The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2603 How Much Are These?

Chapter 2603 How Much Are These?

When Feng and Jiang saw Wang Jinling's generous expression, they were so angry that they gritted their teeth.

Does the smelly girl know how much 1000 taels of silver are?
And how much money would it take to satisfy someone like Captain Duan?

With the few acres of poor land of the old Wang's family, and their hard work in cooking and eating, they can only pay off in the Year of the Monkey!

Is she trying to exhaust the family to death?
Although the two were so annoyed with Wang Jinling that they wished to slap her to death, they were not stupid enough to do it in front of Uncle Wang and his wife.

Besides, there is He Xin'er who loves the little girl, so he can't lose his sense of propriety. Right now, he is counting on her to save his big family with money.

Moreover, He Jiajie was already obviously dissatisfied with their behavior of enslaving He Xiner. If they showed that they didn't want to pay back the money again, according to this brat's temper, he might turn his face on the spot and ignore them again.

How does that work?
They don't want to die.

Feng took a deep breath, calm down, calm down, let's talk about the famine later, the most important thing now is to rescue his son first.

Mrs. Jiang also took a deep breath, silently muttering in her heart that it doesn't matter what the brat says, it's Xin girl's private money, she can use it however she likes, and he can't control it.

When girl Xin got married, he couldn't care less. Even if they didn't pay back the money, he could still win the family.

Thinking of this, her heart finally became more open. She raised her hand to straighten the broken hair next to her ear and was about to say something nice, but she was shocked by the actions of Uncle Wang and the three brothers. They, she would absolutely scream for the silver back.

It turned out that the three brothers who finally came to their senses after hearing Wang Jinling's statement all turned around to untie their belts. After a while, there were a lot of broken silver, copper coins, and a dozen small bank notes on the table.

Look at this posture, he should have brought all his wealth.

Feng Shi and Jiang Shi were dizzy for a while.

Mrs. Lu bent over and whispered to her precious daughter, "Did you bring your silver with you?"

Wang Jinling also whispered, "No."

Uncle Wang and the second and third child exchanged glances before looking at He Jiajie, "Fourth brother He, you should use this money to make some connections first... Well, we also know that the money is definitely not enough, but it's all there for now, wait In the future, I will sell a few acres of Susukida at home, and I can make up some more..."

Feng Shi was about to go crazy, she tried her best to wink at her husband, but it was a pity that Uncle Wang didn't look at her at all.

Jiang Shi was also crazy, she stared at the pile of money in front of her with red eyes, bleeding from distress.

He Jiajie glanced at the things on the table calmly, raised his brows lightly, "How many of these are there?"

Uncle Wang, "... 150 Qiliang 480 Wen."

The business of Wang's Restaurant has always been good, but the world was not stable a few years ago, the business stopped for two years, and the loss was not small.

In addition, when the imperial court recruited soldiers, their family had to pay the military service silver of two strong men, and they went out dozens of taels at once, and even borrowed some. So they ran to their house to cry, and they would not be able to borrow the money.

Of course, they don't borrow from everyone, only the closest ones help out, and they can't offend all relatives just because of a little dead thing, so let's not make friends.

A sum of money was spent, but there was no income. Naturally, it was getting less and less. Of the more than 150 taels of silver, half of it was earned after the restaurant opened this year.

All of them are here.

He Jiajie raised his eyebrows again, "Liangzi put away the money."


The servant behind him glanced around but didn't find any belongings, so he walked out softly, and when he came back, he had an extra wooden box in his hand, and he unceremoniously took all the money into it. Then he stood behind He Jiajie holding the wooden box and did not move again.

He Jiajie glanced at Feng Shi and Jiang Shi indifferently, then coughed lightly and said, "I will write down the whereabouts of these money in detail..."

Uncle Wang hurriedly said, "No, we can trust you."

He Jiajie's expression softened slightly, "Fourth sister wants to reconcile with the Duan family, but I'm afraid they will take the opportunity to speak loudly..."

Uncle Wang Sanjiu interjected, "Our Wang family is the head of a household that planed food in the earthen nest. We planted crops every year and couldn't get enough to eat every year. We started a small business with the blessing of Miss Xin in order to save some spare money.

But these are huge sums of money in our eyes, not enough for city people to drink two pots of good tea..."

He said calmly, without any embarrassment or embarrassment, "So with our family background, it is absolutely impossible to satisfy Duan's family.

For the sake of the elderly and children at home, we have no choice but to ask girl Xin for help...

But fourth brother He, don't worry, although our brothers have not studied, we still know the principles of life, and we will never do such ungrateful things.

We will always remember Miss Xin's kindness to the old Wang's family in our hearts, and we will never forget it for the rest of our lives.

Of course, the money must be paid back, the previous 1000 taels, plus what will be spent in the future, no matter how much it is, we will definitely return it to Miss Xin.

There are more than a dozen members of the old Wang family, only eight men and laborers, a big family of old and young, no matter how bad they are, they can't do the shameless thing of sucking a little girl's blood..."

Speaking of this, his gaze became firmer, "Our brothers don't have great skills, but they have great strength. Whether it's carrying big bags or digging coal mines, they can always make money. Slowly Give it back to girl Xin.

Brothers are not finished, and Xiangdong and the others..."

He Xiner pursed her lips tightly and did not speak. There was fourth brother on one end and uncles on the other. It was inappropriate for her to say anything.

He Jiajie was quite satisfied with Uncle Wang's attitude, "That's it. After this matter is over, I'll ask someone to be an intermediary to write an IOU. When the time comes, I'll ask everyone to sign and draw a note as a proof."

"it is good."

Uncle Wang was happy, and He Jiajie didn't procrastinate, "I'm going to find someone right now..."


Shunzi, who went to the county government office to keep an eye on him, ran in sweating profusely, "County Duan has brought people to Pingning Town, and it is said that he intends to arrest all the Wang family."

Uncle Wang shook his hand, and the teacup in front of him fell to the ground and was smashed into pieces. Mrs. Jiang shouted, "They want to catch us all!"

Uncle Wang's lips trembled, unable to say a word for a long time.

He Xiner grabbed Wang Jinling's shoulders, "Don't be afraid, cousin, she won't let them find you."

Feng Shi shouted, "It just so happens that we also go to He's house to hide."

Jiang rushed over anxiously and wanted to hold her hand, but was blocked by Dabai's dodge, she immediately became anxious, "Xin girl, you can't be partial!"

(End of this chapter)

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