The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2362 Why don't you cry

Chapter 2362 Why don't you cry

Old Yetou looked at Meng Chun and said, "Let's go to the room to talk about something, and discuss how to deal with it."

Meng Chun stood motionless, like a nail driven deep into the ground, with a straight posture and as tough as iron.

"Could it be that Mrs. Ye is afraid of shame, so he avoids talking about things?"

Old Yetou was so choked that he almost couldn't breathe.

He frowned and scanned around, seeing that Pozi Tan and the others didn't intend to stop, he felt a headache.

The He family's servant died in Lao Ye's house, this matter is probably not good.

"Then tell me here, whoever hurt her, you can just say it, we will never take sides, you should report to the official, and you should pay for your life."

Ye Changshou and Ye Changshou looked at Ye Laijin silently, and seeing that his face was still stern, they knew that he had made up his mind.

That's right, that Little Qian dared to hurt someone's life, so he really couldn't stay.

As the old saying goes, it is only right and proper to kill with one's life, this matter must be explained to the He family.

Furthermore, if the law of the country is at the fore, who dares to cover it up.

It is impossible to fill in the entire Lao Ye family for her.

It's just that once she is convicted of murder, Sheng Boy will no longer be able to take the imperial examination.

Damn thing, if you kill yourself, it's not worth it, but it also implicates the kid, damages his reputation, and ruins his future.

It's not easy for the village to produce a good seedling who studies well. They originally expected him to become an official and win glory for the whole village.

Damn dog thing!

If he had known this before, he shouldn't have interceded with her yesterday and asked Ye Laijin to divorce her.

Just when everyone was secretly crouching, they heard two bang bangs, and there were two more people on the ground, two curled up, wriggling like maggots.

"Qian Jin?"

Ye Laijin frowned.

Lao Yetou's brows twisted into the word Chuan.

Seeing this, Ye Changshou and Ye Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that the person who did it was not Xiaoqian.

"...I was falling asleep at that time, and I hurried over when I heard the movement..."

Meng Chun's words were concise and to the point.

He didn't know why He Xiner's master and servant appeared in the east wing.

"The dog dares to plan on sister Xin'er, I will kill you!"

Meng Chun didn't know the reason, and he spoke briefly. The big guy was half-understood, but he was furious.

The Ye Mancang brothers did not wait for him to finish speaking, and immediately made a move.

The fists fell on Qian Jin and Qian Hua like a torrential rain, and the pain caused the two of them to burst into tears. They kept yelling ho ho ho ho, and within a short while, they were already exhaling more air than inhaling.

"Don't fight, you have to leave them a breath so that you can see the official."

Seeing that the boys were almost beating up, Ye Changshou hurriedly opened his mouth to stop him, so that no more lives could be caused.

The Ye Mancang brothers reluctantly withdrew their hand, although they didn't enjoy themselves, they vented a bit of their anger, and finally felt a little better.

It's just that the good mood is fleeting.

It is He Xiner's state that is too worrying.

Guan Mingwei did not participate in the beating of Qian's family. He kept looking at He Xiner with concern, trying to comfort her but fearing that it would backfire and make her even more sad.

It's really difficult.

He was struggling here, while Ye Mancang slowly entered the room. Seeing this, Meng Chun quickly overtook him, and stood behind He Xiner again, staring at him coldly.

"Don't disturb the lady."

Ye Mancang frowned and said, "I just want to persuade her."

Meng Chun was even more cold, "Whatever you say at this time is nonsense."

Uh, although this statement is choking, but it has to be said that it is indeed the case.

So Ye Mancang withdrew again.

Guan Mingwei frowned even deeper, but he was helpless.

The crying in the room gradually became quieter, Luohua, Xiaoju, and Xiaotao were still weeping, while Mrs. Tan, Mrs. Chi and Mrs. Cao endured the grief in their hearts and began to persuade He Xiner.

"Second girl, let me go. You are also frightened, let Dr. Zhang show you how to take the medicine."

Aunt Cao said warmly with red eyes, "Listen to what Aunt Cao said, go back and rest, leave this place to us..."

"Miss, Wei Yu has already left..."

Before the words were finished, tears had already flowed down.

Mrs. Tan, who just stopped, couldn't help sobbing again.

Luohuaqi Qiran lightly tugged on He Xiner's sleeve, "Miss, miss, why don't you cry."

She would rather He Xiner cry out in pain than to be so dazed, as if her soul had come out of her body, it was too scary.

Meng Chun frowned tightly, twisting into knots.

I really don't know how to explain to the young master.

(End of this chapter)

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