The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2360 How dare the Qian family

Chapter 2360 How dare the Qian family

"Miss, Miss Si, are you alright? It's the younger one who came late and made you feel wronged."

Seeing her young lady in a disheveled mess, Meng Chun's eyes were tearing apart.

He resentfully stepped on Qian Jin's hand, only to hear a click, and the other's hand bone cracked, "Ahhhh——"

"I'll kill you again!!"

Meng Chun's eyes were red and murderous, Qian Jin was so frightened that his heart felt cold, and he couldn't help but gasp.


I'm going to plant this time!
"Leave me alone, go and see Wei Yu."

He Xiner was sweating profusely. She tore the sheet on her feet vigorously, but she stopped Meng Chun from helping her.

"Little one, let the young lady untie it first..."

"Go, you go!"

She had a bad feeling in her heart, that Xiao Yu was probably injured, and it was very serious.

With such a commotion, even Qian Jin ran in, but she was silent, which is too abnormal.

"Miss, miss... ah, Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu, what's wrong with you?"

"Liu Yu, wake up!"

"Miss! Miss, are you okay?"

"What's going on here? A thief?"

"Sister Xin'er is here?"

Luohua, Tan Pozi, Xiaoju, and Xiaotao rushed in, followed by brothers Ye Manliang and Ye Manzhu.

Although they didn't know what happened, they blocked Qian Hua and Xiao Qian's way in time.

"Get out, get out!"

"What's going on? Why were there screams just now? What happened? Why are Sister Xin'er's people here?"

"Give it to my wife!"

"Don't let them run away!"

At this time, the East Wing was in chaos, Xiaoju and Xiaotao supported the unconscious Wei Yu and burst into tears.

Tan Pozi and Luo Hua didn't care about their distress and sadness, they hurriedly helped He Xiner tidy up her clothes.

And Meng Chun dragged Qian Jin out by the collar, and met the Ye family brothers in the hall.


The current situation of Qian Jin is really miserable, the palm of his right hand is bloody, and his forehead is purple and blue, which is already shocking enough.

And the deformed mouth is so big that it makes people's scalp tingle.

Ye Manliang and Ye Manzhu were taken aback.

"It's too noisy, I've dropped my jaw."

The two hadn't figured out the reason, when they heard a click, and Meng Chun removed Qian Hua's chin in the same way, and kicked him to the ground.

This still couldn't relieve the hatred in his heart, so he made another kick, directly breaking three of Qian Hua's ribs.

Then when the Ye brothers were stunned, they trampled on Qian Jin's ribs.

Qian Jin and Qian Hua twitched in pain, but they couldn't cry out, they could only make a ho ho ho ho from their throats, their faces covered with tears, saliva, and sweat, and they were extremely embarrassed.

The father and the father are also in a difficult situation.

They all twisted their bodies and wriggled on the ground, like two dying wild dogs, extremely miserable.

But no one is pitiful.

"Ahhh——, don't come here!"

Xiaoqian yelled frantically, covered her face, and kept backing away.

"I am the Ye family! The old lady who is the head of the Ye family, you can't touch me!"

Meng Chun wanted to kill her!

Although he doesn't know the ins and outs of the matter, he can also think that this woman is absolutely inseparable from the matter.

"Meng Chun gagged her and tied her up!"


"Please Sixth Cousin please invite Doctor Zhang."

"Hey, hey, I'm going right now."

Seeing He Xiner with disheveled hair and red and swollen eyes, Ye Manliang and Ye Manzhu's eyes widened in disbelief, and they guessed what was about to happen.

Smoke rose from the heads of the two of them.

How dare the Qian family!
"How about the light rain?"

He Xiner said in a hurry, "Don't move her yet, make room for it, so as not to cause the air to not circulate."

"Go get the pills."

The few people were in a hurry, and finally poured a little medicinal juice, spread a quilt on the ground, carefully moved her up, and covered her with another layer of insulation.

"Go and drink some soup to warm up the light rain."

Xiao Yu's face gradually turned gray, her lips were as pale as paper, and her limbs became more and more icy. Seeing that she was dying, everyone wept uncontrollably.

In just two quarters of an hour, a well-behaved person has turned into such an appearance, how can it be embarrassing?
He Xiner wiped the tears all over her face and said hoarsely, "Pour more, the more the better."

(End of this chapter)

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