Chapter 2592 Ye family hit

He Jiaheng looked at him steadily, "Why did Dad do this?"


He Hongjin was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that he knew it.

"The Ye family beat them?"

He Jiaheng remained expressionless, "No."

"You still have to cover it up for them?" He Hongjin sneered, "You are defending them, but it's a pity that they don't appreciate it."

He Jiaheng was silent for a moment before saying in a hoarse voice, "I owe this to the Ye family."

He Hongjin couldn't see him like this. Although he was annoyed in his heart, he didn't want to get angry. He looked too miserable. He couldn't bear to look at him. "Did you call a doctor? Apart from the wound on your face, is there anything wrong with you?" ?”

Ye family!

He has written down this account!

"But it's just some skin trauma that doesn't get in the way."

He Jiaheng's eyes were gloomy, "Compared to the injuries Miss Ye received, this injury is really nothing."

Hearing this, He Hongjin turned cold instantly, "What are you talking about?"

He Jiaheng ignored his attitude, and asked again, "Why did Dad do this?"

He stared intently at He Hongjin's eyes, as if he wanted to see into his heart, "Is there something in the Ye family that makes dad feel uncomfortable sleeping and eating if he doesn't count it?"


He Hongjin was furious.

He Jiaheng was unmoved, "As the saying goes, it is better to demolish ten temples than destroy one marriage, and it is also said that bad marriages must be punished.

Dad wants to figure out why the Ye family used me as a raft to ruin Miss Ye's marriage?

You are also in your decades, so you are not afraid of God's punishment for ruining a little girl's reputation and ruining her future so deliberately? "


He Hongjin never dreamed that this son who had never contradicted him would dare to speak to him like this one day.


He waved his hand angrily and slapped He Jiaheng. This slap almost exhausted all his strength. The slap made He Jiaheng's body deflect, but his feet remained motionless as if rooted.

He Hongjin instinctively felt that his hands were hurting, but the other party didn't even hum, and after a while, he raised his head again and looked at him fixedly, as if nothing happened.

But his face was visibly more swollen.

He Hongjin was annoyed for a moment, why couldn't he hold back.

"Isn't this what I did to fulfill you?!"

"I've never thought about Miss Ye."

"What about the portrait?"


He Jiaheng was indisputable. He shouldn't have made that portrait. At that time, a ghost was obsessed with him. He couldn't hold back for a while, but in the end, someone caught him.

Seeing that he drooped his eyes and remained silent, He Hongjin sighed unconsciously, and then persuaded him earnestly. First, he told him not to belittle himself. In his capacity, taking Ye Yuanyuan as a concubine was also a compliment to her, but as a father, he Naturally, he would not embarrass him, so he directly gave him the position of equal wife.

"Father was afraid that you would miss it and regret it for the rest of your life, so he made the decision to propose marriage to the Ye family..."

"If you feel wronged by Mrs. Ye, just treat her well in the future. With your support, even Mrs. Jiang can't bully her. When she gives birth to an heir, she will be able to stand firm..."


His and her children?

That must be cute.

He Jiaheng was in a trance for a while, but soon came back to his senses, "I said I would not marry a common wife, did dad forget?"

He Hongjin was angry, and he tried to persuade him for a long time, but his daring was in vain.

"No matter what father wants to do to the Ye family, please take care of the fourth sister and don't make things difficult for Miss Ye..."


He Hongjin was not a good-tempered person at all, and his persuasion with patience just now was his best. In the end, this unfilial son not only didn't appreciate it, but also continued to sing against him, which almost made him mad.

I want to hit someone again.

But looking at this horrible face, no matter how cruel he was, he couldn't do anything.

But it can't be said, this bastard looks gentle and courteous on the surface, but in fact he is a stubborn donkey who doesn't make sense, and he can be pissed to death by himself if he gets angry with him.

Forget it, don't marry if you don't marry.

go with him.

How rare is he to have the surname Ye?

Hmph, in order to avoid misfortune before, we had to deal with them as a last resort, but now that we can climb up to the great Buddha of Prince Ding, who would be willing to talk to them.

It is impossible to get married, but there are some accounts that should be settled.

He Hongjin clenched his fists tightly, his eyes full of hostility.

Dare to touch his son, it is courting death!
However, the Ye family's account can be settled slowly. There is Qiu Jiu, who is very skilled in martial arts, and he won't be able to move them for a while.

If he wanted revenge, at least he had to wait until he met Prince Ding.

"Go find out who is talking nonsense in front of Jia Heng?"


There were quite a few people who followed the housekeeper to Ye's family to propose marriage, and the coachman and servants in the nursing home were all insiders. Many of them, it's hard to say which one didn't know the door, so they spread the matter, and Jiaheng just heard about it. Go, then ran to Ye's house to apologize stupidly.

As a result, he was beaten.

What a fool!
The more He Hongjin thought about it, the more angry he became, and the more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became. He was angry at He Jiaheng's stubbornness, and at the same time annoyed at the talkative person.

However, Housekeeper He turned the entire He residence upside down, but he couldn't find the person who started the chant, because that person was not from the He residence.

It's Jian Shaowen.

He didn't stop Master Fang from retiring the engagement, he was very regretful, he felt ashamed to see Ye's family, and thought that after a while, the Ye family's anger was almost gone, so he would come to apologize.

Maybe Miss Ye is willing to give him a chance seeing his sincerity.

Yan Shaowen thought very well, but before he even apologized, he heard about the He family's marriage proposal, and his heart sank to the bottom.

After hearing that the Ye family rejected him, he instinctively came back to life, but before he had time to be happy, he also heard that the people who went to the Ye family to propose marriage could be lined up from Ye family village to Pingning town, so he became anxious.

Turns out it wasn't the worst.

The Ye family was also pushed into a hurry by the surname He, and they refused to show Miss Ye, and even threatened to stay at home before discussing marriage.

In this world, the unmarried are all old girls.

It is to be laughed at.

It's all his fault that he didn't persuade his father, otherwise they would be able to hold a wedding this time.

Miss Ye no longer has to be afraid of other people's gossip.

Jian Shaowen felt guilty and distressed, and hated the He family's arrogance even more, so he couldn't help but ran to He Jiaheng to settle the score.

He Jiaheng was struck by lightning.

In a panic, he was very afraid that Ye Yuanyuan would hate him, so he rushed to explain, but he didn't see Ye Yuanyuan, but was caught by Ye Mancang and taught him a lesson.

Naturally, He Hongjin didn't know about these things, so he ordered people to investigate for a long time, but he couldn't find the person who spread the rumors, so he put the blame on the Ye family.

But now is not the time to settle accounts, let's remember first, and we will calculate the general account together in the future.

There are priorities, the most important thing right now is the marriage between the He family and the Yongchangbo Mansion.

Fourth girl has to get ready...

(End of this chapter)

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