The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2351 Invite the young master to come

Chapter 2351 Invite the young master to come

The news of He Jiaming's disappearance was not reported to He Hongjin until the next morning.

"When did this happen?"

He Hongjin's eyes were dark, staring at the person who came, and there was an oppressive chill all over his body, as if he wanted to freeze the person to death in the sunny spring.

"Last night when we found out that the fifth young master was missing, we immediately looked around...but, but we didn't find any clues..."

The visitor lowered his head and reported the whole thing one by one in fear and trepidation.

"Why didn't you report last night?"

He Hongjin's face became more and more ugly. After a whole night, no one knew where he was. How could he find him?
"Small, small, I think it's important to find someone first..."

The voice of the other party is getting smaller and smaller.

It was He Hongjin's terrifying aura that made his scalp tingle.

"I invited you at a high price to protect my son. Now you tell me that my son is missing?"

"Fifth Young Master, he wants to take a bath and change clothes, he doesn't need us by his side..."

He Hongjin's eyes moved slightly, thinking of something that made his heart beat wildly uncontrollably.

"What noise was there?"


The other party obviously didn't expect him to ask such a question.

They are not dead, if there is any noise, they have already discovered the clues, how could they be kidnapped by the fifth young master silently.

"Is there any?"

"No, no, nothing."

He Hongjin frowned, "Are you sure?"

"Okay! Small ones can be sure, there is no sound."

He Hongjin's brows were tightly knit together, "Is there... the sound of a beast roaring?"

That dog is different from ordinary dogs.


"Are you sure?"

"Small is very sure."

This is strange.

He Hongjin bowed his head in thought, except for the members of Lao Ye's family, he couldn't think of anyone else who would have trouble with He Jiaming.

After pondering for a long time, he still felt that this matter had something to do with the people of Lao Ye's family.

Thinking of Ye Xusheng, thinking of Chen Xing, and thinking of He Xin'er who has not returned for a long time, the person who has always been as stable as Mount Tai can no longer be calm and calm.

"Keep looking! You don't have to come to see me if you don't bring Fifth Young Master back."

"Yes, the little one retire."

He Hongjin was fidgeting, so he simply stood up and circled back and forth.

After some time, he finally made up his mind.

"Come on!"

The entourage standing under the eaves came in immediately, "What is the master's order?"

"Please come, young master."


He Jiaheng came very quickly, and he hadn't gone to Dingfuju at this time.

"I don't know why my father asked me?"

With deep eyes, He Hongjin looked at him calmly for a long time, and said, "You go and bring the fourth girl back now."

He Jiaheng was quite surprised, his father clearly acquiesced before, why did he suddenly change his mind?
And so tough.

"Fourth sister, she..."

"I don't listen to the reason."

He Hongjin interrupted him with a blank face, and said again, "You start now, and you must come back before you..."

After a short pause, he said again, "Prepare a few more carriages, and bring ten more nursing homes, and bring back all her belongings and people around her."


He Jiaheng couldn't bear it anymore, "The fourth younger sister suddenly lost her parents, the grief in her heart couldn't be resolved, and she was so depressed that she almost closed herself off. Now it's better..."

He really loves the fairy-like little girl, "Just because she is still young, don't bother with her. At least..."

"At least wait for Second Uncle Ye to pass a hundred days before discussing with her about going back home..."

Seeing that his father was unmoved, he became even more anxious, "Father, don't worry, I will definitely convince fourth sister."


He Jiaheng almost begged and said a lot, and patted his chest as a guarantee, but in the end he only got two words.


His heart was cold.

He always knew that his father was a cold-blooded and ruthless person, but he couldn't help being disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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