

"Oh, oh, the fragrance almost swallowed my tongue!"

Ye Yuanyuan was the first one who couldn't help expressing her opinion.

He Xiner nodded fiercely with her small mouth puffed out.

"Yeah, the chicken is fresh and fragrant, so tender that there is no meat residue, even the bones are crispy. Wow, it tastes better than the chicken in my father's restaurant!"

Guan Cuizhi squinted her eyes intoxicated, sighing again and again.

Zhang Dongqiang on the tree almost dripped down his saliva, his stomach was getting tighter and tighter, and he touched his deflated stomach, Zhang Dongqiang thought pitifully, let's go, he can only watch here, isn't this tormenting people?

I moved my body a little, and subconsciously sniffed the smell in the air, my stomach felt even more uncomfortable.

Hmph, foolish boy, let's see how I deal with you...

Ye Xusheng, who was eating happily, suddenly felt a little uneasy, looked up and looked around, found nothing wrong, then lowered his head and continued to think about Guan Cuizhi's words, his eyes flickered, maybe he could try...

He Xiner gnawed the chicken leg clean, burped in satisfaction, and reluctantly sucked the aftertaste from her hands. Although she did not create the practice of begging chicken, she was the one who taught the hall brother now. Do it, the sense of accomplishment is overwhelming!

Ye Yuanyuan also gnawed on her finger, hiccupping while sucking her finger, "Uh~ I'm so happy, it's the first time I've grown so big to eat meat until I'm full"

Guan Cuizhi was also overwhelmed, "Yuanyuan is right, she is so happy"

"Haha, let's make a lot of money together in the future. If you want to eat meat, you can eat meat, if you want to eat fish, you can eat fish, and you will be happy every day."

Happy to say, He Xiner stopped sucking her fingers, and waved her little arms with a proud look.

"By the way, we've been playing for a long time, shouldn't it be time to pick berries?"

Infected by the prospect He Xiner drew, Ye Yuanyuan immediately remembered the business. Of course, to make money after eating a belly full of meat to replenish energy.

"Would you like to take another break?"

Ye Xusheng asked He Xiner.

"No, I'm so full after eating, I feel strong all over, go to work."

"It's time to go to work, but I don't really want to be here. By the way, we haven't decided on a name yet."

"Yeah, yeah, I forgot if Cuizhi didn't tell me, let's go after we have a name."

"Hmm, let's think about it together"

"The beautiful lake is called Lihu, how about it?"

Ye Yuanyuan suggested with sparkling eyes.

"Not good, not noble, call it vulgar"

He Xiner shook her head when she heard this, Lihu is not worthy of it.

(End of this chapter)

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