The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2367 This tea tastes wrong

Chapter 2367 This tea tastes wrong
Luo Hua blushed in anger, "This is Mrs. Ye's relic, and it's my young lady's thought! Besides, this set of masks is originally for the young lady to honor Mrs. Ye, what has it to do with you?
Also, Miss stays at Ye's house to keep filial piety for Master Ye and Mrs. Ye..."

"Bah! That sounds good!"

Xiaoqian's face was full of disdain, "It's fine to fool others, but it can't fool my mother, damn girl... ah—"

Before she finished speaking, she was slapped on the face, and the person who had just got up was thrown to the ground again, and a piece of skin was worn out on the bluestone brick with the palm, blood seeped out, and half a red mark was printed on the ground. palm.

"Ye Laijin! You son of a bitch!"

Xiaoqian's face ached and her hands ached even more. She was furious from the pain, and immediately cursed regardless, "I've had enough of you, you bastard, what else can you do besides beating people..."

"Really? It just so happens that I have had enough of you..."

Ye Laijin was so angry that he wanted to beat her to death.

"Meng Chun."

With a hoarse voice, He Xiner spoke in a deep voice.

Ye Laijin, who was roaring like a lion, immediately silenced, and looked over in surprise, but when his eyes fell on her cold face and the person in her arms, he was suffocated for an instant, and he couldn't be happier.

"What's your order, miss?"

Meng Chun entered the room almost instantly, and the man who was still murderous and ruthless was now meek and courteous, with a very good attitude, as if he was a different person.

It doesn't change so quickly.

"Take a look at the tea on the table. If there is any problem, show it to Dr. Zhang."


Qian Jin just slowed down a bit, and almost jumped up when he heard this, but the feeling of broken ribs was really uncomfortable, he didn't dare to move around, and he couldn't make a sound to stop him, so he could only roll his eyes and worry.

"This tea doesn't taste right."

"It was drugged inside."

Meng Chun and Dr. Zhang quickly came to a conclusion that there was something wrong with the tea.

The crowd was in an uproar.

"Doctor Zhang, do you know what medicine it is?"

Guan Mingwei's eyes were deep and deep, dim and hard to see.

Damn it, it's clear that she has already planned to plot against Xin'er.

Thinking of the previous two waves of thieves all coming towards He Xiner, he felt his teeth itch with hatred.

All the dogs treat Xin'er as fat meat, and they all want to bite a piece of it.


At this moment, he hated himself for being useless, for not being able to protect her well.

His eyes paused for a while on Meng Chun, who was upright and imposing, and then wandered away, feeling quite uncomfortable in his heart.

He studied in vain for many years, but in the end he was not as useful as a martial artist.

"Uh, this medicine..."

Doctor Zhang hesitated to speak.

He Xin'er was expressionless, her voice was still hoarse, "Ever since I entered the house, Qian Jin has been persuading me to drink tea with great enthusiasm, which is completely different from his usual attitude. After I left, the Qian family father and son revealed their true colors..."

She paused, and looked at Xiaoqian with cold eyes, "My aunt personally tied my feet and taught Qian Hua how to behave. If Meng Chun hadn't come in time, I would have been innocent." Save……"

The blue veins on the forehead of Lao Ye's head were throbbing.

Ye Laijin, Ye Shitian, Guan Xiuyuan, Ye Mancang and others were all furious.

He Jiaheng almost crushed his fist outside the house.

But He Hongjin was expressionless, standing there motionless like a sculpture.

"The dog with the surname Qian clearly planned it long ago!"

Ye Mancang screamed angrily.

Guan Mingwei's eyes became deeper and deeper, the darkness was bottomless.

Damn the Qian family!

"Qian Lianhua..."

He Xiner called Xiao Qian's name directly, and she yelled angrily, "Damn girl, it's not too big or small... Uh-"

Based on the principle of not hitting women, Meng Chun suppressed his anger and did not do anything, but Xiao Qian didn't know what to do, and cursed He Xiner again and again. He couldn't bear it anymore, picked up a rag from the ground and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Meng Chun, don't stop her."

He Xiner's calmness made people feel distressed, "I just want to know, what kind of grudge is it that wants to make such a murderous move?"

(End of this chapter)

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