Chapter 2598 What to Say
He Xiner has lived a secluded life for the past two years, and has no personal connections, so now she can only ask for help when she encounters problems.

The most capable person in the entire He family is naturally the head of the family, He Hongjin, but He Xiner doesn't want to disturb him yet.

Now that the situation is unclear, she doesn't know anything. She has to figure out the ins and outs of the matter before she can plan what to do next.

Good steel is used on the edge of a knife. How can you trouble Mr. He for things like inquiring about news.

Overkill is not.

And she didn't want to owe him favors, so it would be best if she could settle the matter without using this boss.

It is better to owe someone a favor than to owe him a favor.

So unless it was absolutely necessary, she would not ask He Hongjin for help.

In He Xiner's mind, the best person to solve this matter was He Jiaheng, but she had to avoid suspicion and not get too close to him, so as not to be randomly guessed.

So she begged He Jiajie.


He Jiajie frowned, "If the charges are true, at least he would be exiled by confiscating his home."

Don't look at this guy who doesn't study very well, but he knows a lot, and he is also familiar with the laws of the Ming Dynasty. After all, he is also a student of Qingyun Academy. He is poured into it by the master's ears every day, no matter how stupid he is, he can remember it.

Besides, he's not stupid.

From He Xiner's point of view, not only is he not stupid, he is also very shrewd, but this shrewdness is useless in studying.

But this meeting is not in the mood to praise him.

"Confiscation and exile?"

He Xiner frowned, "So serious?"

"Yes, this is a new law. If one person commits a crime, the whole family will sit together."

He Jiajie explained, "When the Dongwu King rebelled, some bandits and refugees also took advantage of troubled waters to make trouble everywhere, burning, killing, looting and committing all kinds of crimes, creating a miasma and chaos.

It took great effort for the imperial court to turn the situation around and calm down the situation.

In order to eliminate such hidden dangers, the cabinet proposes to govern the country with severe punishments and aggravate punishments, one of which is the continuous sitting system. "

Lu asked cautiously with a pale face, "Are the women and children going to be exiled too?"


The whole family, of course, refers to everyone in a family.

Mrs. Lu grabbed Wang Jinling's hand, and said with red eyes, "Didn't it mean that as long as it is not a major crime of murder and arson, women don't have to go to jail? Why, why do they have to be exiled together?"

Exile, adults may not survive, let alone children.

She didn't even dare to think about that kind of picture.

He Jiajie glanced at Wang Jinling, without explaining carefully, "Women's absence from jail does not mean that there are no other punishments.

Depending on the seriousness of the crime, there are corresponding punishments such as beating boards, fines, exile, and beheading. "

Lu's face turned even paler.

Feng Shi was even more frightened, and he was about to shake into pieces.

Mrs. Jiang went crazy, she screamed, "Xin girl, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and redeem her with money! Otherwise, the old Wang family will be finished if this charge is deducted!"

Without waiting for He Xiner to speak, she roared again, "Don't you love Girl Ling the most and be the most filial to your grandma? Not for others, but for the two of them, you can't sit idly by!"

He Jiajie was about to get angry, but he didn't want Wang Jinling to take it anymore, "It's been said that Sister Xin'er is not feeling well, so you can't keep your voice down. Besides, isn't this a discussion..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Jiang, "It's too late to pay attention to these things! She is not made of paper, can she be broken with a single poke?"

She was emotional, and the more she spoke, the more excited she became, and the more she spoke, the more angry she became, "You will flatter people, you will almost lose your life, and you are always thinking of her."

Jiang pointed at He Xin'er angrily and shouted, "Unfortunately, in the eyes of others, you are not as important as money!
I would rather see you exiled than pay money.

And her mother-in-law loves her so much, but she doesn't care about her grandmother's life or death at all, she is just an ungrateful white-eyed wolf! "

He Jiajie got up abruptly, with a murderous look on his face, "If you dare to point at Fourth Sister again, I will chop off your hand!"

