The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2596 What Are You Crying For

Chapter 2596 What Are You Crying For

Feng, Jiang and Lu's sister-in-law were invited into the room and sat down to talk.

He Xiner asked, "Do my grandpa and grandpa know?"

Mrs. Feng and Mrs. Jiang were secretly looking at the furnishings in the house, sighing in their hearts, but the reaction was a bit slower, and Mrs. Lu said, "Father and mother probably don't know..., but we can't hide this matter. how long."

"Those official servants suddenly appeared in the shop early in the morning, they couldn't help but arrest people, and even put a seal on them, many people saw it.

Even if the news from the town doesn't spread to the village today, it will be seen tomorrow when your third uncle and the others deliver the food, and everyone will know by then. "

Knowing that the old Mrs. Wang didn't know about it, He Xiner breathed a sigh of relief, "Grandma and grandpa are getting old and can't bear to be stimulated. We need to keep this matter from them."

Mrs. Lu nodded and was about to speak, but Mrs. Jiang took the lead, "I know you are a good person, and you always think about your parents' bodies. Your grandma didn't love you for nothing."

Her voice was high-pitched, thin, and very high-pitched. When she said such a sentence suddenly, it seemed very abrupt, and it almost made He Xiner feel overwhelmed.


Feng Shi, who was planning to flatter him, was a step too late, so she stole the limelight. He was really not reconciled, so he wanted to say a few nice words quickly to coax people away. As a result, as soon as she opened her mouth, Jiang Shi had already He continued, "But there are so many people in the town, I'm afraid I can't cover it up, father and mother will find out sooner or later, and they will definitely be shocked by the suddenness.

So you should hurry up and save people, as long as they are all well, even if someone goes to gossip in parents' ears, it's useless..."

He Xiner frowned and said, "If you want to save someone, you need evidence to prove that the quality of our food is fine..."

"How can we find any evidence when everyone is dead!"

Mrs. Jiang was very dissatisfied with her attitude, but she didn't dare to show her face, but her tone was a little stiff, "Besides, they can't wait to go to the north. Those jailers are all fierce like the king of Hades. If anyone doesn't like it, they will use the whip. smoke……

They, where have they suffered this kind of crime, if they can't bear it, they will take their lives. "

He Xiner said, "I'll ask someone to take care of it later, and ask the cell boss to take care of me..."

"Ah, why bother with that thing? Just redeem people with money!"

Probably because she felt that she was speaking too hastily, she hurriedly tried to make amends, "Don't worry, girl Xin, this money is a loan from the old Wang's family, and I will definitely pay you back when I save enough in the future."

She didn't believe what Jiang said, but she was just perfunctory, and she couldn't say that the money should be paid by you, who told you to be rich.

She's not stupid enough for that.

He Xiner asked in confusion, "Take money to redeem someone?

Isn't the county magistrate yet to be sentenced, and the case is not yet finalized, how could they let the suspect go? "

Mrs. Lu suddenly became ill, "Did that man intentionally steal our money? We would be so flustered that we didn't know what to do. He took everything he said seriously and didn't think too much about it..."

She would think more and more about this, "He knew that we were eager to save people, so he deliberately said that he had a way, and when we handed over the money obediently to him, then he would turn his face and deny anyone, and we would have nothing to do with him."

The more Lu thought about it, the more frightened he became, "If we fall for his tricks, won't we lose both people and wealth?"

Her conspiracy theory did not resonate with Feng's and Jiang's, especially Jiang's. She thought it was just an excuse made by He Xiner for refusing to pay the money, and Lu's idiot took it seriously.

"Xin girl, you can't just ignore death..."

Jiang looked heartbroken, "You are the only one who can help us now. If you don't care, Xiangbei and the others will have a dead end."

Wang Jinling interjected, "Sister Xin'er is trying to find a way together with us, Second Aunt, why are you crying?
If you don't know, you think you are persecuting Miss Xin'er. "

Jiang's body froze, and she almost couldn't hold back to yell.

The stinky girl is not big or small, and she has no rules at all. How dare you humiliate her in front of a room full of servants, it's really embarrassing.

(End of this chapter)

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