Chapter 2356 It's Over
Facing the sudden change, Qian Jin didn't know whether to scold Xiaoqian or thank her.

But he knows that the opportunity is rare and should not be missed.

He Xiner must be taken down today.

"Oh, there's no water. Eldest sister, don't be dazed, go get a pot of hot water quickly."

With his back to He Xin'er, he motioned for Little Qian to add ingredients to the water.

For this day, he has been preparing for a long time.

Now that He Xiner bumped into her by herself, if she missed this opportunity in vain, she would be sorry for herself.

Little Qian's rolled his eyes, and glanced at the stupid Qian Hua. Seeing that his saliva was about to flow down, he curled his lips in disdain.


He deserves it too!

Even though he was fooled by Qian Jin and spent money to buy the medicine, he also negotiated the distribution of benefits.

But she really didn't want her natal family to prosper.

Jiang's sister-in-law looked enviously and hatefully, she hadn't enjoyed enough yet.

"Hurry up! It's rare for girl Xin to come over..."

When Qian Jin talked about the rarity, he gave her a warning look and motioned her to hurry up.

He Xiner ignored him.

Staring at Xiaoqian with cold eyes, he said, "If the eldest aunt takes the initiative to hand over the things, I can pretend that there is no such thing."

"I said I didn't see it, but I didn't see it! Hurry up and get lost!"

Xiaoqian's face was full of impatience, and he was about to push him with his arms.

Wei Yu hurried forward to protect He Xiner, "Mrs. Ye, please respect yourself."

"Self-respecting fart! A lowly dog ​​slave dares to teach my mother a lesson. I think you are impatient!"

Xiaoqian raised his hand and was about to hit someone.

She just suffered a big loss yesterday, and she was worried that she would not have a chance to take revenge.

Wei Yu bumped into the muzzle of her gun, just in time to let her vent her anger.

It's just a servant girl who beat her up, and she wouldn't dare to fight back if she had the courage to do so.

Xiaoqian's complacent.

With this slap, Shui Lingling's little face will be ugly!
Unexpectedly, the hand she threw out with all her strength was easily pinched.

Xiaoqian's face was ugly, "I'll teach a servant a lesson, what's your business?"

"Auntie has something to say slowly, the little girl's tender skin can't stand your slap!"

It turned out to be Qian Hua.

He had heard that the personal maids of rich families were all dowry by young ladies, and they would be concubines for the uncle in the future.

In other words, the juicy little girl in front of him belongs to him.

You can't be bullied by others.

"Let go, let go, let go of your hands!"

Xiaoqian felt that his wrist was about to be broken by him.

The aunt and nephew started arguing, He Xiner and Wei Yu hurriedly avoided to one side, watching from the sidelines.

And Qian Jin sneaked into the room while the few people were not paying attention.

"Hua Zi pulled your aunt over to sit down, and she didn't stop her temper even though she was old, really.

Come drink some water, put out the fire first. "

Qian Jin glared at Xiaoqian fiercely, the threat was very obvious.

"Uncle will be back soon, so don't worry about giving birth, lest the old man get angry."

Sure enough, this is very useful.

Little Qian's voice immediately fell silent.

The old Yetou yesterday was no joke.

"Come, come, sit down and drink tea."

Qian Jin warmly entertained He Xiner, "I misremembered just now, this pot contains fresh hot water, it's just right for making tea..."

However, no matter what he said, He Xiner was not moved.

When has the Qian family been so enthusiastic?

It was inexplicable.

"If the eldest aunt doesn't show it, I will call Meng Chun."

"you dare!"

"I still dare to tell Uncle, Grandpa."

Xiaoqian was trembling with anger, staring at the girl's pretty face with resentment, and wanted to slap her a few times.

He said that he should be filial, but his complexion is so good, he must have eaten a lot of good things.

Xiaoqian was so jealous and envious that she almost forgot that she was arguing at this time.

Then her eyes fell on He Xiner's water green dress.

The young girl in front of her is facing the sky without any jewelry, and her dress is also in an extremely simple and elegant color, as simple as possible.

But it's hard to hide her cold and noble temperament, which is still beautiful and refined.

She just stood there quietly without doing anything, and compared the vulgar little Qian Shi to the dust.

Xiaoqian's jealousy rose.

Suddenly remembered the words Qian Jin provoked, she gritted her teeth silently.

At this moment, she made up her mind.

This dead girl must never be allowed to live a happy life.

The second room has suppressed the eldest room for so long, the Wang family has suppressed her for so long, and this damn girl is so complacent, it should be over.

(End of this chapter)

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