The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2366 What is this example

Chapter 2366 What is this example

Things are right in front of your eyes, what else do you guys not understand.

The truth is that when He Xiner went to the big room, she asked Little Qian about the whereabouts of Wang's relics, but unfortunately, she met Qian Jin and Qian Hua, two beasts.

Everyone knew what happened afterwards. Qian Hua wanted to force He Xiner, but the Savior of the Rain eagerly bit Qian Jin and forced him to scream, but he was strangled to death in despair.

What Qian Dafa said was pure nonsense.

Of course, everyone present would not doubt He Xiner, let alone believe Qian Dafa's nonsense, it's just that the reputation of the girl's family cannot be flawed, and there are quite a lot of people present, so it's hard to say that she didn't have bad intentions , or the shameless booing.

Therefore, Luo Hua must explain the cause and effect clearly, and she will never allow anyone to make disgusting guesses about her young lady.

Meng Chun abruptly pushed back Qian Dafa's chin, "Ahhh—"

Qian Dafa screamed in pain.

Finally, I know what happened to my grandson's screams earlier.

It was so painful.

His face was covered with tears and snot from the pain.

In most of my life, I have never lost such a big person.

He hated him to death, but he didn't dare to provoke Meng Chun anymore.

Even if he didn't have the guts to kill people, so what, this torture method alone can kill people.

"Old dog! What else do you have to say now?"

Meng Chun grabbed Qian Dafa by the lapel of his clothes and lifted him up from the ground, "Daughter steals, son kills, grandson... is not a good person. In short, they will all go to prison, and none of them will escape. ! If you are not convinced, you can try it again and see if I dare to cut your tongue."

Qian Dafa's face flushed from holding back, he was angry and hated, fearful and frightened, he had nothing to say for a while.

However, Xiaoqian quit.

If he is divorced, he may come back through his son, but if he goes to jail, he may lose his life.

After hearing Meng Chun's words, she no longer cared about being afraid, whimpering and rolling on the ground, trying to get rid of the shackles on her body.

This operation finally caught Ye Laijin's attention.

This shameless bitch actually stole the relics of her younger siblings, and even helped that little bastard Qian Hua deal with girl Xin!
"I'll kill you bastard!"

Ye Laijin walked into the house in two or three steps, grabbed the little Qian who was rolling all over the floor and dragged him out directly.

With a bang, she fell to the ground, and then she was kicked up. Xiaoqian groaned in pain, bent into a ball, shaking like chaff.

"Master Meng, don't send this woman to an official..."

Ye Changshou was worried about Ye Xusheng's future, worried that a mother in prison would hinder his way to the imperial examination, so he discussed it with Meng Chun in a gentle voice, saying that it was punishment for the old Ye family to abandon her, so Stop chasing after mistakes.

Stealing is wrong, but the things are also recovered, right? There is no loss left and right, so you can forgive others and forgive others.

Meng Chun casually threw Qian Dafa on the ground, looked at him coldly, and said, "According to the village head, I will stab you first and then rescue you. You are not dead, can it be treated as a Nothing happened?"

Ye Changshou qi knot.

What kind of example is this?
How can anyone make an analogy like this?
Ye Laijin frowned into knots, and Ye Shitian and the others also looked serious.

"The embarrassing thing has completely embarrassed Lao Ye's family. I don't think there is any need to send it to the official. I just beat him to death..."

Old Yetou opened his mouth heavily, and before he could finish speaking, Little Qian was startled. She shook her head crazily, howled sobbingly, and actually spat out the rag from her mouth.

"Don't! Don't! Don't kill me!"

Suddenly able to speak, she froze for a moment, then yelled frantically, "Why do you want to send me to the official? I took something from my own family. What's the matter with the He family?"

Luo Hua said, "If you don't ask, you are a thief."

"Bah! You are the thieves! Ye Xiner... No, He Xiner is the thief! Her surname is no longer Ye, why should she dominate the Ye family's things!
Everything in the second room belongs to Ye's family, and it's all mine!
What happened to my set of jewelry?
Has something to do with your He family? "

Xiaoqian's straightforward words stunned everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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