The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2352 Accompany me to the room

Chapter 2352 Accompany me to the room

He Jiaheng is not He Jiajie, as a bastard, he has always been obedient to orders.

Only in this way can he gain a foothold in this family.

To get his father's approval.

He has no rebellious capital.

And he's already used to it.

He can put away his heart and be a useful son, a son who can help him with things.

He can even be at his mercy, he is used to it anyway, there is nothing to complain about.

Fighting for He Xiner was the first time he resisted.

In the end, it was sold out.

"Son retire."

"Go, go early and come back early."


He Jiaheng's face was calm, and he responded respectfully.

After he left the study, He Hongjin called his followers and said, "Go and rent a carriage, hurry up!"


One by one
The sun is shining today, the wind is smooth, and it is a rare good weather.

The Ye family's second room changed from the deserted one in the past, and became lively.

At this time, the door of the house was wide open, and the Bai family, Cao family, Ning family and others were carrying things in and out, and Mrs. Tan, Mrs. Chi, Xiaoju and Xiaotao were not idle, and everything inside and outside had to be put together. Collect them one by one.

The funeral ceremony in the future is the most important thing for Lao Ye's family, and it is also the most important thing for their young lady, so there is no room for carelessness.

Sisters Ye Yuanyuan and Ye Hexiu are also there, doing what they can, and gaining insight by the way.

Ye Feifeng and Xiao Xuyang are purely looking at the situation.

A group of people paid attention to it and tried not to make a big noise, but there were too many people and too many things to do, they had to walk back and forth, and talked with each other, how could it be possible to keep the cleanliness of the past.

There were even curious children gathered together, chattering non-stop, making the atmosphere even more lively.

Even Xiao Xuyang changed from his usual quietness, chasing Erha all over the yard with great interest, laughing and laughing from time to time.

After a long sleepy winter, the sunny spring finally ushered in. Where can the children stay.

Judu is playing wildly like a wild monkey, wherever it is lively.

So the second bedroom of the Ye family became even more lively.

He Xiner copied the Buddhist scriptures calmly, seemingly unaffected.

Wei Yu knew that Miss was restless.

"My maidservant, go and make their voices quieter..."

"No need."

He Xiner said, "I'm fine."

That being the case, Wei Yu didn't have much to say, and could only continue to study ink in silence.

Around noon, the noise outside gradually became quieter until it was as quiet as before.

He Xiner put down the pen in her hand, cleaned her hands and put away the Buddhist book, then picked up the manuscript and checked it carefully.

"Everyone left?"

Wei Yu was slightly taken aback, and then hurriedly said, "They're all gone."

He Xiner nodded and put the manuscript away.

"Come with me to the room."


These days, they only move around in the east and west wings and the kitchen and dining room, and hardly enter the upper room.

Except cleaning.

Their young lady even deliberately avoided everything in the upper room.

This is understandable.

It is human nature to be afraid of touching the scene to make you feel even more sad.

Wei Yu silently followed behind He Xiner, wondering why she was so uncharacteristic.

I'm really worried that she won't be able to bear it~
"Call Luohua, Xiaoju, and Xiaotao to help."


Xiao Yu suppressed the worry in her heart to call someone, and then hurriedly ran to the room without waiting for anyone.

As soon as he walked outside the door of the upper room, he heard suppressed sobbing from inside.

Sobbing in a low voice, sad and mournful.

She sighed, knowing it was so.

Luo Hua, who came after her, looked at each other in blank dismay.

What is the miss doing in the upper room?
"Come in."


He Xiner wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said softly, "Take two boxes and put these clothes away."

It turned out to be sorting out the belongings of Master Ye Er and his wife, no wonder Miss was crying.

A few people subconsciously restrained their minds and did things lightly, lest one accidentally break things.

That would be a great sin.

(End of this chapter)

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