Chapter 2341 I hope so

After seeing Master Jiang away in a lively manner, Lao Yetou couldn't sit still.

There are always people around, so he can't ask too carefully, it seems that he is thinking about his second son's money.

But it’s okay if I didn’t think about it before.

But now he doesn't know.

As long as he thinks of the family property his son has worked so hard to save, hidden in some corner, and will never see the light of day, he will feel distressed.

His brain is full of money, white money.

The boss said that girl Xin has more money than the second, so it's not a small number.

Also, the business of the workshop is so good that it has never been idle throughout the winter, and it makes money every day. It is really making money every day.

The sound of silver can almost be heard.

But he thought before that, after all, the four families will share equally, and each family can have 800 taels.

Now, why does it look different from what he thought.

Old Yetou thought of Guan Xiuyuan's serious face, Ye Shitian's worried Zhong Zhong, and the boss...

He walked around the room twice anxiously, "No, I have to ask girl Xin."

The second child's hard-earned family property can't just be left alone, and he has to discuss with girl Xin what to do.

Also, he hadn't seen the child all these days, he was still thinking about it, so he just went to see her.

Thinking of He Xiner's face that was as thin as a palm, his heart ached for a while.

That child is suffering~
"Brother, sit down first..."

Before he finished speaking, he was about to leave, but Ye Dayou grabbed his arm, "I said why are you getting more and more impatient?"


Old Yetou's mind was still on He Xiner, and he was a little dazed when he pulled him so violently.

"What's wrong?"

"You are so anxious to see girl Xin with a pale face, and you open your mouth to ask her if she knows where the money is, what do you make her think?"

If you don't know, you'll think you're coming to ask for property.

Old Yetou's eyes widened suddenly, "It's thanks to my elder brother for reminding me."

How could he grab something from his younger generation, let alone that girl Xin.

But the elder brother is right, with his mood just now, he ran away in a hurry, it is really easy to make people think too much.

Ah, why am I getting old, I am getting more and more impatient when I get old.

Old Yetou turned his head around sullenly, and sighed deeply, "The second couple have been away for more than a month, and Xin girl hasn't come out yet, she shuts herself in the house every day to copy Buddhist scriptures, and the things outside Never mind..."

Ye Dayou couldn't help but said, "That kid is a good one."

"Oh, this child is just too filial. I'm really afraid that she's getting into a dead end."

"I'm still a half-grown child. When I encounter this kind of thing suddenly, I can't accept it for a while. After a long time, I can always think about it."

"I hope so."

Lao Ye frowned, "But the silver..."

He couldn't help turning around again, "I'm afraid she won't be able to remember after a long time. What should I do?"

Their family is not short of money now, especially girl Xin, and they can live well without that money.

But it was earned by the second child so hard, so we can't just leave it alone.

Ye Dayou frowned and watched him circle around, "Don't worry, those things won't run away on their own."


"It won't be too late to discuss with them when they come back from town."

Ye Shitian, Ye Laijin and Guan Xiuyuan all went to the town, one was to send Master Jiang, and the other was to buy something.

Tomorrow the groundwork will start, and there are a lot of items that need to be purchased. Not to mention the troublesome bits and pieces, there are also many things to pay attention to, so all three of them dispatched and went together.

This is still what was agreed when hiring people to only pay the wages and ignore the food, otherwise there would be more things to buy.

"It's obvious. It's not the same whether you discuss it or not. Someone has to remind girl Xin. It's not appropriate for the boss to talk about it..."

As for Xiaoqian's eldest daughter-in-law, Old Yetou is not even interested in mentioning it.

Ye Dayou automatically ignored her, "It's good that Xu Sheng is at home, but—"

He was suddenly blessed, and said, "Isn't this something to be done right away? There must be a lot of people watching the fun, so you can remind Mrs. Cao and Miss Xin to collect the valuables..."

(End of this chapter)

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