The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2595 How much money do you have

Chapter 2595 How much money do you have
He Xiner was trapped by the nightmare.

She was immersed in her own world, and she didn't want to pay attention to the commotion in the yard, let alone pay attention to what they said, but she wasn't really deaf, so she could still feel the noise.

The more chaotic the environment, the more she wanted to escape, shrinking herself into the turtle shell.

So she endured the discomfort in her heart and fell asleep.

In the dark world, there are screams and shouts everywhere, it seems to be far away, but it seems to be very close, but she can't see anything.

The noise made her uneasy, and she desperately wanted to leave, but she couldn't find a way out.

The poisonous taki was foggy, the sky was dark, she was at a loss, she didn't know what to do, but the screaming sound was getting closer, one higher than the other, and exploded in her ears.

"Sister Xin'er, sister Xin'er, wake up."

Recently, He Xiner has often been haunted by nightmares. No matter how much Ren Luohua calls her, she won't wake up. Only when Wang Jinling whispers to her, will she wake up.

This is also the reason why Wang Jinling never left.

She is worried about her cousin.

How the He family's female family thinks of her is their business, anyway, she doesn't come out of this yard, and she can't see their faces.

I can't even hear those harsh words.

And with Dabai around, no one would dare to go to Qingxin Youju to make trouble, so she wasn't worried.

So she lived generously.

She lives in her cousin's place and has nothing to do with anyone else.

He Xiner, who was trapped in the darkness, finally heard a familiar voice. Knowing that she was dreaming, she tried to open her eyes. The thick and dark haze dissipated instantly, and her cousin's cute little face appeared in front of her eyes.

"Sister Xin'er, are you awake?!"

Wang Jinling yelled happily, but the joy in her eyes was fleeting. He Xiner's complexion was so bad that she hurriedly took out her handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat on her forehead, "Miss Xiner wake up, It wasn't a nightmare just now, it was because we talked too loudly and disturbed you."

"It's alright, it's alright now."

She comforted He Xin'er who was not yet fully awake with her soft voice, Xiao Xing and the others were already busy in an orderly manner.

Luo Hua leaned over and gently lifted He Xiner up, then half-circled her, letting her lean on her shoulders, stretched out her left hand to take the teacup handed over, and said softly, "Miss, drink some water to moisten your throat."

He Xiner drank half a cup with her hand and shook her head to express her no more.

Consciousness gradually returned, and her flustered heart gradually calmed down, but she still felt tired, so she closed her eyes and rested again.

Luo Hua didn't move, she turned her head and ordered, "Go and bring the medicine".


Xiaotao, who specializes in decocting medicines, agreed and ran away.

"Take Qiuqiu away, Miss is tired."


Xiaoju bent down and took the chubby Qiuqiu away.

"Bring a wet handkerchief and clean your hands for Miss."


Xiao Xing was ready, and she handed it over as soon as she opened her mouth.

"Brew a pot of almond tea."



Both Feng Shi and Jiang Shi were stunned, and Lu Shi was also stunned.

The lady of the rich family is too good at enjoying it~
Jiang looked around with his eyeballs rolling, the chrysanthemums that took up half of the yard, the two-person-high banana tree, the elegant and noble green peacock, the crested sunflower parrot with yellow crested feathers, the big fat cat that Xue Tuanzi was, and the tall The mighty Dabai...

Accidentally meeting Dabaihei Zhanzhan's eyes, Jiang's heart shuddered and she hurriedly looked away, but she didn't stop looking.

Looking at the rabbit fur quilt on He Xiner's body, the white fox fur blanket under her body, and the carved incense burner with smoke of ducks and ducks floating in it, Jiang's breathing became rough. If she could go all out and follow this girl Cook rice cooked from raw rice from the north, and their second wife will grow up!

She felt that she had missed a mountain of silver for nothing, and she was so regretful that her intestines were green.

How could you be so timid then?

Call ~
No, no matter how much she thought about it, she wanted to slap herself twice.

