The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2355 Have a cup of tea first

Chapter 2355 Have a cup of tea first
Xiao Xuyang will run back from the river, sweating profusely from the heat, and he doesn't care about wiping himself, just jumping up and down excitedly.

Ye Feifeng was afraid that he would catch a cold, so she quickly took out her handkerchief and wiped his sweat carefully.

"It's time to go home."

"Play, play!"

The little guy's eyes were surprisingly bright, and he blinked and blinked at her, until her heart melted.

"Go back after playing for a while."


Xiao Xuyang jumped up happily, and then ran wildly with the little wolf dog.

Ye Feifeng hurriedly followed.

But she always felt that something was neglected by her.

Oh, yes, He Xiner is afraid that she will miss out.

Just before dawn, her grandfather took a large group of people to the mountain, and he probably hadn't come back at this hour.

She stopped and turned her head to look at the door of the house. He Xiner's master and servant did not come out.

Maybe her grandfather has come back.

"Big wolf, big wolf!"

Not knowing what the leading little wolf dog did, Xiao Xuyang yelled excitedly, apparently overjoyed.

Ye Feifeng's attention was shifted immediately, "Don't go to the river again!"

She yelled loudly, and chased after her with her skirt in hand.

He didn't pay attention to He Xiner anymore.

Anyway, her grandfather is coming back at noon, so their master and servant will just wait for a while.

But what Ye Feifeng didn't expect was that the person He Xiner was looking for was not Lao Yetou, but her mother.

It was even more unexpected that a series of changes occurred in the follow-up.

Many years later, she once thought back to today, if she hadn't walked away at that time, maybe the development of things would have a different result.

However, at this time, she has no sense of the unknown.

Even He Xiner's master and servant did not expect a sudden change.

The front yard of the Ye family's old house was quiet. Old Ye Tou, Ye Laijin and others had gone to the mountain and hadn't returned yet.

Meng Chun, who was on duty at night, was catching up on sleep, while Mrs. Cao was busy in the kitchen.

Ye Manliang and Ye Manzhu brothers who guarded the house today were also in the backyard, helping her.

He Xiner's master and servant had a clear goal and went straight to the East Wing.

"Mrs. Ye, my lady has something to ask you."

Wei Yu's tone, which has always been calm and introverted, was not very good, even very blunt, subconsciously carrying the momentum of asking questions.

And He Xiner's face was even more gloomy, her brows frosted.

The two masters and servants shouted meaningfully and pushed the door open.

But she didn't expect that there was an outsider here.

Seeing Qian Jin and Qian Hua's father and son suddenly, the master and servant stopped after a meal.

"Hey, hey, you, what are you doing here? Could it be that you came to see my joke?"

Xiaoqian looked at them in surprise, his eyes flickered, and then he suddenly yelled.

He Xiner instinctively felt that she was guilty.

"I'm here to get my mother's ruby ​​head back."

The moment she stepped into the East Wing, she felt quite complicated.

Thinking of her uncle, and then her cousin, she hesitated for a moment and changed her mind.

After all, it's a family, so it's better not to make a fuss.

But the things still have to be brought back, but they can be negotiated.

The big deal is to give her a set of makeup some other day.

She is willing to take a step back for the sake of her big cousin who is working hard outside.

However, when she saw the other party's harsh and mean face, she really couldn't communicate with him calmly.

"What ruby ​​face? I don't know what you're talking about!"

As soon as He Xiner finished speaking, Xiao Qian exploded like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

She jumped up violently, pinched her waist with both hands and was about to curse, but Qian Jin grabbed her arm.

"Big sister, don't worry, it's not good to scare the children by shouting so loudly. Just speak slowly if you have something to say."

His subordinates secretly worked hard, and at the same time gave the other party a warning look, and said, "Maybe Xin Xin has misunderstood something, so please tell her."

Xiaoqian subconsciously wanted to refute, but he interrupted in time, "Come on, girl Xin, come and sit down. Have a cup of tea first, and talk slowly if you have anything to say."

(End of this chapter)

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