Chapter 2372 What does he think

At this time, Xiaoqian was extremely proud.

The niece in the next room is not easy to deal with, but the daughter-in-law of the direct relative is not allowed to rub her flat and round.

No matter what kind of Miss He family she is, she has to obediently set rules for her.

In this world, if a mother-in-law wants to train her daughter-in-law, there are many ways.

Well, the first thing to do is to collect her dowry and hold it in my own hands.

And this group of dog slaves also need to set up rules so that they know who is in charge of this family.

and also……

The more Xiaoqian thought about it, the more beautiful she became, until her beauty was bubbling.

"The dog slave still doesn't let me go! I'm your master's mother-in-law!"

As soon as she was proud, she couldn't help shivering, and yelled arrogantly, "The dog who doesn't wink is really eating the heart of a bear..."

Qian Dafa only stayed there for a moment, while Xiao Qian already regarded himself as He Xiner's mother-in-law, and he was so angry that smoke rose from his head.

I knew I couldn't count on this bastard thing!

"Stop arguing! Don't be afraid of being laughed at!"

With a dark face, he reprimanded Xiaoqian loudly, "Xin girl has already had a physical relationship with Huazi, it is impossible to marry someone else..."


Xiaoqian got mixed up and even scolded her own father, "That coward Huazi doesn't even dare to tear off his clothes, how can he get skin-to-skin relatives?"

"You, you bastard!"

Qian was so angry that he trembled all over.

And Xiao Qian's was triumphant.

No one can take her daughter-in-law away.

Unexpectedly, Qian Jin suddenly said loudly, "Damn! Qian Lianhua, did you forget whose idea it was to give girl Xin the love potion?"

Xiaoqian yelled like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, "Didn't you instigate it?"

"Hmph, it sounds like you are so innocent! I ask you, which shameless thing is it that begs me and dad for help, and wants to drive away girl Xin?"

Qian Jin watched Xiaoqian's hair blowing coldly, but he couldn't do anything about him, so he felt very happy.

"Hey, you told Xu Sheng to know that you paid for the love potion, what would he think?"

"you shut up!"


The Qian brothers and sisters exposed each other's faults and exposed their dirty thoughts to the sun, which made everyone feel chilled.

There are such despicable people in the world!

Ye Laijin stood motionless with a sullen face.

It's a black-hearted thing, if you hit her, you will dirty your hands.

So, he seriously thought about how to clean up the Qian family thoroughly.

If he could, he wished he could burn the entire family to the ground.

But it can't. .

The sons and daughters are still young, and the father is old, he can't put himself in for a bunch of scumbags.

However, he is not good at calculating, and he has never done anything behind the scenes. How can he have any good ideas at this moment.

But he was so pissed off, his forehead was so bulging that it was about to explode.

Old Yetou's eyes were as if flames were rising, and they were astonishingly red. He clenched his fists tightly, and managed not to lose control.

Anyone with the surname Qian should be damned!

All be damned!

Ye Mancang, Guan Mingwei and the rest of the younger generation were furious, wishing they could kill everyone surnamed Qian on the spot.

Meng Chun was even more murderous.

He will not let any of these scumbags go.

"Xin girl, Xin girl, don't listen to this bastard's nonsense..."

Xiaoqian was furious, the front teeth of the dead thing were blown off, and yet he could still yell so loudly, without dew, what a fucking evil way.

The same is true of that dog servant Meng Chun, can't you just remove his chin, lest he squirt feces from his mouth and stink to death.

"It's all his fault today!..."

She tried her best to disentangle the relationship, saying that she was only instigated by the villain, and she was fooled by lard for a while.

"Bah! It's obvious that you are thinking about the property left by Ye Laiyin, and you overheard that your uncle is going to give all the proceeds from their second room to girl Xin. You can't get angry, so you want to get rid of her..."

"Shut up! Shut up for my old lady!"

Little Qian wanted to strangle Qian Jin to death.

It's just that she was tied up and couldn't use her strength. She could only scream at a high pitch, but she still couldn't suppress the other party's voice.

(End of this chapter)

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