Chapter 2593 Xin girl help
In the past few days, the autumn rain has been continuous, and it is rare to see a sunny day. It would be a pity if the weather is such a good weather.

Luo Hua and Wang Jinling exerted their prehistoric powers, and finally persuaded He Xiner to agree to move to the yard to bask in the sun.

The two of them were overjoyed, and they hurriedly got together, and when everything was ready outside, they accompanied her out of the house.

"When the weather is good, let the peacocks out to bask in the sun."

It rained for several days in a row, and the poultry house was damp and cold. The foxes and geese were not afraid of the cold, but the peacocks were delicate birds, and they couldn't stand the cold. They had already used the brazier at night.

But it is still necessary to bask in the sun.

As the saying goes, fish depends on water, babies depend on mothers, and everything depends on the sun.

Not seeing the sun for a long time is not good for health, both for humans and animals.

Of course, Luo Hua doesn't care about Peacock's health now, what she cares about is the health of her young lady.

After three years of mourning, she finally took off her clothes and returned to the mansion. She thought she could live a normal life, but she didn't have time to make up for the young lady. Something happened to Mr. Ye again, and then the young lady went to bed again. Vegetarian.

Alas, Miss is still growing, if you can't keep up with food, you will lose your body.

It's only been a few days of hard work, and people are going to be thin like sticks, so what to do if this continues.

Luo Hua was very depressed.

In fact, life in the mansion is much better than in the mountains. Fresh vegetables and fruits, exquisite pastries and preserves, delicious and nutritious nuts and dried fruits, and first-class medicinal supplements are all available, even if you don’t eat meat. Can keep the body healthy.

The reason why He Xiner became so thin was because she was in a bad mood.

Luo Hua also knew this, she was worried that He Xiner would straddle her body, but also worried that she would make something wrong with her.

Wang Jinling was also worried.

So the two discussed letting the peacock out, the most important thing was to amuse and make He Xiner happy.

Also to make the yard more lively.

Even for the sake of excitement, how could there not be two majestic goose guards.

In order to prevent them from stepping on the dirty yard, they were kept locked up in rainy days. They were finally free, and they were so happy that they spread their feet and walked towards the green peacocks who were walking gracefully.

"You two are not allowed to bully Little Lulu!"

Wang Jinling rushed forward screaming, "Sister is here!"

"Quack quack—"

The two big white geese turned around and ran away, Wang Jinling chased after him, shouting "Dabai, come and help..."

A burst of chicken and dog jumping.

Fresh and secluded house is about to boil.

The three sisters-in-law Feng, Jiang, and Lu heard a goose cry from a long distance away, and when they got closer, they heard the girl's laughter, which was crisp and sweet, lively and agile, and they were extremely familiar.

Mrs. Lu was astonished, where is the daughter?

But Feng Shi and Jiang Shi were directly sour.

They thought that the smelly girl had been staying at Ye's house, but she turned out to be in the county town!
She still lives in such a big and beautiful mansion, eats and drinks well, and lives a good life like a young lady.

The two of them cried all the way, their red and swollen eyes were even redder now, maybe it was pure jealousy because of sadness.

Looking at the exquisite and elegant scenery around them, the two wished to replace it and enjoy the wealth of the He family.

The jealous two hit the ground with their heels when they landed, with a loud thud thump.

Lu's thoughts were all on her daughter, thinking about why she was in He's residence, so she didn't notice the abnormality of the two of them.

But thinking of her daughter whom she hadn't seen for a while, she walked faster.

The three sisters-in-law's feet were like the wind, and the woman who led the way was thrown directly behind, "Ling'er..."

"Help, girl Xin!"

The door of Qingqing Youju's house was wide open, and Lu Shi saw Wang Jinling chasing the big goose before she stepped into the courtyard. She was surprised and delighted, she really was a daughter.

Has grown tall.

Also grown up.

Lu's eyes were full of precious girls, and she was about to go up to hold her to have a good look, but was startled by Jiang's sudden howl, and stopped immediately.

Then she felt someone bumping into her, and she was so frightened that she quickly took a step back before narrowly avoiding it.

Otherwise, it's not a big deal to knock her down, but it's a big trouble to embarrass my daughter.

Is this Jiang crazy? !
Mrs. Lu was angry and angry, and instinctively wanted to curse, but before she could utter the curse, the other end was already messed up, "Who?"


"Don't come here."

"Stop her!"


"Quack quack—"

This will be really crazy.

On the porch, He Xiner hugged the big fat white cat Qiuqiu, lying on a recliner covered with pure white fox fur, and covered with a soft rabbit fur quilt, basking in the warmth of the sun and drowsy.

She knew that the reason why her cousin was sweating profusely was because she wanted to make her happy, and Luohua Xiaoxing and the others all gathered beside her, chatting and laughing, just to make her happy.

She knows it all.

Also very touched.

But I just can't cheer up, I don't want to talk, let alone laugh, I don't want to eat, I don't even want to think about things.

She just wanted to be alone.

Quietly, the kind of stillness that blends with the sky and the earth.

She stayed so quietly until the end of time.

Hearing the noise, the drowsy He Xiner frowned impatiently, patted the ball in her arms, and continued to sleep with her eyes closed, even though the yard was full of noise, she didn't even look at it.

When he came, he smiled gently and called her second younger sister.

She was in a daze, feeling that it was a dream, but at the same time feeling that it wasn't a dream, as if he had really come.

She wasn't sure if that was true.

lobby brother~
She reached out and grabbed his sleeve, the soft touch made her feel that this was not a dream.

She was so happy that she didn't know what to do, and she was about to throw herself into his arms, feeling the long-lost warm embrace, when she was awakened by screams louder than later.

It was a dream.

He Xiner curled up tiredly and lay on the reclining chair. The small ball was not very conspicuous. Jiang Shi, who was running towards her, didn't notice her. She was blocked by Luohua Xiaoxing and the others, let alone paying attention to her.

And she was completely immersed in her own world, and didn't hear what she was shouting clearly.

A few days ago when He Lan'er came, there was also a commotion, the movement was no less than now, she didn't pay attention to it, just pretended she didn't hear it.


No matter what, Jiang, who was rushing in regardless, was smashed by two big white geese with their heads smashed, and screamed, "Hurry up and drive these two beasts away!"


Wang Jinling stared dumbfounded for a while before recovering, "Mother, why are you here?"

Lu's face was flushed by Jiang's anger, and she felt that she had lost face in front of a group of servants, mainly because of her daughter, so she became a little uncomfortable, "We are here to find Xin girl, I don't know if you will exist."

"Well, I'm here to accompany Sister Xin'er. It's been more than 20 days..."

Wang Jinling was afraid of disturbing He Xiner, so she didn't bother to tell her mother in detail, "Sister Luohua, she's one of my own!"

"Dabai hurry up and stop those two stupid geese."

Dabai had already recognized the three of Jiang's, but this man was so rude, he almost ran into his master, it's good that he didn't give her a slap, how could he take the initiative to protect her.

So I just watched the two big white geese play awe-inspiring.

(End of this chapter)

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