Chapter 2354 Don't Follow
He Xiner said again, "Maybe it's not today, think about it again, was there anything unusual in the past few days?"

"Our courtyard door is always closed, outsiders can't come in."

Luo Hua frowned, and said, "Mrs. Ye, Aunt Cao, and Mrs. Ning often come here, but they always talk in the dining room and never enter the upper room..."

She stopped suddenly, and said in a deep voice, "The servant girl remembered, the lady from the old house came here a few days ago..."

At that time, they hadn't seen Xiao Qian's true face, so they were less vigilant. As long as she didn't disturb He Xiner, no one would stare at her closely.

Usually the door of the house is closed, so she can't get in, but that day the door was opened only because Brother Ye Mancang came over.

They came to fix the windows, so they checked inside and out, and left with confidence after making sure there was nothing wrong.

In the meantime, he chopped firewood and carried water for them, and did all the rough work.

So the waiting time is longer.

Ye Feifeng and Xiao Xuyang would come here for a while if they had nothing to do, and they would never let go of it if there was something exciting to watch.

That day, the two played here for most of the day, Xiao Qian once looked for it, and finally left with Xiao Xuyang in his arms.

He Xiner's eyes moved slightly, "Is she holding Xu Yang?"


"Have you ever noticed her expression?"

Luo Hua tried her best to recall, "She seemed to be lowering her head, and the maid didn't see anything."

"What was Ye Feifeng doing at that time? Did you go back together?"

"Miss Ye didn't leave at that time. She seemed to be very interested in repairing the windows, and she was standing by the side to watch the scene. The maid saw that she was very quiet and would not disturb the young lady, so she ignored her."

He Xiner's face was ugly.

She was almost sure that the head of the ruby ​​was taken away by Mrs. Qian.

After all, only she can do such a thing.

People who can steal things in front of their faces are nothing but stealing behind their backs.

She raised her foot suddenly and left, "I'm going to the old house, so you don't have to follow."

"Miss, miss, let's wash up and change clothes."

"Need not……"

He Xiner instinctively refused, then thought of something, looked down at the skirt, and saw that her chest was wet.

It turned out to be wet from crying.

It's really not nice to look like this.



Xiaoju and Xiaotao hurried to prepare warm water, while Luohua and Weiyu accompanied her back to the West Wing.

Several people waited for her to clean her face, comb her hair and change her clothes swiftly.

He Xiner couldn't wait for a while, she had to tidy up and leave without saying a word.

Luo Hua and Wei Yu hurriedly followed.

That Mrs. Qian is not kind, she will suffer if she goes alone.

"No need to follow."

He Xiner stopped the two of them in a cold voice, and her pace became faster and faster.

She knew better than anyone what kind of temperament that man was.

I won't do it for fear of embarrassment.

But for the sake of big cousin, she had to show her some affection.

Where can falling flowers and light rain be at ease.

They have seen how shameless and difficult Little Qian is.

"Miss, let us follow, in case something happens, there will be someone to take care of you."

He Xiner paused slightly, and after a moment of silence, she said, "Xiao Yu will accompany me, Luo Hua will pack her things at home."

Luo Hua didn't quite give up, "It's the same when the servant girl cleans up after she comes back."



He Xiner didn't speak any more, she walked as fast as the wind, and Wei Yu didn't dare to delay, so she quickly took small steps to keep up.

Ye Feifeng was playing with Xiao Xuyang in the alley.

To be precise, Xiao Xuyang ran wildly with a few wolf dogs, and Ye Feifeng looked after them.

Seeing the two of them walking in a hurry, he was quite surprised, but he didn't think much about it, he only thought that she was in a hurry to discuss something with her master.

She cared so much about her second uncle and aunt, it must be because she cared about everything and couldn't tolerate any mistakes.

She didn't know what was wrong and she noticed it, but she couldn't wait for a moment, so she ran over in a hurry.

Ye Feifeng withdrew his gaze, and his eyes fell on Xiao Xuyang again.

(End of this chapter)

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