The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2601 I didn't say that

Chapter 2601 I didn't say that

No matter what Uncle Wang was talking about, no one paid any attention to him, he suddenly felt bored, shut his mouth embarrassingly, and nervously clutched the frame of the bullock cart, holding his heart up and down, panicking.

Until the group successfully entered the dungeon and met Brother Wang Xiangdong, he still couldn't recover.

Just came in like this?

Uncle Wang's eyes fell on the jailer's waist knife in vain. Could it be that these people are so easy to talk to kill them all?

When the thought came to him, he was startled first, and he quickly looked away, but he was startled by the blood gourd man in the corner of the dungeon. The cold sweat broke out in an instant, and he intuitively stepped into the gate of hell. slim.

He was so frightened here that he almost scared himself to death. Uncle Wang and others on the other side had already chatted with Wang Xiangdong's brothers, and they were all relieved to learn that they hadn't been whipped.

"Yesterday, a handsome young man came here, saying that he was entrusted by sister Xin'er to visit our brothers..."

Wang Xiangdong said, "He managed a lot of money up and down, not only was he given clean food, but he also asked the cell boss for two thick quilts...

Thanks to him coming in time, we didn’t suffer. Not to mention, the dungeon is cold and damp, and it’s even colder like an ice cellar at night. If it weren’t for the two thick quilts, the brothers would have froze to death..."

Hearing the elder nephew's words, Uncle Wang was not so scared at last. He rushed over and asked hastily, "Did the kid surnamed He say when he will save you guys?"

"...That's not what I said."

Uncle Wang was a little disappointed, and Uncle Wang was also in a heavy heart. Uncle Wang said, "It's a life-and-death lawsuit, and it's not a small matter. Who dares to guarantee that it will be settled?

The Xiangdong guys are standing here well, which shows that the little brother of the He family has done his best, and we have to appreciate it. "

Uncle Wang rolled his eyes and wanted to say something to him, but when he thought about the environment he was in, he gave up the idea.

This is not the place to fight.

"The third one is right. Although the kid surnamed He was entrusted by girl Xin, he really helped out. We have to thank him well.

How about we treat him to dinner and just ask him how things are going. "

Uncle Wang said, "The sons of the rich family eat out, and they go to big restaurants with great style. The food there is not cheap. We don't know if we have enough money to buy a decent table... ..."

Mrs. Lu snorted coldly, at what time did she still play the role of showmanship, I really don't know what to say about him.

She glared at Uncle Wang angrily, and motioned him to make a statement quickly, otherwise she couldn't help but be jealous.

Uncle Wang gave him a reassuring look, the boss is not crazy, how can he not know what he is doing? .

Sure enough, Uncle Wang just thought for a moment and then changed the subject, "Brother He's family naturally wants to thank you, but this meeting won't work, Xiangdong and the others are still suffering here, the matter hasn't been resolved yet, we just want to invite you , people will not respond.

Besides, we need to use money everywhere at the moment, so we dare not spend it extravagantly..."

Uncle Wang hurriedly said that this is the reason, "Then why don't we meet girl Xin first, we don't have any knowledge of the place we live in, and we have to count on her to help, so let's listen to what we are going to do next. Take her advice."

He didn't want to stay any longer.

The dungeon was cold and damp, not to mention the smell, the musty smell, the stench of decay, and the strong smell of blood mixed together were disgusting.

What scares him even more is the blood gourd men that can be seen everywhere. He shrinks back and doesn't dare to look around, but his ears are extremely sensitive. The painful and miserable groans seem to explode in his ears, making his scalp numb from shock.

This is not a place for people to stay, the eerie scare will scare a person to death.

Mrs. Feng and Mrs. Jiang also came here today. After a long day of tossing and tossing yesterday, the two of them were exhausted and really didn't want to travel far, but they were thinking about their son, and the other two were planning to live in the He family's mansion The sweet dream of the hospital came again after thinking about it.

After seeing their sons now, seeing that they are all doing well and not suffering, they couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that the He family brat had a bad temper, but he has some skills, and he is worthy of being the son of the richest family in the county.

That's great, my son is saved, the old Wang's family is fine, and I don't have to be afraid of confiscating the house and being exiled to die on the road.

The two felt that the disaster was over, and they couldn't wait to leave at this moment. Anyway, their son is doing well here, and they can go home directly after the He family stinky boy has taken care of it. There is nothing to worry about.

Mrs. Jiang said, "Girl Xin knows we're still coming, so she might be waiting, so let's go quickly, so she doesn't worry."

She is not a strong and strong young man. After staying in this cold and humid place for a long time, her body will not be able to bear it. Moreover, there are several blood gourds lying in the cell in the corner. It is really frightening to see her. If you don’t leave her About to vomit.

Mrs. Lu handed Wang Xiangdong the fine white cloth burden that she had been carrying all the way, "This is the bread that I brought for you. You should keep it alive and eat it slowly."

"Hey, I see Third Aunt."

Feng Shi and Jiang Shi also hurriedly stuffed the big baggage they brought through the gap in the fence, which contained several people's cotton jackets and cotton shoes.

In today's weather, a few young men with strong firepower can't wear cotton-padded clothes, but the dungeon is no better than home, and they will get sick if they wear too thin.

Uncle Wang squatted on the ground and grabbed the wooden pillars of the cell, leaning forward to get closer to his son. He said a lot of nagging. He tried to get them out, and then took the trouble to tell them not to talk back to the jailer, let alone fight with others, and to be obedient and not to cause trouble.

Seeing him talking endlessly, Second Uncle Wang couldn't bear it and urged him again. He hastily comforted his nephew and wiped his eyes before getting up.

When Feng's three sisters-in-law saw this, they couldn't help but get red-eyed.

Uncle Wang raised his head, blinking his eyes to force back the tears, "Let's go, we can't help you here, and we've made the children feel sad."

Uncle Wang, who was impatient to leave at first, couldn't hold back his tears and rolled down his eyes. He choked up and said to Wang Xiangdong, "Nephew, you have to take care of your younger brothers, don't let them have trouble."

"Don't worry, second uncle, I will." Wang Xiangdonghong assured him with eyes.

Wang Xiangxi, Wang Xiangnan and Wang Xiangbei all pursed their lips in silence, fearing that if they opened their mouths, they would not be able to help crying.

They can't afford to lose that man.

Uncle Wang said hoarsely, "Let's go."

A group of people wept and walked out of the drowsy dungeon, and stood under the dazzling sun, unable to recover for a long time.

After a long time, Uncle Wang let out a deep breath, "Let's go."

When the porter came to announce the time, He Xiner and Wang Jinling had already made preparations. When they heard that everyone from the Wang family had arrived, they brought Dabai out of the house to meet them.

It's not convenient to talk about things in He's house, it's better to sit down in a quiet tea house and talk slowly.

The two had just walked out of the corner gate when they happened to meet He Jiajie who was hurrying back, and when they learned that she was going to meet the Wang family, they said they were together.

(End of this chapter)

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