Chapter 2381 Ye Family Comes

Old Cui frowned and said, "If Boss and Huazi don't come back, she won't stop for a day. I think you should find a way to rescue her."

Qian Da lost his temper.

When he doesn't want to save people!

That was his own son, his own grandson, or the most valued eldest son and eldest grandson.

Could it be that he is willing to see them suffer?

But he is an old farmer with no money or power, how can he fight the He family?
As for Lao Ye's family...

Forget it.

That old boy Ye Dahe just watched the excitement.

"Go quickly, drag the person away first! Don't let people see the joke."

Old Cui muttered reluctantly, and walked out of the room slowly.

Qian Dafa's face became more and more ugly.

What's the use of this old thing, even the daughter-in-law can't hold it back.

After a while, old Cui's voice came from outside. She directed Sanfang Hu and Sifang Xue to pull apart Jiang and Huang who were entangled again. I don't know what she said in a low voice What, Mrs. Jiang finally stopped howling, and Mrs. Huang also stopped for a while.

Qian Dafa was quite surprised.

I didn't expect the old lady to be so capable.

No matter what happened, the roots of his ears were finally cleared up, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief, lay down again, and silently calculated how to trick Lao Ye's family ruthlessly.

He didn't have the guts to deal with the He family, but the old Ye family had nothing to be afraid of.

Now, old Qian's family and Lao Ye's family have turned against each other, no matter how bad they are, that's all. He has nothing to worry about.

So what if they are overcast.

That old bastard Ye Dahe still dares to kill people.

Just when Qian Dafa was racking his brains to think of how to do something wrong, he suddenly heard that there was a pot of fire outside, and they all started shouting and chaotic.

Just as he was thinking of something important, he was interrupted, making him grind his teeth angrily.

His face darkened, and he was about to get angry. Old Cui's screams came from the yard, "Why should I divorce my daughter! She has worked so hard to raise children for Lao Ye's family. She is the eldest daughter of Lao Ye's family." Hero..."

The Ye family is here.

Still here to send a letter of divorce.

Thinking that everyone in the neighborhood was there, and they all witnessed the scene of Lao Ye's family handing over the letter of divorce, Qian Dafa was so angry that the top of his head was smoking.

Old Ye's family must have done it on purpose!

intentionally embarrass them.

But it was intentional.

Jiang's wailing was really loud, Ye Mancang brothers and Guan Mingwei listened outside Qian's house, probably knew what was going on, and they were all angry.

So he was not polite, and directly handed the letter of divorce to old Cui in front of the crowd watching the excitement in the yard.

Lao Cui didn't know about the fact that Lao Ye's family wanted to divorce Xiaoqian.

Yesterday Qian Dafa was beaten [-] times. He was in so much pain that he cried for his father and mother, wishing he hadn't passed out and felt better.

After being thrown on the street by the yamen, he didn't get up for a long time.

Still worrying about the long distance and not being able to make it back at night, I would freeze to death alive in this early spring night, so I gritted my teeth and insisted on getting up, and limped out of the city.

He was reluctant to rent an ox cart, so he had to rely on two legs to drive, and his body was injured, so he walked very slowly. After walking for a long time, he finally arrived at Pingning Town after sunset.

He was so tired and hungry that he could barely hold on.

If it wasn't for the fear of losing his life in the middle of the road, he would have fallen to the ground regardless.

But he was afraid of death after all, he didn't dare to stop and rest, he insisted on holding his breath.

After returning home, he asked Mrs. Cui to cook muddled porridge for him, drank two bowls warmly, then closed his eyes and fell asleep.

After sleeping until dawn, he didn't have time to tell his sons what happened yesterday in detail. Mrs. Jiang knew he was at home and asked about Qian Jin and Qian Hua but they were at Lao Ye's house. The He family was sent to the cell.

From the beginning to the end, there was no mention of Little Qian's.

So old Cui didn't know that her daughter was also in jail.

Suddenly hearing that Ye Laijin was going to divorce his wife, she couldn't accept it anymore, and screamed angrily, "Back then, old Ye's family was so poor that they couldn't even offer a gift from the matchmaker. His niece is his daughter-in-law.

The words are better than the songs. What did Lianhua marry in the past, she is the eldest daughter-in-law, and she will inherit the family property in the future...

I bother!

At that time, what else did Lao Ye's family have besides a few acres of Susukida and a few shabby houses?
We saw that her life was difficult and she couldn't marry a daughter-in-law, so we wanted to help her, so we promised our daughter to her son, not because we were greedy for her things.

Lianhua entered Lao Ye's family, and in the second year, they gave birth to their eldest grandson. Later, they were daughters and sons, who opened branches and leaves for their Lao Ye family, but they were heroes.

Now that the old Ye family has become rich and rich, Ye Laijin, that bastard bastard, is playing tricks and despises her for being a yellow-faced woman..."

(End of this chapter)

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