Chapter 2602

Since taking over the affairs of the Wang family yesterday, He Jiajie seemed to be on fire like a fire was burning above his head, he became busy in a hurry, inquiring about news, and clearing up the relationship, he became a spinning top.

In order to comfort He Xin'er's heart, he really tried his best to mobilize all his connections and help him come up with ideas to clear up the relationship. He was so busy that he couldn't even take care of the academy.

He was really afraid that He Xiner would be exhausted from worrying and worrying, so he wanted to get this matter over quickly, the sooner the better.

The fourth younger sister has not yet come out of the shadow of Ye Xusheng's death, and the Wang family is in chaos again, which is really unstoppable.

Oh, I'm really afraid that the fourth sister's small body won't be able to support her.

He Jiajie was so impatient that he wanted to press the county magistrate's head and let him release him, but unfortunately he didn't dare, so he could only patiently plan slowly.

So, he became extremely cautious and prepared to quietly collect evidence, then remove the Wang family's suspicion in one fell swoop and rescue him directly.

Unexpectedly, he was unlucky and met his deadly enemy, which made him mad.

"What did you say?"

Uncle Wang swayed and almost fell to the ground, Uncle Wang even yelled strangely, "A relative of the county captain's family?"


He Jiajie's face was serious, "In Lin'an County, my He family's face is still useful, but I have never gotten along with Duan Er of the County Wei's family, he will not betray me..."

In fact, it was not as simple as a disagreement between the two, but they wanted to strangle each other's relationship, so there was no need to tell the Wang family.

The county lieutenant is in charge of public security and robbery, his official position is not high, but his power is not small, ordinary people really dare not provoke him, but can He Jiajie be an ordinary person, how can he be afraid of someone with the surname Duan.

Duan Ergongzi named Duan Qi relied on his father who was a county lieutenant to be domineering and do all kinds of evil. He was a well-known second generation ancestor in the county.

He Jiajie hates this kind of person the most, but whenever he encounters him doing bad things, he will step forward to make trouble, and because of this, he and Duan Qi will form a relationship, and the relationship will get deeper and deeper, the kind that can never be reconciled.

He is a son of the He family, backed by Uncle Yongchang's mansion, so he is not afraid of Duan Er's obscenity, but now he is powerless to help with the Wang family's affairs.

"Lieutenant Duan has always been protective of the calf, and he especially cares about face. Whenever someone has conflicts with the Duan clan, he thinks that the other party ignores him and provokes his authority. In order to show his status and status, he still has means. Put people to death..."

The Wang family all gasped, but He Jiajie didn't finish his sentence, "So no matter whether the deceased is a distant relative or a close relative of the Duan family, he will take the trouble to take the deceased to show his ability."

"Besides, he knows that I don't get along with Duan Er, so he has long disliked me. If he finds out that I'm helping you, he will take more care of this matter and bite you to death."

Feng Shi and Jiang Shi were already frightened, they trembling lips wanted to say something but couldn't make a sound, while Lu Shi hugged Wang Jinling and began to sob and cry.

If you really want to ransack your home and go into exile, it's okay for the adults to say, but what about the children?

Uncle Wang's three brothers felt cold.

It's over, the old Wang's family is over!
They are dead.

He Xin'er had a tight chest pain, and her head hurt like a curse. She asked in a deep tone, "Did the fourth brother find out about the doctor who saw the deceased that day?"

Fourth Brother couldn't show up, so she came out by herself, and she couldn't just do nothing and let people splash dirty water.

Seeing her complexion, He Jiajie felt distressed and annoyed himself for being useless, "Doctor Li has already been picked up by the county captain, and he doesn't expect to see anyone before he goes to court."

He Xiner frowned, "Isn't it against the rules for him to do this?"

After all, he was also an official ordered by the court, so he didn't pay attention to avoiding suspicion?

"Oh, who in the county government dares to talk to him about the rules."

He Jiajie sneered in a cold voice, and then said, "Fourth sister doesn't know something. The current county magistrate has just been transferred from other places to Lin'an County to take up his post for less than half a year, and he is far less powerful than Duan County Lieutenant, a sitting tiger..."

