The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2345 Xuyang is still young and cannot live without her mother

Chapter 2345 Xuyang is still young and cannot live without her mother
The sky was gloomy, and Lao Yetou couldn't see He Xiner's face clearly across half of the courtyard, so he couldn't help but quicken his pace, and said as he walked, "Don't worry about Xin girl, she did everything by herself, she deserves to be divorced. "

Seeing that he was walking in a hurry, He Xiner hurriedly handed the wooden box to Meng Chun, while she went forward to meet him.

"Grandpa, please slow down."

"It's okay, it's okay, your grandfather is running fast."

Ye Changshou, Ye Changsheng, Ye Hanhe and others couldn't help feeling secretly when they saw that their grandparents and grandchildren were in harmony.

It's different being raised around you.

Xiaoqian glared at the old and the young with resentment, wishing to split the two of them in half with his gaze.

Meng Chun noticed something was wrong, and immediately took a step forward to block her sight.

Although the sky was gloomy and the light was dim, but the distance between the two sides was only a few feet, Xiaoqian clearly felt that Meng Chun's eyes were not friendly, cold and serious, as if they could freeze people, which made her shrink back subconsciously.

My heart became more and more annoyed.

Ye Laijin gave her a disgusted look, "Get lost!"

Unexpectedly, instead of leaving in a disgruntled manner with tail between his legs, Xiaoqian rushed towards the crowd screaming, "Village Chief, you have to make the decision for me!
Ye Xiner, no, He Xiner clearly did it on purpose!

Seeing that the husband and father-in-law were not at home, he brought people to the house to make trouble, and even fought with me, almost killing me..."

She stopped Ye Hanhe, Ye Changshou and the others, and cried out with tears in her eyes, "My husband is thinking about the goodness of the second child, and treats her as his own niece, but he doesn't know that this dead girl is evil.

She clearly knew that my husband was coming back soon, so she provoked me on purpose, and I cursed because I couldn't be more angry...Ahhh—"

In order to gain sympathy from others, she suppressed her nature, pretended to be weak and sold miserably, which was really unaccustomed to people and felt very fake.

Still this voice resembles hers.

"Lai Jin, if you have something to say, don't scare the child."

It turned out that it was Ye Laijin who grabbed Xiaoqian's hair from behind, and then dragged her away. In his anger, he wanted to drive her out of the house.

Whether Ye Changshou was an elder or the village chief, he always had to say a few words of persuasion when encountering such a thing.

Ye Hanhe, Ye Changsheng and others also tried to persuade them again and again, saying that seeing that it was getting dark, there was a strong wind outside again, and the blowing trees and beasts roared. Yes, those who are not brave dare not walk outside. The women and Taoists just kicked them out like this.

In fact, they didn't want to see Mrs. Qian, they knew that this woman was either a good woman or a restless housewife.

Ye Laijin wanted to divorce his wife, and they didn't think it was too much.

But, the reason for divorcing his wife is really not worth paying attention to.

Yes, it was wrong for her to scold girl Xin, but it's no wonder that the Qian family would admit it if they divorced their wife for such a trivial matter.

Rather than having a quarrel at that time and the two families quarreling, it is better to make less fuss now.

There is business tomorrow.

Furthermore, as the old saying goes, it is better to tear down a temple than a marriage.

As the elders, don't they all persuade to make peace and not to persuade them to leave.

They can't tell the truth, the way is that this woman should have given up a long time ago.

Several elders surrounded Ye Laijin and tried to persuade him, but Ye Dayou, Ye Shitian, Guan Xiuyuan, Ye Mancang, Guan Mingwei, Ye Mantun and others remained silent.

"Come on, let's go into the house, it's windy outside..."

Old Yetou didn't care what was going on there, he just stared at He Xiner eagerly, feeling sore and astringent in his heart, quite unpleasant.

"You girl is wearing too thin clothes, be careful of catching cold."

He wanted to touch the other party's sleeve, but he was worried that she would be unhappy, so he didn't do it, "Don't look at it's spring now, it will still be very cold sooner or later, so you can't take off your jacket in a hurry..."

With slightly red eyes, He Xiner replied softly, "Yes, I made a note."

She took the old man's arm and shook it lightly, "Master..."

Lao Yetou suddenly felt that his eye sockets were hot, this girl didn't have sex with him.

He Xiner motioned him to look east, Ye Feifeng hugged Xiao Xuyang and hid at the base of the north wall, "Master, Xuyang is still young and cannot live without mother."

Old Yetou pursed his lips and remained silent.

He is really fed up with money.

"The person who lives together every day is also his own mother. If he suddenly disappeared, he might not be used to it.... Finally, he became more cheerful..."

She won't say what's wrong, the little guy is getting better and better, there is no just in case.

It's just that it's pitiful for a child without a mother by his side.

Old Yetou sighed deeply, and greeted Ye Feifeng, "Big girl, bring Xuyang into the house, it's cold outside."

(End of this chapter)

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