The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2599 Chapter 2599: What is the name of the ghost

Chapter 2599 Chapter 2599: What is the name of the ghost

He Jiajie glanced disdainfully at Jiang who was lying on the ground, snorted heavily, and immediately looked away.

He was afraid of dirty eyes.

He waved his hands to let the two servants back down, and then said to He Xiner solemnly, "Fourth sister is not in good health and should not work hard, so let's ignore these crap things, don't worry about it, just plan for them wholeheartedly, Instead, people pointed their noses and scolded the white-eyed wolf."

He knew very well that with He Xiner's temperament, he would not sit idly by and ignore the Wang family's affairs.

Just by seeing how much she loves the little girl of the Wang family, one can tell what she will do.

Not for the sake of others, but for this little girl, his silly sister will do her best to keep the old Wang's family.

Therefore, he can't let go of this matter.

You can't just watch the fourth younger sister get angry and burn out, right?

So in the case of the Wang family, he will help if he can.

But I can't rush to help.

Otherwise, they thought they should.

Hmph, it has nothing to do with him whether the members of the old Wang family live or die, if it is not for the sake of the fourth sister, who cares about their life or death.

Even the fourth younger sister doesn't owe them anything, it's love to help, it's duty not to help, and no one will pick on them.

How could they have the face to ask the fourth sister to do something.

Asking for help and still being arrogant, I really don't know what it means.

How can you not go to heaven with such patience!

He Jiajie was tired of the Jiang family, and even became dissatisfied with the entire Wang family, so he deliberately beat him up, but the more he said, the more angry he became, "The fourth younger sister grew up eating rice from the Ye family, and has nothing to do with the Wang family, let alone a penny." She didn't receive any kindness from the Wang family, but instead helped the Wang family to live a good life.

It's a shame that this woman not only doesn't accept your favor, but even puts her face on her face, taking Fourth Sister's kindness as her due. "

He picked up the teacup in his hand and was about to throw it away, but when he thought of He Xiner taking it back abruptly, he put it heavily on the table, and cursed, "It's fine to be ungrateful for someone's favor, why would you beat me up and scold me?" Ingratitude, white-eyed wolf, really unreasonable!"

Fourth Young Master He's temper doesn't care whether he is an elder or not, besides, Jiang is regarded as a face-to-face, and he deserves to be respected as an elder, so scold him as much as he wants, and he is not polite.

Jiang Shi lived most of her life, but it was the first time she was insulted by a junior like this. She was ashamed and ashamed, but more afraid, fearful.


She offended the surname He, they won't help save people anymore!
Jiang Shi was really scared. She had never been so scared like now.

Copy home and exile.

It will kill people.

"Xin girl, Xin girl! Ahhhh—"

Jiang knew that begging He Jiajie was useless, so she could only put her hope on He Xiner. She tremblingly wanted to catch He Xiner, but Dabai didn't give her a chance, and she was overturned as soon as he raised his claws.

Caught off guard, she screamed in fright.

He Jiajie couldn't bear it anymore, "What's the name of the ghost?! Dabai didn't even use his strength, otherwise you thought you could still breathe well."

The person Jiang is most afraid of now is He Jiajie, even more afraid of those officials with knives.

After being arrested by officials, there is still hope of surviving.

But he will cut off the vitality of the old Wang family, cut off their hope.

If girl Ruoxin listened to his words, the end of the old Wang family would be death.

Jiang was terrified.

"Xin girl, Xin girl, it's because the second concubine is bad, she shouldn't scold you, I, I will make it up to you, I will apologize to you.

Just forgive the second concubine this time, and don't get angry with the second concubine, okay?

There are a dozen people in the old Wang's family, that is, a dozen lives, you can't ignore it.

Either, or I'll give you a knock..."

At this time, Mrs. Jiang was in a state of confusion and didn't know what she was doing. She begged incoherently and was about to kowtow to He Xiner, but Mrs. Lu grabbed her and dragged her up, "Second sister-in-law got up and spoke.

Isn't girl Xin always thinking of a way, and she didn't say no, what are you doing? "

I'm really going to be pissed off by her!
She was the one who offended people with nonsense, and now she is the one who has become a dog, so she is not ashamed.

If this head is really knocked down, according to the temper of the fourth young master, he will be able to throw them all out.

The elder kowtows to the younger, isn't this a curse girl, thanks to her figured it out.

"Come on!"

He Jiajie yelled so suddenly that both Jiang Shi and Lu Shi were startled, and they stood there not daring to move.


