The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2343 let this matter pass

Chapter 2343 let this matter pass
Xiao Xuyang stared blankly for a long time, and finally reacted a little bit, hesitating to go forward but was hugged by Ye Feifeng.

He blinked in confusion, but didn't struggle to get down.

This little Qian, who thought he had suffered a great loss, could no longer hold back his temper, pointed at Meng Chun's nose and yelled, "What are you, you dare to touch my old lady!"

"Ouch, my waist—"

Xiaoqian violently waved away the falling flowers and the light rain, and in the end stretched her waist. She gritted her teeth and cracked her mouth in pain. This time she stabbed a hornet's nest, and she became even more outraged, "It's just a prostitute." Slave Yangzi, where is the guts..."

Meng Chun's eyes were piercing, his brows were covered with frost, and his feet were as motionless as if they had taken root.

He had already seen that this woman was not a good person, as expected, he guessed right.

If he hadn't come in time just now, Miss Fourth would have suffered a lot.

He Xiner couldn't stand it anymore, she walked around Meng Chun, who was as immobile as an iron tower, and said with a frown, "Meng Chun didn't hit someone on purpose, I'll apologize to my aunt on his behalf, let's just let this matter go." .”

Luo Hua and Wei Yu's expressions changed, and Meng Chun also frowned.

But Xiaoqian didn't realize that the other party was giving her a step down. After being slightly surprised by her attitude, she immediately became proud. The dead girl finally knew who she couldn't offend.

"Speaking lightly! My old lady is the eldest wife of the Ye family, but she was knocked down by this lowly thing, how could she just expose it so lightly!
"Meng Chun is not someone my aunt can scold."

"Hey, I'm going to scold him, what can you do to me?"

Xiaoqian pinched his waist with one hand and pointed at the crowd randomly with the other, cursing all over the place, "This is the territory of Lao Ye's family, I can't let the He family's people behave wildly, get out of here!"

She wanted to scold He Xiner by name, but she didn't dare.

Meng Chun stood there in a loose posture, without any harsh words, his aggressive aura was enough to make her intimidated.

Don't look at her swearing fiercely, but she dare not step forward to provoke.

"Luo Hua, Wei Yu, help the eldest aunt into the house to rest."

He Xiner really didn't have the heart to quarrel with her, and being quarreled by her made her brain ache, she just wanted to drive people away and stop bothering her.

"Mrs. Ye, the servant girl will help you back to your room to rest."

Luo Hua and Wei Yu held Xiao Qian's expressionlessly, and were about to drag him into the house. Seeing this, Ye Feifeng silently moved out of the way, and stood under the window with Xiao Xuyang in his arms.

"Let go of me, let me go! You guys want to sue!..."

"This is Lao Ye's house, it's my mother's territory, not your He's house!"

Enduring the discomfort in her heart, He Xiner turned her head and walked up the room. Meng Chun followed suit, protecting her behind her.

Old Mrs. Ye actually allowed his eldest daughter-in-law to bully his young lady, so why not stay here, why not go back to the He family.

Just when Meng Chun was feeling dissatisfied, Xiaoqian yelled, "Ye Xiner! Get out of here! Get out!"

Seeing that after so long, no one came out from the upper room, she immediately became more courageous. Moreover, Meng Chun only seemed to be bluffing, so he didn't dare to fight her with his courage.

So she has nothing to fear.

The dead girl bumped into her by herself, and if she didn't take this opportunity to drive her away, I would be sorry for myself.

"Shameless brat, her surname is no longer Ye, and she still stays in Lao Ye's house shamelessly. I don't know what your plan is when I'm an old lady. Hmph! With my old lady here, you don't want to take away the old Ye's property! "

"You think too much……"

"Bah! Babe, don't play tricks on the old lady..."

Luo Hua and Wei Yu immediately blushed, and Meng Chun was even more furious, "How dare you!"

He exerted all his strength, and he rushed straight like a shooting arrow, ready to give Xiaoqian some pain.

It's not like hitting people.

He is still a little bit measured.

At most, it would be to break the door frame of the east wing.

But it was stopped by He Xiner.

"Meng Chun! Stop!"

Hearing this, Meng Chun hurriedly stopped and stopped in front of the steps of the East Wing. His murderous aura was relentless, and he pressured Xiao Qian's domineeringly away.

Xiaoqian was startled by his skill, and was even more frightened by his murderous eyes, her scalp was numb, she subconsciously screamed, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, don't come over!"

(End of this chapter)

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