Jiang's eyes turned a few times on the simple and elegant carved copper stove, secretly guessing its value, this thing can only be used by wealthy families, and it must not be cheap.

The more she thought about it, the hotter her heart became, her restless heart became more agitated, and her eyes became more fiery, almost melting the hard copper furnace.

Dabai glanced at her faintly, Jiang immediately felt a chill go down her back, she turned around cautiously to avoid Dabai's penetrating eyes.

In the end, he was hooked by the food on the table and couldn't move his eyes away.

In the largest food plate, there is a bunch of grapes that are crystal clear like amethyst, a golden and attractive melon, pomegranate, orange, and longan;
On the other plate are various candied dried fruits, and then several plates of cakes, crystal cakes, hundred flower cakes, sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, and cloud slice cakes, which are exquisite and small, beautiful and delicious.

Jiang couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

"Second aunt, second aunt."

Jiang suddenly came back to her senses, only to realize that Wang Jinling was staring at her closely, so she said angrily, "What do you want me to do?"

Wang Jinling suppressed her voice, "Did Second Aunt hear what I just told you?"

"I don't have time to talk to you, get out of the way!"

Seeing that she seemed to be howling again, Wang Jinling became impatient, "Let's talk about it when we go out, don't disturb Miss Xin'er here."

"Get out of the way! I have nothing to say to you..."

Mrs. Jiang just thought of a great idea, and she was secretly excited about it, so she didn't have the heart to talk to Wang Jinling.

"I have money!"

Wang Jinling opened her arms to prevent her from going any further, "You don't need to ask Sister Xin'er for this matter, just tell me how much money you need."

Feng and Jiang asked almost at the same time, "How much money do you have? Where did your money come from?"

Mrs. Lu glanced at the two of them coldly, grabbed her girl's arm and said in a low voice, "What's the matter, girl Xin? Are you sick?"

Wang Jinling's eyes turned red, and tears almost fell down, "Well, sister Xin'er was ill earlier, and her body is still not feeling well these days."

In fact, Feng Shi and Jiang Shi also noticed that something was wrong.

At first, seeing that He Xiner was there all the time, but didn't get up to greet them, they thought she was putting on a show on purpose, and both of them were dissatisfied, but now they are asking someone to do something, and they are standing on other people's territory, so they don't dare rebuke.

Maid maids are servants who are slaves, and they will be hated if they are pissed off, but Miss He's daughter can't offend them at will, and they are not stupid, so how can they do things like self-destructive Qiancheng.

It's too late to hold it.

Moreover, the opportunity is rare, after finally meeting this girl, it is natural to take the opportunity to get closer to her, to make her happy, even if she can't stay in this He Mansion to enjoy the blessings, there is no harm.

There are so many good things, and they will make a fortune if they just grab a little bit. Even if they are stupid, they know that Miss Bashang He has many benefits, so why would they rush to offend others.

With this in mind, the two of them didn't say anything no matter how dissatisfied He Xiner was with Giotto.

But it's a pity that he didn't say anything, otherwise this would really offend people.

Mrs. Lu looked at Mrs. Feng and Mrs. Jiang, "Why don't we go home and discuss it with our parents first?"

Mrs. Jiang exploded immediately, "You don't have to worry if you haven't caught your man and son, right? Don't you think about who saved you when the bandits entered the village? He killed you, why are you so cruel, watching him suffer in the prison?"

Wang Jinling was about to die of anger, "Second Aunt, you can't keep your voice down."

Luo Hua and Xiao Xing also stared over in dissatisfaction.

Jiang frowned secretly.

It's really hypocritical, a girl who grew up in the countryside is so expensive, so it's possible that a few words can scare her.

Under Luo Hua's service, He Xiner drank a bowl of tranquilizing medicine. She shivered in pain. After rinsing her mouth, she took the candied fruit that was handed to her, and put it in her mouth impatiently.

Call ~
Finally came back to life.

"Girl Xin, you can't just ignore death."

He Xiner was startled, then turned her head to look, "What's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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