The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2344 Don't be impulsive

Chapter 2344 Don't be impulsive
"What is the ghost called?"

When He Xin'er was upset by her quarrel, a thick roar suddenly resounded over the entire old Ye's house, like a thunderclap, it was really shocking.

However, He Xiner, who was afraid of making noise, gradually calmed down with this roar, and felt very at ease.

Uncle is back.

Lao Yetou, Ye Dayou, Ye Shitian, Ye Laijin, Guan Xiuyuan, Ye Mancang, Guan Mingwei and others went to Xishan in the afternoon.

Together with them are Ye Hanhe, Ye Changshou and Ye Changsheng.

Tomorrow, the land will be started, and there are many things that need to be done, such as determining the size and orientation, and many things need to be discussed.

There are a lot of particulars about the shady house, and if you don't pay attention, you will commit a taboo, so I invited the oldest old people in the village to help make up their minds.

There are a lot of things, and there are thousands of threads. After one thing is finalized, more things come up. Just unifying the explanation is busy for most of the day.

It's really no wonder that several old people said things differently. The country people are not so particular. They have lived for decades and only listened more. They really don't have much experience.

So you think a little bit, he thinks a little bit, they quarreled for a long time, and finally figured out how to start the work, in short, for the smooth start of work tomorrow, the big guys racked their brains and exhausted I did my best.

So I came back late.

Lao Yetou and others were still behind, and Ye Laijin, Ye Mancang, and Guan Mingwei rushed in.

Xiaoqian is not afraid of Ye Laijin's yelling, she is used to it, and she also knows his temperament, if he is angry, he will not fight.

Besides, I'm a husband, so I won't beat him to death.

But Meng Chun is hard to say, just now he clearly wanted to kill someone!
"Sir, you're back! Ye Xiner, who eats inside and out, brought the servants of the He family to bully me..."


Ye Mancang didn't open his mouth because of Ye Laijin's face, but couldn't help but burst into anger, and then spat heavily on the ground with disgust on his face, what he meant was self-evident.

Guan Mingwei's gaze was always on He Xiner, but seeing Meng Chun move to her side in an instant, standing in front of her as a protector, he stopped silently.

On the contrary, Ye Laijin's feet were like the wind, and he strode forward without any influence.

"There is no such thing as bullying..."



Xiaoqian was slapped solidly and was thrown to the ground.

Ye Laijin, who was in a rage, was so powerful that he knocked her sideways, turned around in a circle before throwing her down.

"I'll beat you to death, you troublemaker!"

Ye Laijin was still puzzled, and was about to kick him, when He Xiner called him, "Don't beat me, uncle!"

The furious man finally recovered a bit of reason, and stopped his feet at the last moment, but he was still annoyed, and shouted roughly, "Get out!"

Ye Feifeng backed away a few feet away when her father entered the door, seeing her mother looking around with her eyes rolling, she hugged Xiao Xuyang and hid at the base of the north wall.

She didn't want to be used as a punching bag.

Xiaoqian covered her burning cheeks, sat up angrily, and shouted in a shrill voice, "Ye Laijin! Are you crazy? Outsiders are bullying you at home, even your old lady, you..."

Ye Laijin grabbed her skirt with a quick hand, and lifted her up abruptly, "Who do you say is an outsider?"

Xiaoqian was so strangled that he couldn't breathe, and seeing his red eyes and murderous look on his face, how could he dare to say anything.

This single-minded person can't tell the difference between the inside and the outside, and it pissed her off to death.

"Boss, what are you talking about with her! Ming'er asked the Qian family to take over. The old Ye family can no longer keep such bad and unvirtuous things."

He Xiner turned her head to look, only to find that the yard was full of people.

Well, a group of old people, followed by a few cousins.


"Okay! Listen to Dad, I'll quit this troublemaker tomorrow."

He Xiner's voice was suppressed by Ye Laijin's rough voice, she felt a little helpless.

"Master, uncle, don't be impulsive..."

(End of this chapter)

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