Chapter 2379 Can't Go Back
Seeing that He Jiaheng stopped suddenly, frowning as if thinking, Lao Yetou's eyes became deeper and colder, and his heart sank to the bottom.

It may not be easy to see girl Xin again in the future.

How can this be good?

If nothing happened today, with her temperament, even if He Hongjin came to pick her up in person, she would not leave.

He Hongjin didn't take advantage of their bargaining chips.

But the dog surnamed Qian acted as a demon, which made Xin girl heartbroken, and she left without any regrets, and they had no face to stop her.

Thinking of this, Lao Yetou gritted his teeth with hatred.

Damn everything with the surname Qian Saogou!
But right now is not the time to settle accounts with them, the grandson will be back soon, and seeing that girl Xin is not there by then, it is appointed to ask.

But what to ask him to explain is good.

Lao Yetou tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, his mind was running fast, the more he thought about it, the more he thought about it, the more he thought about it, he felt that his luck was bad and everything was not going well.

But it can't be all blamed on the way of luck, it is obviously made by people.

His chest became more and more congested.

However, Ye Laijin didn't think much about it. He Jiaheng said that the marriage between He Xiner and Nan Gonghan could not be settled for a while. He immediately lifted his spirits and felt that his son still had great hope.

But thinking of the big gap between my family and the uncle's mansion in that prefecture city, I felt wronged by He Xiner, and said with emotion, "It's a pity that Xu Sheng can't take scientific examinations because he has to keep his filial piety..."

As soon as the words came out, he felt something was wrong, and quickly explained, "Dad, don't get me wrong, what I mean is, if Xu Sheng has fame and fame, Xin girl's face will also be bright, so as not to be ridiculed for her lack of vision, good uncle's house No son, pick a country boy."

From what I said, it seems that the two of them have become friends.

Old Yetou secretly sighed.

How can it be that simple.

He Hongjin treats He Jiaming with the same heart as his second child treats Xin, how could he give up on him so easily?
Although girl Xin is his own flesh and blood, she didn't grow up by his side after all, and she is far worse than He Jiaming in terms of affection.

For He Jiaming, using girl Xin to threaten them, he would definitely do such a thing.

Old Yetou closed his eyes, silently engaging in a battle between man and god in his mind.

On one end is the blood feud between Ye Laiyin and his wife, and on the other end is Ye Xusheng and He Xiner.

He has lived for decades and has never made such a difficult decision.

He was unwilling to avenge his son's revenge.

It is conceivable that a pair of people who are like a golden boy and a jade girl will never see each other again in this life.

His heart couldn't help the tingling.

It's all his fault!
If you didn't covet the 50 taels of silver back then, where would these things come from?
If possible, he really wanted to go back to the past and make a new choice.

If he is no longer greedy, can the whole family live together neatly?
It doesn't matter if he is poor or bitter, as long as his family is well.

The faces of Ye Laiyin, Wang Shi, Ye Laicai and Ye Guihua floated before his eyes one by one, and the old Yetou felt sad and couldn't help crying.

Can not go back!

Never go back.

The third child is gone, the sweet-scented osmanthus is gone, and the second child is gone. There is only one big house left in this family.

Old Yetou thought sadly that his little grandson was born with a disease in his mother's womb. Fortunately, he was discovered early and used a lot of money to make him what he is today.

Outsiders can't see anything if they don't have much contact with it, but they know it themselves. I'm afraid that the child will never grow up, and will always be a child's mind.

The only hope of this family is the grandson.

He can't have an accident!

Forget it, forget it, if the He family wants He Jiaming, they will give it to him.

As long as he behaves honestly and doesn't provoke Lao Ye's family, he will treat himself as if there is no such person in this world.

The second child has already left, and even if he is killed, he will not come back, but the living must live on.

For the sake of Xu Sheng and Xin girl, he didn't have to avenge this bloody feud.

As long as the two of them are doing well, and in a few years, they will add a few white and fat great-grandchildren to him, and the family will live in harmony and beauty, all of this will be worth it.

Anyway, that beast is also the blood of the Ye family, so let him live.

But there is one thing that must be made clear to He Hongjin, if the person returned it to him, then forget it.

The Ye family has nothing to do with the He family, and girl Xin has nothing to do with them.

From now on, everyone will not interfere with the water of the well, and will not violate the water again.

(End of this chapter)

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