Chapter 2342 I go in by myself

In the afternoon, Mrs. Cao went to see He Xiner and reminded her very gently.

After she left, He Xiner put down the pen in her hand thoughtfully, got up and went inside.

After a while, there was a money box with a copper lock in his hand.

Sure enough, his father didn't move.

Thinking back at the beginning, she finally calmed down and made waves again, and it was difficult to calm down for a while.

During the recitation of thoughts, tears flowed down my face.

Luo Hua and Wei Yu looked at each other, and kept silent tacitly, only sighing secretly in their hearts.

He Xiner stroked the smooth wood over and over again, and after a long time Fang said hoarsely, "I'm going to the old house."


Luo Hua was a little dazed, but Wei Yu reacted quickly, "The servant girl is going to fetch water to cleanse the young lady's face."

He Xiner nodded and remained silent.

The two of them helped her clean her face, combed her hair again, changed her clothes, and followed her out the door excitedly.

Can you not be excited, the lady finally took the initiative to go out, it is really not easy.

Tan Pozi and the others were also surprised and relieved when they saw it.

The lady finally came out.

However, the person involved didn't feel anything, and remained indifferent, indifferent to everything around him.

At this time, the sun was setting and the sky was going to be dark. The three master and servant left the second house, followed the last ray of the setting sun, and came to the gate of the old house.

"I'll go in by myself, you two go back."

It was because there were many things happening recently that she acquiesced that the two of them followed, but she didn't plan to bring them to see Lao Yetou.

Her grandfather might not be used to it.

"How can miss do it alone? This country is not peaceful..."

Luo Hua became anxious immediately, and blurted out without thinking, but it was Wei Yu who stopped her, "If it's inconvenient for Miss to speak, let's not go in."

He Xiner frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment before nodding.

"Come on."


Luo Hua and Wei Yu were overjoyed and hurriedly responded.

The three of them entered the yard quietly without making any noise.

Ye Feifeng was sitting with Xiao Xuyang in front of the door of the East Wing to watch the sunset, when he suddenly saw the three master and servant, he was quite surprised, "Why are you here?"

"Cousin, cousin."

He Xiner nodded slightly to Ye Feifeng, her eyes slipped away after light touch, and immediately fell on Xiao Xuyang's pink and tender face, sweeping away the coldness and alienation before, she said in a warm voice, "Xuyang, good boy."

"Hmph, the eldest lady is finally willing to see people..."

The door curtain of the East Wing was raised by someone, and Xiao Qian walked out quickly with triangular eyes, taunting her in a strange way, but she was immediately absorbed by the thing in He Xiner's hand.

"Ouch, what good thing did you take?"

She almost instinctively rushed forward, stretching out her skinny claws to grab her, but He Xiner took two steps back to avoid it.

Luo Hua and Wei Yu rushed forward to block Xiao Qian's way, "Mrs. Ye, please respect yourself."

"Go away! My old lady talks to the second girl, what do you care about?"

At this time, it was just before dark, the sky was gray and the light was dim, but Xiao Qian still took a look at the shiny and smooth wooden box.

It looks expensive.

There must be good stuff in there.

Xiaoqian was furious, but she didn't dare to shout loudly.

But she was in a hurry, afraid that He Xiner would take the opportunity to slip away, so she pushed the two of them away regardless, and then rushed towards He Xiner with a burst of anger.

Ye Feifeng was dumbfounded.

Xiao Xuyang was dumbfounded.

"Miss be careful!"

Meng Chunfei appeared in front of He Xiner and blocked Xiao Qian's rampage for her. The other party felt that he had hit a wall and was bounced back instantly.

"Oh, you fell to my death."

He Xiner frowned.

Originally, he didn't want to talk to her, but when he thought of Ye Xusheng who hadn't returned yet, his heart was quite complicated.

"Help the aunt up."

Luo Hua froze for a moment, then opened her mouth to refuse, but Wei Yu grabbed her sleeves and gave her a secret wink, Luo Hua had no choice but to swallow back what she wanted to say.

The two supported Xiaoqian, one left and one right, "Mrs. Ye, are you alright?"

Little Qian said angrily, "What do you think?"

The tailbone was about to break, but it hurt her to death.

(End of this chapter)

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