Chapter 2361

"How can I hear someone crying?"

Before Guan Xiuyuan finished speaking, he realized that the crying came from the Ye family's old house.

Ye Shitian and Ye Laijin changed their faces at the same time, Guan Mingwei even ran away without even thinking about it, and Ye Mancang and Ye Mantun brothers were with him.

Seeing this, Ye Shitian and Ye Laijin also quickened their pace.

Lao Yetou intuitively felt that his eyes were turning black.

That cry was like...

Xin girl!
no, I can not.

How could something happen in broad daylight.

There are many people around her.

"Dad, dad, don't worry..."

"Quick! Quick! Boss quickly help me back."

Brothers Ye Changshou and Ye Changsheng looked at each other, and they both secretly felt that having more money may not be a good thing, but seeing how Ye Dahe's family lives, it is really miserable.

"What's going on? Where's Xin girl? Xin girl, Xin girl!"

After entering the yard, the cries became louder and deafening, and the scalp numbed in shock.

Lao Yetou was in a complete turmoil, but he couldn't see anything, so anxious that he yelled again and again.

Ye Mancang, Guan Mingwei and others were all blocked outside the door of the East Wing, with ugly faces and silent.

"What's going on? Why don't you say something!"

"It's not Xin'er."

Guan Mingwei made a deep sound.

Old Yetou and Ye Laijin breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

It's fine if it's not girl Xin.

"Who happened? What happened?"

Brothers Ye Mancang and Guan Mingwei gave way tacitly. Old Ye Tou and Ye Laijin were about to go in to see what happened when they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

The curtain of the east wing room was pulled away at some point, the door was wide open, and the early spring sunshine illuminated the whole room.

In the bright and warm light, He Xin'er fell to the ground, holding Li Yu with a face of ashes and death, motionless, her eyes were gloomy, absent-minded, revealing a sense of sadness to the point of death.

Tan Pozi, Chi Pozi, Luo Hua, Xiaoju, Xiaotao and Cao Shi all cried out in grief, even Ye Feifeng couldn't help wiping away tears.

Meng Chun stood behind He Xiner with red eyes, preventing any Ye family members from approaching her as an absolute protector.

Doctor Zhang sighed beside him.

"Why is Xin girl here?"

The accident happened in the big room, so Ye Laijin naturally wanted to ask the reason, but this sentence annoyed Meng Chun.

"What do you mean by Mr. Ye's words? Is it because my lady came here uninvited?"

He stared at him with red eyes, his face was hostile and menacing, which was quite different from his usual image.

Both Lao Yetou and Ye Laijin were taken aback, they didn't expect that the usually kind and courteous people suddenly turned their faces.

But Ye Changshou, Ye Changsheng and other old people's hearts were beating wildly in horror, there was a murderous aura on this person.

Brother Ye Mancang and Guan Mingwei all frowned, but no one spoke.

"No, why would I blame girl Xin?"

Now that something like this has happened, it is normal for Meng Chun to vent his anger as a member of the He family. Ye Laijin naturally ignored his attitude and hurriedly explained, "This is the home of girl Xin, and there is no such thing as you said." unsolicited statement."

Meng Chun's face turned pale.

Old Yetou suddenly said loudly, "Mancang, you go to Qian's shop and let Qian Dafa come to pick up your daughter."


Ye Manliang hurriedly raised the curtain in the upper room and shouted, "Don't worry, brother, Man Zhu has already gone to call for someone."

It turned out that Ye Manliang and Ye Manzhu were afraid that Xiao Xuyang would be scared when he saw the deceased, so they took him to the upper room.

But both brothers hated the Qian family, and Xiao Qian was even more annoyed. They wished she would get out of Lao Ye's house quickly, so they couldn't wait for Lao Yetou and others, so Ye Manzhu drove an ox cart to call for someone.

The murderer must pay with his life, and the murderer must not be forgiven lightly, at least he must end up being divorced and abandoned.

Seeing that they were well arranged, Lao Yetou nodded silently, his eyes fell on He Xiner again, and his heart felt like a ball.

This child is affectionate, even Dabai and Erha are very close, let alone the people around him.

Originally, I didn't get out of the matter of the second child, and now I encountered this kind of thing...

This kid must not be depressed.

"Xin girl is sad right now, let's not disturb her..."

(End of this chapter)

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