Chapter 2347 Take a break
He Xiner Piaoyuan's thoughts were pulled back in an instant, "Let's put it away for now, I'll need it later."


Wei Yu knew that she didn't dare to persuade her, so she said, "It's getting late, it's time for Miss to eat."

"Let's set the meal."


After a while, the table of the Eight Immortals was full, and the dishes, plates and bowls were all very refined.

He Xiner frowned slightly.

How could she eat so much by herself?

Seeing that she seemed displeased, Wei Yu quickly explained, "Ms. has lost her appetite recently, and she doesn't touch meat. Mama Tan and Mama Chi were worried that Ms. Chi would suffer, so they tried to do more tricks. I hope Ms. Get more."

He Xiner nodded.

They really have a heart, whether it is dishes or desserts, they are all made small and exquisite, which is very attractive to look at.

The servings of small dishes are not large, and are prepared according to her normal meal.There are more pasta and snacks, and if you can’t finish eating, you can share it with everyone or use it for the next meal, which is not a waste.

Luo Hua filled a bowl of mushroom soup with a spoon, and held it in front of her with both hands, "Miss, try something new."

He Xiner was not in a hurry to use it, "Go to the kitchen and have a look. If there are any plum cakes, cloud cakes and spring rolls, send them to the old house."

"Yes, maidservant is going now."

Luo Hua hurriedly agreed, and was about to leave, He Xiner hurriedly said, "Let Xiaoju and Xiaotao accompany you, and bring Daha..."

"And don't forget to carry the lantern."

"Understood, don't worry, miss."

The corners of Wei Yu's lips raised slightly.


The lady cared about them again.

She tried her best to control her facial expression, not to laugh too abruptly, but she was jumping with joy in her heart, unable to restrain herself.

Finally, the young lady no longer just indulged in the Buddhist scriptures, and didn't ask anything about the things around her.

This is so good.

He Xiner never had to be served by her side when she was eating. Seeing that she had no other orders, Xiao Yu gently picked up the kitten and prepared to take it to the dining room.

"By the way, it's really hard for Meng Chun and Brother Wu to be on duty at night every day. Tell Mom Tan to make more suppers..."

Before she finished speaking, Wei Yu understood clearly, and was about to respond when she said, "You don't need to send it over, it's easy to get cold after carrying it around at night, just let them come over and use it."

There are not so many rules in the countryside, neither Meng Chun nor Wutang brother are outsiders, so there is nothing to shy away from.

"Yes, the servant girl will arrange it now."

Seeing that He Xiner was really fine, Wei Yu hurriedly backed out with the little milk cat in her arms.

As long as the lady is happy, they are willing to do more things, and only if they are happy, they will definitely not find it troublesome.

That is, when will Miss be able to smile, that kind of heartfelt happy smile.

If this continues, I'm afraid she will forget how to smile.

He Xiner didn't know what Wei Yu was thinking, so she left the matter behind and continued copying Buddhist scriptures until late at night after dinner.

After she put down her pen, she found that Luo Hua had already fallen asleep lying on the imperial concubine's couch, and the little milk cat was also fast asleep. One person and one cat complemented each other perfectly, incomparably harmonious.

What a picture of time and tranquility.

He Xiner's cold eyebrows gradually softened, and she said softly, "Tell Luo Hua to get up and sleep on the kang, it's easy to catch cold."

Wei Yu woke people up dumbfounded, Luo Hua seemed to be in a daze, "Is it dawn?"

"You're sleepy. When will it be dawn? Go to sleep on the kang, don't catch a cold here."

"Oh, no, I'm going to fetch water for Miss to wash up."

Luo Hua jumped up and was about to go out, but was caught by Wei Yu and forced her into the back room, "Go and rest, it will be dawn when you serve Miss."

The corners of He Xiner's lips curled slightly, but the curvature was very shallow, and she immediately recovered, and Wei Yu, who was always as careful as a hair, did not notice it.

The dark sky seems to be smeared with thick ink, dark and silent, without a trace of light, it is really dark.

It was even darker in the room.

When Luo Hua and Wei Yu were both sound asleep, He Xiner slowly opened her eyes, staring at the depths of the darkness in a daze.

Hall brother, where are you?

Are you ok?

(End of this chapter)

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