The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2591 How to make it like this

Chapter 2591 How to make it like this
According to Nangong Yaoting's thinking, it would be better to hold the marriage of the aunt's son after moving to the capital, and then it will be a grand event for them, just to take this opportunity to walk around with various bigwigs in the capital .

With the big Buddha of Prince Ding on the left and right, he is not afraid of the shabby scene.

Those people in the capital are all monkeys and monkeys, and if there is any disturbance, they will go to the bottom of it to find out what kind of wind is blowing.

In order not to go against the wind and fall behind.

And such a major event as Prince Ding's rebirth naturally attracts more attention, and he must find out all the background of his in-laws before he can rest assured.

I'm afraid that the ancestral genealogy of their Nangong family will be memorized backwards, better than him himself.

Therefore, instead of looking at the monk's face and looking at the Buddha's face, the Nangong family held a happy event, and those monkey-savvy and monkey-savvy dignitaries from all walks of life would attend in person even for the sake of the prince.

At that time, Yongchang Bo's Mansion will become famous in one fell swoop and cause a sensation in the entire capital.

Ahhh, just thinking about that scene is exciting.

Nangong Yaoting was full of ambition.

Uncle Yongchang's mansion was forced to leave Beijing back then, and he stayed in this small place for decades, and he also suffered for decades. It has been long enough, and now he should feel proud.

He was in a daze for a moment, and he couldn't be happier before he had even written his horoscope. His eyes, which were not big at first, were narrowed into slits, but they were surprisingly bright. wretched.

Nangong Han instinctively lost sight of it.

Even He Hongjin, who was deep in the city, couldn't bear it, "Cousin, don't laugh."


Nangong Yaoting was not annoyed when he was rejected by others, he grinned and smiled, then leaned forward with his plump body, and described the picture he imagined to the two in a low voice, and finally raised his eyebrows proudly, "How? Is my idea good?"

When He Hongjin met his frightened fat face, he was quite speechless, and really didn't know what to say.

Nangong Han remained expressionless, "I want to take a scientific examination and take care of my elder brother. I won't be going to Beijing for now..."

He Hongjin looked over, "You mean to get married earlier?"

It was exactly what he wanted.

That brat Ye Xusheng is not sure when he will come back, in order to avoid complications, the sooner the two of them get married, the better.

Moreover, the son's illness has never recovered. If one day he dies, this boy will have to keep his filial piety for a year as a brother.

One year, there are too many variables, who knows what will happen.

This kid's identity is different from the past again, he is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, if he is really intercepted...

Thinking of what the old lady said, He Hongjin couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency. Their marriage can't be delayed any longer, and it must be settled today.

There were three people in the study, but they were divided into two gangs, He Hongjin and Nangong Han's gang, and Nangong Yaoting himself.

So in the situation of two to one, Nangong Yaoting was quickly defeated, "I naturally want you to get married early, but, but the time to get married was too rushed.

Didn't you forget to give Qianer a gift? "

The procession of seeing off relatives is slow, and when they arrive at the capital without rush, it will be mid-October.

That is to rush back immediately, with a light car, and a fast horse, and it will take the first ten days of winter at the earliest to come back.

If the road is blocked by heavy snow, it's hard to say when you can come back.

"I've thought about it. It's faster for the sending team to detour and take the water route. If it goes well, it can save half the time."

Nangong Yaoting's eyes widened, "You made up your mind a long time ago?"

Nangong Han pursed his lips and remained silent, which was considered a tacit consent.

"But, but this time is still very fast..."

It's not that Nangong Yaoting is against him getting married, but he just feels that two consecutive weddings in the Bo's residence are too much for him.

This time, he will rely on the help of the He family to marry his daughter, so he will marry a wife if he has any spare money.

No matter how thick-skinned he was, he would not have the shame to hold a wedding banquet with money from his in-laws.

"Father, don't worry, I have already made arrangements."

Nangong Yaoting was full of doubts, but he didn't want to ask more questions in front of He Hongjin, so he could only suppress the questions in his heart for the time being.

He pondered for a moment and then said, "If that's the case, then while your cousin is here, we can discuss which day is suitable to come to propose marriage."

The uncle's mansion is very busy to marry a daughter, and He Hongjin seldom has leisure time, so it is better to make an appointment in advance.

He Hongjin stayed in Fucheng for three days, but he didn't stay in the uncle's mansion. He didn't come for some days, so he naturally wanted to walk around and inspect the business by the way.

Everything went well this trip, he was in a good mood, he didn't feel tired after driving all the way, instead he was full of energy, with a high-spirited look on his face.

However, when he saw He Jiaheng with a bruised nose and a swollen face, he couldn't be happier anymore.

"How did it happen? What happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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