The screeching stopped abruptly.

Jiang Shi withdrew her hand with a guilty conscience.

But He Jiajie refused to give up, "Get lost!"

He said angrily, "Get out immediately, young master, if you dare to step into the door of He's house again, you will be tied up directly by the reporter. Anyone who breaks into a private house is tantamount to stealing. You will be punished with fifty sticks, and you will be exiled for thousands of miles, and even your whole family will be imprisoned."

If you are not afraid, just try it! "

After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for everyone's reaction, and shouted, "Come on! Throw this woman out!"


There was a resounding sound of promises outside, and Jiang was taken aback. Panicked, confused, frightened, and frightened, she almost knelt down and begged for mercy. She couldn't save face, and she firmly grasped the armrest of the armchair to prevent herself from slipping to the floor. Go up, "I, I..."

It happened so fast, before the big guys could react, He Jiajie's people had already lifted the curtain and walked in.

"Throw her out of the He family!"

He Jiajie waved his hand, full of momentum.

"Help, girl Xin—"

Jiang Shi is really crazy now, she ran towards He Xiner like a bomb, but Dabai's speed was even faster, it jumped up to He Xiner's body and stared at it with a threatening pressure , Jiang suddenly did not dare to mess around.

"Fourth brother, forget it."

He Xiner said lightly, "Cousin and the others were arrested, and the second concubine got angry in a hurry, so she rushed when she spoke, and it wasn't intentional..."

At this moment, Mrs. Jiang couldn't care less about her face, "I, I really didn't mean to scold girl Xin...I apologize to girl Xin..."

If she carried it again at this time, the end would only be more embarrassing, so she had to bow her head.

Mrs. Feng and Mrs. Lu also hurriedly helped to speak, and they didn't wait to see Mrs. Jiang. This is not the time to watch the excitement. They are all members of the Wang family. Mrs. Jiang has no face, and they have no face.

However, He Jiajie was indifferent.

He Xiner said, "The second concubine heard that she could use money to redeem someone, so she thought of saving her cousin and the others first, so as not to suffer in prison, it is also a kind mother's heart.

I don't know if there is such a thing in the law, and I dare not act without authorization, for fear of being caught by others, saying that we bribed the chief judge, but we were convicted of the crime, so I wanted to find someone who is familiar with the laws and regulations of the Ming Dynasty to ask clearly. .

And I'm also worried that the practice of using money to redeem someone is a disguised admission of the crime, which is even more detrimental to my cousin and the others.

Paying the silver is only to avoid the penalty of imprisonment, but leave a criminal record and become a criminal, which will affect the scientific research of future generations.

So I was not in a hurry to redeem people, I thought about finding out the matter first, and then trying to get rid of the crime, so as not to leave future troubles.

However, I am a back-home woman, powerless, unable to do anything, I can only ask others for help, and I don’t know if I can rescue my cousin and the others smoothly in the end, so I dare not express my opinion in a big way.

Perhaps it was because of this reason that the second concubine misunderstood me, thinking that I was not dedicated...

Now if I don't explain this clearly, if I just throw people out like this, it will make people think that I will die without saving them. Wouldn't it be wronged. "

He Jiajie snorted coldly, "What's there to say, you have nothing to do with the Wang family, so what if you don't help? I don't owe them anything."

Feng Shi trembled even more after hearing this, Jiang Shi swayed and sat down on the ground with a thud.

Lu's face was full of guilt, but it was about the whole family and the future of her precious daughter, so she could only be cheeky and ask He Xiner for help.

The relatives of Lao Wang's family are all mud legs. Many of them have never even seen what the gate of the county seat looks like, let alone know any powerful people.

They don't have any knowledge at all, and they are extremely poor. Even if they want to help the old Wang's family, they can't do it.

What's more, some people may not hope that the old Wang family will survive this calamity safely.

In this world, there is only Xin girl who can help the old Wang's family.

If she let her go, the old Wang family would really be over.

(End of this chapter)

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