Chapter 2348 Stop Pretending

At this time, Ye Xusheng finally found the trace of He Jiaming after a month-long hunt.

Of course it was thanks to Dabai.

He Hongjin repeatedly told He Jiaming to cover up his smell, and he has always done so.

But as time goes by, there are always times of negligence.

Ordinarily, it doesn't matter much.

You must know that this place is too remote and hidden, and it is not easy to find, and this Zhuangzi has nothing to do with the He family on the surface.

No one could have imagined that he would be here.

He Jiaming was really tired of applying all kinds of strong-smelling medicinal oils on his body, he just wanted to have a good night's sleep.

Speaking of it, this is not considered negligence, but his willfulness for a while.

But what he didn't expect was that it was his willfulness this time that caused his death.

"You, who are you?"

When the incident happened, he only felt a gust of strong wind blowing towards his face, and then he fainted in a blink of an eye.

He didn't know how much time had passed at this time, he woke up slowly, feeling a splitting headache, he felt better after holding his head and getting used to it.

By the faint candlelight, he looked up, down, left, and right everything around him.

Strange carriage, strange boy.

His heart sank, and he immediately raised his vigilance.

Ye Xusheng said coldly, "Stop pretending, you know who I am."

On the bright side, He Jiaming has never met Ye Xusheng, but he lives in the West Wing, how could he never see Ye Xusheng once?

After all, he was young and full of curiosity. When Ye Xusheng came home, he had peeked through the cracks in the windows.

It's just that he didn't expect that the other party knew.

The night in early spring was still as cold as water, just like it was especially cold in the early morning. He Jiaming intuitively felt that the coldness penetrated into his bones, almost freezing him into a piece of ice.

And the boy in front of him had eyes colder than ice.

He Jiaming's heart was completely flustered.

"You, what do you want to do?"

"Kill for life."

"I didn't mean it, I really didn't mean it!"

He Jiaming suddenly became agitated, sobbing and crying, he still didn't forget to defend himself, "It's him, it's him who wants to strangle me, so I..."

He rushed forward violently, but had to stop when he saw the dagger emitting a cold light, "You have to believe me, I really didn't mean it!"

"Originally, I had a good chat with her, but he came back suddenly. I wanted to recognize him at the time, but he didn't say a word, he came up and strangled me..."

Ye Xusheng was expressionless.

But the bottom of my heart was overwhelmed.

Blame him!

If he hadn't told the second uncle the truth about Xin'er's several encounters, the second uncle would not have been so impulsive.

He Jiaming babbled about what happened that night, and tried every means to prove his helplessness, "At that time, I was about to die, my mind would not turn, and I didn't even know what I had done."

He looked at Ye Xusheng anxiously and earnestly, hoping that the other party could understand his helplessness.

However, until the saliva he said was almost dry, the other party was still cold, without any looseness.

"Since you woke up until now, you have been shirking responsibility..."

Ye Xusheng finally spoke, but was interrupted by the eager He Jiaming, "What I said is true, there is no excuse!"

He was a little emotional, "That day I really wanted to recognize my biological parents, how could I kill someone intentionally."

Ye Xusheng shot at him like an arrow, "Your knife killed Second Uncle on the spot, but Second Aunt was only injured, didn't you think of saving others first? And since you woke up until now, did you ask past her?"

He Jiaming suddenly stopped moving as if someone had tapped his acupuncture points.

These days, he has been haunted by nightmares every night, and the woman in the dream is lying in a pool of blood, unable to moan.The scarlet blood was shocking and would wake him up every time.

He was about to be tortured insane.

After a long silence, he finally couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Is she okay?"

"Second Aunt said that she gave birth to a patricide beast, who had no face to see her ancestors, and committed suicide."

He Jiaming was struck by lightning!
She is dead.

The gentle and demure woman died.

His heart seemed to be pierced by a sharp knife, and he was almost suffocated due to the pain.

He never wanted her to die~
(End of this chapter)

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