The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2373 What are you talking about

Chapter 2373 What are you talking about

"Xin girl!"

Qian Jin cast a sneering glance at Little Qian, then suddenly turned his head and shouted at the East Wing, "I tell you, don't believe what this stinky bitch says, she killed you in order to occupy your parents' money." Xin, I want to buy a bag of poison to kill you!"

"Ah--Qian Jin! You bastard! You promised me not to tell!"

"Hmph, you are a vicious bastard, if I don't stop you, you will harm others, and you will still daydream about becoming a mother-in-law, no way!"

The two brothers and sisters quarreled upside down, and they couldn't leave each other.

On the other hand, He Xiner had a blank expression, indifferent.

But Tan Pozi, Chi Pozi, and Luo Hua were so angry that their heads were smoking.

Why doesn't this poisonous woman die!
Qian Dafa looked at the black-faced old Yetou, and said loudly, "Dahe, Lianhua was not like this before, why is he now..."

Old Yetou almost pouted out of anger, "Hmph, I think she is really bad from the root!"

Qian Dafa didn't care, "Oh, it's too late to say anything now, she can't change it."

He shook his head and sighed, "As far as what she did, I don't have the face to speak for her anymore. If you want to retire, you can retire, and if you want to be sent to an official, I don't care."

Old Yetou didn't even give him a look, but looked at He Xiner worriedly.

This girl originally blamed Xu Sheng because of her second child, but now that this kind of thing happened to her again, she might be...

Qian Dafa didn't care whether he listened or not, he still talked to himself, "What happened today was instigated by Lianhua, and Huazi really cared about the girl Xin from the bottom of his heart, so he couldn't help it...

But for the sake of Xin girl's reputation, the two of them must get married as soon as possible. "


Qian Dafa was not annoyed, and continued, "Your old Ye family is well-known now, and girl Xin is even more famous. There is no one in this town who doesn't know her, so you are not afraid of her being talked about behind her back. ?"

"What are you talking about?"


"Little Meng Chun has met the Eldest Master and Eldest Young Master."

"The old slave (servant) has met the Eldest Master and Eldest Young Master."

Everyone in the He family almost cheered.

Great, the Eldest Master and Eldest Young Master are here.

Finally someone can call the shots for Miss.

The sudden appearance of He Hongjin, He Jiaheng and a group of nurses surprised everyone present.

Qian Dafa suddenly felt bad.

A dog servant of the He family is already difficult to deal with, but now a group of them suddenly came, not to mention the Patriarch of the He family, what to do.

"Fourth sister, are you okay?"

He Hongjin stood solemnly and imposingly, and behind him was a row of men dressed in bunts. They were all tall, strong and sturdy, and their eyes were regular, and they were cold. The battle was really oppressive.

The people who were still in a mess, subconsciously silenced, and all looked at the unexpected guest with eyes full of vigilance.

So He Jiaheng's words of comfort to He Xiner reached everyone's ears more clearly.

"Fourth sister, you have been wronged..."

"It's all the big brother's fault, I didn't send more people to protect you..."

"My father and I are here to pick you up, let's go home..."

"Leave the girl's funeral to the eldest brother, and he will definitely arrange it properly. You just need to rest assured."

"Hey, let her go first..."

He Xiner didn't look at him in a daze, but her eyes gradually blurred.

"Brother, Wei Yu is dead."

With a slightly hoarse voice, she choked up and said, "Brother, Xiao Yu died, and was killed by them."

He Jiaheng, who never shed tears, immediately blushed, "Don't worry, fourth sister, elder brother will definitely avenge her."

The steady, introverted, gentle and dignified young master of the He family was as gentle as water when facing his sister, but his face sank the moment he turned his head.

He looked at Qian Jin and his son coldly, "It's only right and proper to kill someone! What are you waiting for, Meng Chun? Send him to the police."

"Yes, young master."

Meng Chun had long wanted to take the Qian family to the county government office, but she was worried about He Xiner, so she wanted to persuade her to leave together.

A few beasts are not qualified to ride in a carriage, they can only run along.

Therefore, it will not delay his lady.

As for Wei Yu, she can be placed in the second room temporarily, with Mama Tan and Mama Chi taking care of her. When he goes back and calls for someone, it's not too late to arrange her funeral.

But now he doesn't have to worry about these things.

With the young master around, he just listened to his orders.

(End of this chapter)

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