Chapter 2357

"Oh, girl Xin, don't worry, speak slowly if you have something to say."

Qian Jin said with a pleasant face, "Your aunt's temper, you also know that it's just a matter of urgency, girl Xin, don't be as knowledgeable as her."

He Xiner frowned slightly.

I always feel that he is a little strange.

Her father never waited to see the Qian family, and he was not familiar with this person, so he had no affection at all.

They are called cousins, but they are almost like strangers.

And when the Qian family and the old woman partnered to scheme against her back then, her father was furious, and her father even threatened to have the Qian family sever contact.

The two of them have long since turned their faces.

Although the two families had contacts again because of their parents' funeral, her grandfather still didn't want to see the Qian family.

And she never regarded the Qian family as relatives.

The cousin in front of her has never expressed the care of her elders.

Why are you so enthusiastic now?

Even if it is for the purpose of making good relations with the Ye family, it should be to show courtesy to her grandfather and uncle.

She doesn't care about the workshop.

Besides, her surname is He now.

He family!

He Xiner raised her eyes and glanced at Qian Jin, except for a flattering smile, she couldn't see anything.

But she didn't think she was thinking too much.

The Qian family has always liked the autumn breeze.

Seeing that He Xiner was as cold as ever, standing there with a calm face, ignoring him, Qian Jin's eyes flashed a gloomy look.

But no matter how dissatisfied she was in her heart, it was not easy to get angry at He Xiner.

Now is not the time.

It's not too late to establish rules after people enter Qian's house.

However, there was anger in his heart, even if he tried to cover it up, it still brought out some, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Afraid of frightening Miss He into ruining her good deed, he pointed Mao Tou at Xiaoqian.

"It's not that I want to talk about you as a big brother! How can someone who yells at a child look like an elder?"

Xiaoqian was about to explode immediately, but was shivered by the other party's venomous and cold eyes.

Thinking of the fact that he had seized the opportunity to threaten He Xiner after she casually said something to poison He Xiner, she felt even colder.

"How many times have I told you that you are a very old person, you should have calmed down a long time ago, why don't you listen?"

"I'm going to explode because of a little thing, screaming, what are you talking about?"

Xiao Qian's face flushed with anger, he had long forgotten the fear of the general, and subconsciously wanted to push back, but was preempted by Qian Jin, "Okay, I won't say anything."

He also knew Xiaoqian's character, and he probably had reached the limit of being able to bear him with these few words, so he didn't continue.

It just so happened that the anger in his heart subsided a little, so he stopped taking the opportunity to reprimand him.

Business matters.

"It's not that I want to embarrass you in front of the junior, it's just to remind you..."

He stared at Little Qian meaningfully, "Uncle has always valued girl Xin, you must be angry if you treat her like this."

Xiaoqian's heart trembled, and the dead thing threatened her again.

"Brother also knows that you have a sharp mouth and a bean curd heart, and you have no evil intentions, but the child doesn't know, what should I do if I get scared out of good or bad by your yelling?"

Qian Jin pretended to say Xiaoqian Di Datong, and he thought that his acting skills were superb and there was no flaw, so he would definitely be able to win He Xiner's favor.

Little did he know that his uncharacteristic behavior made He Xiner feel abnormal.

"Come on, girl Xin, come and sit..."

Finally completely suppressed the most difficult Qian Lianhua, Qian Jin was very proud.

Consciously already in control of the audience, with just a little push, things will go in the direction he set.

"Drink a cup of tea first, calm down and talk slowly."

He Xiner finally responded to him, "No need, I'll leave as soon as I get the things."

Qian Jin froze, then laughed again, "This kid is also impatient."

"But there is some misunderstanding in this..."

When he said this, He Xiner was not in a hurry to refute, but Qian Hua was in a hurry first.

"Father didn't know it was just a misunderstanding..."

Qian Jin almost died of anger, "Shut up!"

Of course he also knew that the ruby ​​head must be extremely valuable, otherwise Miss He would not have come to ask for it in person.

This shameless Qian Lianhua stole his daughter-in-law's belongings and took advantage of his Qian family, and he remembered that.

Sooner or later, I will settle it with her.

But right now is not the time to care about appearances.

(End of this chapter)

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