The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 256 Let's Talk Seriously

Chapter 256 Let's Talk Seriously
In the bright morning, the warm sunshine covers all directions of the earth, and the autumn wind blows gently on the cheeks, bringing a little coolness, which makes people feel refreshed.

In the spacious and clean street, a thin young man led three handsome young girls, talking and laughing as they walked, it was so lively~
It wasn't until she smelled a strong smell of Chinese herbal medicine that He Xiner came back to her senses, "Ah, we're here."

Ye Xusheng was looking up at the tablet "Rejuvenation Hall" above the door, turned his head and chuckled, "Yes, let's go in!"

"Wait, big cousin, I'm a little scared."

He Xiner was also a little nervous, before saying anything, Ye Yuanyuan grabbed Ye Xusheng's sleeve first, with a bitter face, "Wait for me to take it easy."

Guan Cuizhi also patted her chest, and whispered, "I'm a little scared too, why don't we go find my father!"

Seeing the two of them frowning, He Xiner couldn't help but want to laugh, but she didn't feel nervous anymore, and said under her breath, "We're not here to grab money, what are we afraid of?"

"Having said that, my heart is always beating."

Ye Yuanyuan frowned, extremely nervous.

Nodding, Guan Cuizhi continued to suggest, "It's still early, let's find my father first, okay?"

He Xiner felt that it was unnecessary, and she was too embarrassed to refuse her friend's kindness, so she looked at Ye Xusheng with a questioning expression, "Brother Hall, what do you think?"

Ye Xusheng coughed lightly, and said in a deep voice, "At this hour, Uncle Guan might be busy. Besides, what about the four of us, what are we afraid of? We are here to talk about things seriously, not to cause trouble."

Ye Yuanyuan looked at Guan Cuizhi, Guan Cuizhi looked at He Xiner, He Xiner finally couldn't help laughing, "Brother Hall is right, where are the four of us, what are we afraid of?
Besides, this is the business of the three of us. We have done so much before, how can we retreat when we reach the most critical step?Let's show the grown-ups that we can do it! "

"Yes, yes, this last shiver is all that's left, don't be afraid!"

Rubbing her hands together, Ye Yuanyuan raised her head and straightened her chest, speaking with a certain momentum.

The words of the two made Guan Cuizhi bloody, "Yes, after making money, will my parents still make fun of me?"

"Well, let's go in."

So, the three of them raised their heads and chests at the same time, looked at each other and nodded.

Ye Xusheng on the side pursed his lips. Why did the three of them look as if they were about to go to war?

Ye Xusheng was in the front, and the three girls were in the back. They walked into Huichun Hall. The medicine boy in the shop immediately went up and asked, "Are you going to see a doctor or take medicine?"

Ye Xusheng turned his head to look at He Xiner. He Xiner was looking for Doctor Dou everywhere, but he didn't see anyone, so he asked with a smile, "Has Doctor Dou come yet? We're here to find his old man."

Yaotong froze for a moment, then said, "Doctor Dou is in the backyard, please wait a moment."

"sorry to bother you"

"No trouble"

The drug boy went to the backyard to find someone, and several people were lying on the counter looking at the big medicine cabinet. Ye Yuanyuan sighed, "There are so many medicines in it!"

Guan Cuizhi also said, "Yes, the doctor is really amazing, he can know so many medicinal materials!"

He Xiner agreed with a full face, "Yes, the doctor is amazing!"

After finishing speaking, he sighed faintly, "It would be great if we could dig up ginseng, that would be valuable!"

Ye Xusheng wanted to laugh a little, this kid is really looking for money~
"Haha, who wants to dig ginseng?"

Doctor Dou with a white beard happened to hear what He Xiner said, and burst out laughing.

"Hello Doctor Dou"

He Xiner quickly stood up solemnly, and greeted her with a smile.

Doctor Dou smiled all over his face and looked at her amiably, "Well, are you here again?"

"Doctor Dou, let me introduce to you, this is my lobby brother named Ye Xusheng, and these are my two good friends named Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi."

Several people rushed to say hello "Doctor Dou"

Doctor Dou knew people well, so he had a set of skills in judging people. He saw a few people, all of them had bright, pure and clear eyes. They nodded secretly, and said with a smile, "Well, they are all good boys."

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(End of this chapter)

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