Chapter 2349 It's Late
"I didn't do it on purpose, I really didn't do it on purpose, I was just scared... woo-woo--"

He Jiaming's tears couldn't move Ye Xusheng at all.

Maybe at this moment he really regretted it.

But this kind of human nature will not change. If he goes back to the past, he will still draw his sword mercilessly.

Furthermore, if you are going to recognize your parents, why should you bring a murder weapon?

It's clear that he has no good intentions.

Or he didn't really want to recognize his second uncle and aunt at all.

Thinking of the bloody scene back then, Ye Xusheng's heart felt like a big stone was pressed down, and he was so stuffy that he couldn't breathe.

Self-blame, guilt, remorse, and resentment were all entangled in his heart, almost drowning him.

The whistling wind, whimpering and squeaking wheels were especially loud in this lonely night.

The gas wind lamp hanging above the frame shook slightly with the bumps of the car body, the weak light was not enough to clearly illuminate the road ahead, so the mule cart was not moving fast.

Chen Xing held the car with no expression on his face, not worried at all about being discovered.

They've already caught someone, and naturally they won't let go.

If you want to save people, you have to pass the level of Dabai first.

The crying in the carriage gradually died down, He Jiaming sobbed from time to time, but was still so sad that he couldn't help himself.

"Don't waste your time, everything on you has been confiscated."

Ye Xusheng, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke, his voice as cold as ever.

He Jiaming fell into an ice cave.

Fireworks, bamboo whistles, Mongolian sweat medicine, medicated oil, chili water, and the dagger that he never left with him all year round are all gone!
It's really over.

He can't run with a limp leg, and he can't escape. The only way is to catch the other party by surprise, and then deal with the driver outside.

If you really can't fight, you can set off fireworks to ask for help.

His father's new nurses are all very skilled...

Suddenly recalling the scene before he fainted, he suddenly widened his eyes.

What knocked him out?

Could it be the big dog his father said?
At that time, he only felt a white shadow rush towards his face like lightning, so fast that he couldn't see the face of the other party clearly, so fast that his brain was attacked before he could react.

He Jiaming's heart shuddered, and he looked around subconsciously. There were only him and the icy boy in the carriage.

Ye Xusheng, the grandson of Ye's parents.

"Big brother, please spare me, I am a descendant of the Ye family just like you, we are cousins..."

He Jiaming begged bitterly, his weak and humble appearance looked quite pitiful.

"I know I'm wrong, I really know I'm wrong. I can build a temple dedicated to them, and invite eminent monks to pray for them..."

Seeing that Ye Xusheng was not moved at all, he became more and more anxious, "I am willing to make amends! As long as you let me go, I can do anything."


The cold and waveless tone revealed an indescribable coldness, accompanied by the howling wind and the weak and pale candlelight, He Jiaming felt eerie and terrifying.

He flinched and hid in a corner, hating this feeling of powerlessness in his heart.

If his leg is fine, maybe there is still a chance, but now he has no chance.

There are two people on the other side, he can't fight.

And the dog should be there too.

He Jiaming was a little desperate.

"Why can't you let me go? I really didn't mean to..."

"not on purpose?"

"Yes, trust me, I really didn't mean it."

Ye Xusheng looked at him coldly, "Where's my sister-in-law? Where's the third uncle? You're the one who tried to harm Xin'er a few times, isn't it you? The one who wants to set fire to Lao Ye's family, isn't it you?"

He Jiaming's eyes widened in disbelief.

he knows.

He knows everything.

He knows everything.

How can it be?

Suddenly thinking of a possibility, he shuddered, "My leg? That carriage was you!"

(End of this chapter)

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