Chapter 2346 You Keep This Box
Ye Feifeng froze for a moment, looked up and saw the old man waving to her, "Come on."

She pursed her lips and lifted the person in her arms up, then walked slowly to the upper room.

"Come on, grandpa hug."

Old Ye took two steps forward to pick up Xiao Xuyang, groped his little hands and asked, "Is Xuyang cold?"


The little guy didn't respond.

He doesn't care either.

Compared with before, it is already very good now, so there is no rush.


He Xiner called him softly.

Old Yetou didn't want to touch her face, and raised his voice, "Boss! Let's get down to business first. You are tired after working for a long time. Please come in for a tea break."

Ye Feifeng was rubbing his sore right arm with his left hand. Hearing the movement of his hand, Ye Feifeng flicked He Xiner's eyes quickly, and then looked down at his feet as if nothing had happened.

Ye Laijin let go of Xiaoqian angrily, then took a deep breath and exhaled it again and again to calm down.

"Everyone comes in for tea."

"Haha, I'm only rare for your father's good tea, and today I'm lucky again."

"I'll pack some for uncle to take home and drink slowly."

"Hey, then I'm welcome."


Ye Shitian and Guan Xiuyuan helped Ye Laijin greet several elders together, chatting and laughing happily with each other.

Ye Mancang, Guan Mingwei, Ye Mantun and other juniors were a little disappointed knowing that they would not be able to become Xiaoqian today.

But they can't talk about this matter, and they can hold back even if they don't wait to see her, which is uncomfortable.

"Where did the little wolf dogs go?"

Ye Mancang looked around, but he didn't see a few wolf dogs, he was very puzzled.

All of them are unreliable, not to mention staying in the front yard to watch the door, but it doesn't matter if they run away.

While he was complaining, he heard the sound of dogs barking, and then a few little ones rushed out from the backyard, ran so fast, and arrived in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

"Run slowly, don't bump into the old man's flower pot—"

I haven't seen him, only heard his voice.

Ye Mancang knew that Mrs. Cao must be carrying hot water or food, so he hurried up to help.

He Xiner looked at the people in the room, and whispered to Luo Hua to call Mrs. Tan to help Cao's make dinner.

She herself didn't want to wait any longer.

It's really quiet and used to it, and I don't want to join in the fun.

What's more, she was not in the mood.

He took the wooden box from Meng Chun, passed it to Lao Ye and said, "Master, you keep this box."

Lao Yetou's eyes turned red instantly, and he knew what it was without guessing.

"Good boy, I don't need anything, you can keep this for yourself."

Ye Dayou, Ye Shitian, Ye Laijin, and Guan Xiuyuan also guessed it, and couldn't help but look at each other with relief.

Fortunately, the second child's hard-earned family property has not been buried deep in the ground.

Seeing her grandfather's tears welling up in her eyes, He Xiner couldn't help her nose sore, "This is supposed to be kept by my grandfather, so you can accept it."

However, Lao Yetou was very stubborn and would not accept anything, so she had no choice but to give up.

It's really not good to push and push in front of everyone. When I have time, I can leave it to her grandfather in private.

"It's so good to have a rest, I'm going back."

Lao Yetou was reluctant to give up, but he couldn't keep her.

Today is to entertain a group of old men, she is not suitable here, and she can't speak for herself, so forget it, call her over for dinner when you are free.

"Mancang, light a lantern for your sister to light the way."


"No need, it's a few steps away..."

"Yes, there is no moon today, and it's so dark outside that we can't see the road clearly."

The old man was very kind, so He Xiner didn't say anything else. After Xiao Yu took the lantern, she said goodbye to everyone. .

Meng Chun escorted them.

Guan Mingwei stood under the eaves and watched her figure slowly walk away until she disappeared from sight, feeling lost in his heart.

"Miss, do you want to put these things away?"

Seeing He Xiner's return, Wei Yu stared blankly at the Buddhist scriptures for a long time, then tentatively asked.

I hope the young lady can think about it and stop suffering so much.

It's not that copying Buddhist scriptures is bad, but you have to pay attention to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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