As he spoke, he let out a long sigh, "I have a way to meet the county magistrate, but he won't confront the county magistrate Duan for us."

He turned his eyes slightly to look at Wang Jinling, who was obedient and coquettish, who was not crying or fussing, and comforted his mother in a low voice, and swallowed the words that he wanted to persuade He Xiner to let go.

"Fourth sister, don't worry, this matter has not yet been settled, everything is still possible, no matter how powerful Duan is, he can't cover the sky with one hand, just..."

He Jiajie murmured, "I originally thought that I couldn't do it, so I went to Fucheng to ask my cousin to come to the town, and put pressure on Duan in the name of Uncle Yongchang's mansion, but I was afraid that I would completely annoy him, so I went straight to the bottom of the pot and put the Witness to...

You must know that Duan County Lieutenant was born in the army and killed countless people on the battlefield. This kind of person is cold-hearted and quite hostile..."

He Xiner could understand the meaning behind his words, "Fourth brother, who does he trust the most? Can we ask someone to talk to each other and try to resolve this matter in private...

As long as they are willing to withdraw the lawsuit and stop clinging to the Wang family, I am willing to give them a sum of money to bury the dead and settle down relatives. "

Feng Shi and Jiang Shi's eyes lit up, and they suddenly felt alive again. They stared at He Jiajie tightly, and even tried their best to shut their ears, lest they miss a word.

Even Mrs. Lu couldn't care less about being sad, she held her daughter's hand nervously, looked at He Jiajie with tears in her eyes, feeling uneasy in her heart.

Uncle Wang and the three brothers also didn't dare to breathe, they all looked at him anxiously, fearing that he would say no.

He Jiajie narrowed his eyes slightly, and said expressionlessly, "No matter how generous the fourth sister is, she must have a limit, and she can't fill herself in for other people's affairs."

He Xiner was taken aback, "Don't worry, fourth brother, I still have some money in my hand."

"Hmph, did you save it with your twelve taels a month?"

He Jiajie rather hated iron for being weak, "I still don't know your background, the business with Dingfuju was only done for three or four months, no matter how capable you are, how much can you earn in just a few months?
In the past two years, Dingfuju was forced to close its doors and closed down for a long time, while you went to the mountains and stayed there for two years. You had nothing to earn except monthly allowances, and you had to pay for sesame oil. If you can’t get in or out, you’re going to run out of money…”

He Xiner had no choice but to say, "Fourth brother!"

"What's it called?"

He Jiajie stared, "You are also about to get married, why don't you know how to plan for yourself?
There is a fixed number of married women in the mansion. When you get married, at most, the public will prepare a few shops for you as a dowry. You don't have much money, so you plan to enter the uncle's mansion empty-handed?
Rewarding servants, socializing with others, who doesn't need money?

Fucheng is also a prosperous and prosperous place. Women's clothes, jewelry, rouge, gouache and other things emerge in endlessly. One kind is popular at another time, and that one is popular at another time. Which one doesn't use money?
Everyone in Bo's mansion has eyes on the top of their heads. If you don't have money to buy fashionable things and just live by the monthly rules, who will look down on you? "

He Xiner was both helpless and moved, "Fourth brother, there are priorities!
Besides, I don't want to marry yet..."

She lowered her eyes so that no one could see the emotion in her eyes, but He Jiajie knew that she had to endure it so as not to shed tears, so he twitched in distress.

It's so hard to die, if you talk about marrying or not, isn't this poking the heart of the fourth sister?

He patted the girl's thin shoulder lightly, and coaxed softly, "Okay, okay, fourth brother will stop talking."

Everyone in the Wang family hadn't heard about Ye Xusheng yet, so they couldn't understand the interaction between the two brothers and sisters, but they didn't dare to speak casually. It was Wang Jinling who broke the silence first, "Don't worry, fourth brother, I owe you money to sister Xin'er. Our royal family will definitely pay it back."

(End of this chapter)

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