"Go and take the concierge on duty today and the woman from the second door, and hand them over to my mother for punishment."


"and also."

He Jiajie said coldly, "Tell the concierge that the He family is not a chicken coop without doors, anyone can come in, if you don't even understand this principle, get out of here as soon as possible!"

Jiang shi was completely wilted now, and she didn't dare to say anything. She was afraid that if she accidentally offended the young master again, she would really be thrown out.

Feng's face turned pale, if the concierge was blocked from entering, even if they yelled out their throats in this deep house, girl Xin would not be able to hear, let alone see anyone.

So what do they do?
Without Miss Xin's help, the old Wang's family would be over.

Lu's face was hot, but now she calmed down a lot, she was not as panicked as before, she just felt ashamed.

She looked at the precious girl, and Wang Jinling shook her head lightly.

Lu Shi breathed a sigh of relief.

When He Jiajie lost his temper, He Xiner kept silent.

It's not that she doesn't know good and bad, her brother is complaining about her, how can she hold her back.

But at this point, it would be unreasonable not to speak again, "Third sister-in-law, don't think too much, the fourth brother punished the concierge because they broke the rules, there is no other meaning."

When Feng's third sister-in-law suddenly appeared in her yard, He Xiner was dumbfounded, because the concierge didn't come to announce the visitor, but brought the person in directly, which was really against the rules.

He Jiajie almost pointed his nose and cursed at others, how could the members of the Lu family not think too much about it.

But no matter what they thought in their hearts, they didn't have the guts to offend the irritable fourth young master of the He family. The old Wang family still counted on him to help, so naturally they couldn't offend him.

It's just a little embarrassing to feel disgusted by others.

Now that He Xiner handed out the steps, she naturally wanted to go down the steps in a hurry.

So this stubble will be exposed.

The matter of Wang's restaurant cannot be avoided.

That's what they're here for.

Although He Xiner is bothering the Jiang family, it concerns the entire Wang family, so she cannot just sit idly by.

Originally, she invited He Jiajie to come over to solve this matter, but some people couldn't hold their breath, and guessed her with villainous hearts, jumping up and down all kinds of noises.

The fourth brother who provoked lost his temper and made no progress.

Net blind delay time.

He Jiajie knew her attitude earlier, so naturally he wouldn't embarrass her, he pretended to be unhappy and muttered a few words, then agreed, and promised to help her find a way.

Feng's sisters-in-law all breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

But He Jiajie flew over with a sharp look, "I don't want my fourth sister to bother to deal with this matter, it has nothing to do with you, so I don't need you to remember favors.

But I'm talking about the ugly words, and that person's death has nothing to do with you, if something happens because of unclean eating, don't blame me for being a pick..."

He would never allow these people to bring the fourth sister into trouble.

Mrs. Lu and the others are quite confident in their own hygiene, and they are not unhappy when they hear this. As long as the young master is willing to help, it's nothing for them to listen to a few words that don't hurt.

The yamen of the world face the south sky, don't come in if you have a reason and no money.

Ordinary people are most afraid of entering the yamen, afraid that those corrupt officials will squeeze their bones dry, and they will not be able to get justice in the end.

It's all right now, with the He family's help, at least he doesn't have to worry about being wronged.

The Lu family repeatedly assured that their food was fine, and He Xiner also helped to speak, "The ingredients used in the Wang's restaurant are all the freshest, and the hygiene is also guaranteed. I am not afraid of being checked."

He Jiajie looked like you were still young, "What if someone deliberately framed you? Imported things are the easiest to tamper with. Adding a little tune at will is evidence.

The kind that can't be washed away even if you jump into the Yellow River.

So don't be too optimistic, do more preparations. "

He Xiner nodded to express her understanding, "Luo Hua takes the money."


Wang Jinling, who had been obediently and transparently, blinked. She didn't bring her money with her, so she had to use Sister Xin'er's for now.

"This is 1000 taels. Fourth brother takes it first. If it's not enough, you can tell me later."

Jiang, who had been making quail for a long time, rolled her eyes. Thanks to her cleverness, she thought of going to girl Xin, otherwise the old Wang family would go bankrupt even if they didn't have to be exiled.

He Jiajie took the bank note without any politeness, "Fourth sister is benevolent, but you should not pay the money.

That's all, I don't have money and I can't find someone to do things, so I'll take this first.

I'll sort out the accounts later, and then go to the Wang family to get the money. "

Jiang took a breath, and his whole body was not well.

(End of this chapter)

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