Chapter 257 Is a Smart Child

After saying hello, it is natural to talk about business.Ye Xusheng made a bow, "We are here today to sell black goji berries, and we have to trouble Dr. Dou to hold his eyes."

"Oh, follow me to the backyard."

"Well, Doctor Dou will go ahead."

The three little girls followed quietly. Doctor Dou led them out through the back door of the pharmacy, passed a large yard, and entered the main room in the backyard, saying, "Sit down."

The living room is not very big. There are two armchairs on the top and four armchairs on the left and right below.

There are several small bonsai on the multi-treasure stand, which are so green and seductive.

He Xiner and Ye Xusheng sat on the two armchairs to the east, Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi sat on the two armchairs to the west.

Ye Xusheng bent down and took out the baggage from the back basket, and said with a smile, "We are young and inexperienced, so we didn't dare to pick too much. After drying, we only got these."

Doctor Dou nodded, "It's better to be more cautious. Besides, it takes ten catties of fresh fruit to get one catty of dried fruit, which is not a lot."

"Oh, if Doctor Dou doesn't say anything, we don't know yet."

"That's right, I said how the fruits of the three-carrying basket can only be so little in the end, so that's the reason."

Both Ye Yuanyuan and He Xiner couldn't help discussing, and Doctor Dou nodded with a smile, "I will count them in the future."

"Well, Doctor Xie Dou!"

Ye Xusheng put the burden on the table in front of Doctor Dou with both hands, slowly untied it, and smiled lightly, "You always have a look, how is the condition?"

As he lifted a corner of the bag, the black goji berries inside were exposed, Doctor Dou first said, "It's not bad."

He Xiner and the others breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and looked at each other, and sat quietly.

Dr. Dou stretched out his hand and turned it over lightly first, then nodded, "Very good, neither damp nor too dry."

As he spoke, he grabbed a small handful and put it on his nose to smell it, nodding frequently, "The taste is also good."

Putting down the one in his hand, he shouted to the outside, "Bring a bamboo sieve!"

Only someone outside agreed, and after a while, a little medicine boy came in with a fine bamboo sieve, "Doctor Dou, what's the use?"

"Pour these black goji berries over and spread them out evenly."


Together with Xiao Tong, Ye Xusheng poured all the black wolfberries into the bamboo sieve and spread them out gently.

Doctor Dou said, "Go outside and have a look."

"it is good"

Ye Xusheng and Xiaotong carried the sieve out together. It wasn't that the thing was heavy, but the sieve was round and difficult to hold. Ye Xusheng was afraid that he would spill the fruit if he became unsteady.

The three of He Xiner also followed out, and they didn't go far, they stood at the door, Ye Xusheng and the other two didn't put it down, it was more convenient to show Doctor Dou.

Doctor Dou flipped through it with his hands, and said with a smile, "It's rare! Did the adults in the family dry it with you?"

He Xiner said crisply, "Your Excellency is busy with other things. The big brother also wants to study. This is what the three of us did."

"Yeah, I said a few words casually, but you have memorized them all, you are a smart boy"

"Doctor Dou means that the fruit is well dried?"

"Not only is it good, it's quite good, haha~"

Doctor Dou smiled brightly, and the girls looked at each other and smiled with joy. Ye Xusheng also had eyes full of smiles, which was recognized by Doctor Dou, which showed that their hard work was not in vain.

"Laughter can be heard outside the yard, what is there to be happy about?"

When several people heard the voice, they all looked up, only to see a middle-aged uncle walking in with a smile on his face.

"Haha, let's take a look, how are these black goji berries?"

Seeing the half-grown children, Shopkeeper Zhao was a little surprised. After listening to Doctor Dou's words, he didn't bother to ask, and first set his sights on the black goji berries in the bamboo sieve.

(End of this chapter)

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