Chapter 2380 Unreasonable
Old Yetou thought about everything before and after, and felt that nothing was wrong, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally made up his mind, he felt much more at ease.

He just waited for his grandson to come back, communicated with him, and discussed how to negotiate terms with He Hongjin.

But he didn't tell Ye Laijin about it.

My son has a solid eye, he can't think of these twists and turns, so it's worth not mentioning it, so as not to be entangled and uncomfortable.

In the dark night, Lao Yetou lay on the kang and tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

In the end is unwilling!

But now that this step has been reached, nothing can happen to Lao Ye's family.

As long as the family can live in peace and security, those hatreds can only be temporarily put aside.

Yes, temporarily.

Old Yetou suddenly sat up, thumping his chest, and after a long while, Fang felt that his breath was a little smoother.

He family!

His eyes were red, and he stared hatefully ahead.

One day, he will trample the He family under his feet!
The eldest grandson is both civil and military, and he is sure to be able to become an official. The girl Xin is smart and good at making money. With them, the old Ye family will be able to make a fortune just around the corner.

Until then, why worry about revenge?

Call ~
Old Yetou exhaled a long, sullen breath.

Now I can finally sleep well.

Early the next morning, after discussing with his son, Ye Mancang sent brothers Ye Mancang to Qian's shop to deliver the divorce letter.

Also to inquire about news.

Qian Dafa, his son, and grandson were all taken away, but the Qian family didn't even move.


Could it be another bad idea.

Qian's family is a dog from top to bottom, who loves to take advantage of the autumn wind, and also likes to plot people behind their backs.

If it's something else, it's fine, their old Ye family has nothing to fear.

He was worried that that bastard would ruin He Xiner's reputation.

So be on your guard.

Ye Mancang had been annoyed with the Qian family for a long time, secretly trying to figure out how to clean up the litter of dogs, but unfortunately he was good at fighting, but he was not good at scheming people.

I can't think of a good idea for a while.

He was happy when he got such a job.

See how he pissed off those dogs!
So, he yelled all his brothers, not forgetting to bring Daha and Erha, and then set off in an ox cart with vigor.

As soon as he turned out of the alley, he ran into Guan Mingwei, who immediately said he would go.

Then the compartment got more crowded.

Ye Mantun and the others don't care, just squeeze as much as you can, as long as there is excitement.

When the group arrived at Qian's shop, the sun had just climbed over the treetops.

At this time, the Qian family was in a mess.

Mrs. Jiang from the big house was crying and making noises, clamoring for her in-laws to go to Lao Ye's house to ask for someone. After being rejected by Qian Dafa, she cried and howled even more, making the whole family feel uneasy.

Mrs. Huang, who was in the second room, had nothing to do, so she gloated and said a few sarcastic remarks, which could be regarded as a hornet's nest.

Annoyed, she didn't know what to do, and almost plucked Huang's hair. The pain made Huang go crazy, and screamed desperately, which attracted neighbors to come to see the scene.

Qian Dafa patted the head of the kang with a livid face and shouted, "Stop it! I'm not dead yet, and you all want to go against the sky!"

He had nothing to do with Wei Yu's murder, and the crime he committed was not serious. After the county magistrate ordered him to be beaten twenty times, he was released on the spot.

However, he was wounded all over his body, and when he finally got home, it was already late at night, and the whole family was asleep.

It was only in the early morning that Jiang knew what had happened.

She thought that Qian Hua had won and was left behind by Lao Ye's family.

She was also elated and wanted to show off to her sister-in-law, but when she suddenly learned that her husband and sons had all been sent to prison, it was like a bolt from the blue.

"Oh, I'm dead! I can't live this day!"

Sitting on the ground, Jiang patted her thigh and howled, "Forget about forcing me to death!"

Qian Dafa was so angry that the top of his head was smoking, and it was not easy to scold his daughter-in-law, so he could only yell at old Cui, "Don't drag him back to the house!"

(End of this chapter)

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