Chapter 2371 It was him
Meng Chun didn't deliberately suppress his voice, so everyone in the yard heard what he said.

"Xin girl!"

Old Yetou cried out impatiently.

Ye Laijin, Ye Shitian, Guan Xiuyuan and the others all looked solemn and hesitated to speak.

They are really reluctant.

Guan Mingwei frowned, and lowered his head slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Go home?"

He Xiner murmured, as if asking rhetorically.

"Yes, go back home."

Meng Chun said firmly, "There are calculations everywhere here, it's really not safe..."


He was about to persuade him again, when he was interrupted by an urgent voice, he was so annoyed that he wanted to do something again, but the other party had already prepared himself, as if he was afraid that he would interrupt the conversation, so he spoke very fast, like Chaodouzi out.

"Girl Xin is already my grandson's, so let's discuss how to get started earlier, so as not to cause gossip, she is the one who is ashamed..."

"The old dog is courting death!"

Meng Chun was furious.

Lao Yetou, Ye Shitian, Ye Laijin, Guan Xiuyuan and the others were all offended by his shamelessness and cursed endlessly.

However, at this time, Qian Dafa was ready to go all out, he didn't care about the scolding of everyone, and he was only wary of Meng Chun.

He hid behind the eldest Ye Hanhe, holding on to his clothes tightly, "Ye Dahe! My Qian family will not let girl Xin be pointed out by others, and I will marry her back tomorrow..."

"Marry your uncle!"

Ye Mancang kicked Qian Hua hard, and cursed, "This son of a bitch is worthy!"

Qian Dafa twitched in distress, but because of Ye Mancang's intimidating aura, he didn't dare to return it.

Meng Chun was afraid of hurting Ye Hanhe, so he had to throw the teacup back.

The old man can't stand the beating, and it's not troublesome enough to rely on him later.

Hmph, old dog surnamed Qian, is it okay if he has a human shield?

He sneered contemptuously, and was about to pack up the money.

At this time, Xiaoqian, who thought she was safe and sound, gloated and watched the excitement, "Ye Xiner has been kissed and touched by Hua Zi, who will marry him..."

"I'll kill you idiot!"

Ye Laijin was furious, "Girl Xin is the one Xu Sheng wants to marry! You vicious bastard is not only black-hearted, but also blind..."

Originally, when He Jiaheng heard Xiaoqian's words, his face turned green with anger, and he rushed in regardless of his father's obstruction.

But the next moment, he stopped, his eyes widened in surprise.

Brother Ye and Fourth Sister?
Aren't they siblings?
Not only He Jiaheng was hit by the sudden big melon, Ye Shitian, Guan Xiuyuan, Ye Mancang, Ye Hanhe, Ye Changshou and others were all stunned.

Boy Sheng and Girl Xin?
And Guan Mingwei was struck by lightning.

They are real!
Sure enough, it is true.

Finally confirming the guess in his heart, his heart felt like a torn pain.

Tan Pozi, Chi Pozi and Luo Hua were all dumbfounded.

Miss and Young Master Ye?
Then this Mrs. Ye...?
Everyone had different thoughts, but they were equally surprised, especially Xiaoqian.

She was so angry at being scolded, she subconsciously wanted to scold back, but she was shocked by the news, and she was overjoyed immediately, "Oh, are you stupid, you didn't say such a big thing sooner..."

Xiaoqian complained casually, left Ye Laijin aside, and shouted towards the east wing with a blushing face, "Xin girl, daughter-in-law! Don't worry, I won't sue Xusheng..."

He Hongjin listened to the corner for a long time and learned a lot about Lao Ye's family.

And what surprised him the most was this.

Two people who grew up together?
They are cousins, why?
He Hongjin frowned, and suddenly thought of something.

Just say that the second child is as stupid as a pig, how could he find out about Jia Ming's background, it turned out to be him!
He Hongjin clenched his fists tightly.

That Ming's legs...

Thinking of the scene when Ye Xusheng came to the door and asked him for He Jiaming, his chest heaved violently.

If the hair is not fully grown yet, it will count people.

(End of this chapter)

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