Chapter 2374

"Hey, hey, in-laws, in-laws..."

Qian Jin watched Meng Chun striding towards him, his hair stood on end in fright, and he yelled recklessly in desperation.

"Don't mind! It's just a servant. If you kill him, you'll kill him. Just buy another one.

We can't make a fuss over this, girl Xin is going to marry into Qian's family... woo woo—"

Before he finished speaking, Meng Chun gagged him, and the veins on his forehead burst out of anxiety, but there was nothing he could do.

He Hongjin gave him a wink, and immediately two men came out to help, one dragged Qian Hua, the other dragged Xiao Qian, and followed Meng Chun to the backyard.

"Grandpa! Save me, save me! Huh——"

"Dog slave, let me go, let me go!"

Seeing that Qian Hua was also gagged, Little Qian shook her head desperately to prevent her from being gagged.

"Damn girl, don't hesitate to tell them to stop! Do you still want to marry Xu Sheng? My son will be the number one scholar in the future, and even the daughter of the prime minister's family can marry it. It's your luck to have a crush on you..."

The man holding her was already dark, but now his face is even darker.

At this level, still being the fourth young lady is courting death.

He couldn't find a suitable thing to stop Xiaoqian's mouth for a while, so he was annoyed and knocked him unconscious with a hand knife.

This time the roots of the ears were finally quiet.

Qian Dafa's heart trembled when he saw it.

This man is more fierce than Meng Chun.

He looked at Ye Laijin fiercely, "No matter how bad Lianhua is, she is also the mother of your three children. Do you just watch her being bullied like this?"

Ye Laijin ignored him.

It's not bad that he didn't do it himself.

Seeing that he was indifferent and didn't even give him a look, Qian Da got so angry that he wanted to punch him.

But dare not waste time.

He was in a hurry, if he dawdled for a while, his son and grandson would be sent to the government.

Originally, he wanted Ye's family to come forward to stop him, but now he doesn't expect it.

Gou Dong doesn't even care about his own wife, how can he help his son and grandson.

So he couldn't care less about his fear, and was about to jump on He Hongjin in a panic, but was stopped three steps away.

"Master He is merciful, for the sake of girl Xin, just let them go..."

"For the sake of girl Xin?"

He Hongjin said coldly, "Your family teamed up to plot against her and bully her. In the end, you still have the face to beg for mercy and use her name. Do you think my He family is dead?"

Qian Dafa was suppressed by his powerful aura, and choked by his words, his face burned, and he felt a little frightened.

But now that his children and grandchildren have been driven into a desperate situation, he has no choice but to go all out. The only way to go is to kill He Xiner and not let go.

As long as they rely on this marriage, their old Qian's family will prosper.

And this matter can be resolved now.

It's not a disadvantage for his grandson to control this kind of thing.

But girls can't do it, as long as there is a bad word spread, the reputation will be completely ruined.

"Anyway, it's a fact that girl Xin and Huazi have a physical relationship..."


"Yes, sir!"

An iron tower seemed to be a man who answered in a low voice, and then rushed towards Qian Dafa.

Qian Dafa was shocked by his aura, his legs softened into noodles, "You, what are you going to do?"

In most of his life, he has never been so afraid as at this moment, and the hairs on his body are standing on end.

"Let go, let me go! Why catch me? I didn't do anything!"

"did nothing?"

He Hongjin snorted coldly.

"Slandering others is also a serious crime, let alone..."

His gaze swept away from the faces of old Ye Tou and Ye Laijin, and finally fell on Qian Dafa, "I, the fourth daughter of He's family, has already engaged with the fifth son of Yongchang uncle's mansion in Fucheng, how dare you slander uncle?" Master Fu's fiancée is really impatient."

He waved his hand, and He Da immediately took Qian Dafa away, and he didn't know what method he used, Qian Dafa couldn't make a sound again.

The most noisy Qian family was finally cleared away, but everyone present did not feel relieved.

He Hongjin's words were like cold water dripping into a boiling oil pan, which immediately blew up the pan and stunned everyone present.

Guan Mingwei's heart was throbbing with pain, the needle was pricked, and he couldn't breathe freely due to the pain.

Guan Xiuyuan looked at the knowing son Moruo father rather worriedly, seeing his pale face and furrowed brows, he couldn't help but secretly sighed.

Old Yetou, Ye Laijin, Ye Shitian, Ye Mancang and others all changed their faces.

"When did girl Xin get married? Why don't we know?"

(End of this chapter)

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