The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2604 Shut up all the time

Chapter 2604 Shut up all the time
He Jiajie had a serious expression on his face, "Do you want to cause trouble for my He family?"

He was really tired of this woman, if he hadn't looked at the man from the Wang family as responsible, he would have persuaded He Xiner to let her go.


His eyes turned around on Wang Jinling's calm face, and then he looked at He Xiner. Seeing her firm eyes, he knew that she had made up her mind.

Alas, this sitting system is really troublesome.

Mrs. Jiang was about to go crazy, "Aren't your He family very powerful? How can you be afraid of a county lieutenant with the backing of some uncle's mansion?

Besides, he doesn't know our whereabouts, can he go to your house and arrest people?
What's wrong with telling us to hide?
Why can girl Ling go, but we can't do it? We are all from the Wang family, so why should we treat them differently?
...Xin girl, let us go to your place to take refuge first, we won't be able to stay for long, as long as you bring out more money to satisfy Duan's satisfaction, and settle this matter, we will be here soon Go back, I won't trouble you..."

The consequence of overstimulation is that no matter how many times she speaks, Jiang's mind is in a mess at this time, and she can't move any more. She just keeps talking instinctively, and she probably doesn't know what she said.

Feng Shi was also stimulated, thinking of those murderous officials who broke into Wang's restaurant to arrest people, her calves were spinning.

"Xin girl, you can't wait for death without asking, the elder sister-in-law is old enough, she can't stand the torment, and if she goes through that again, she won't have to wait until she is exiled..."

The two yelled at each other so loudly that the roof was almost toppled by them.

Uncle Wang, who came back to his senses, kept shouting, "Don't make any noise! ​​Don't make any noise!"

In fact, after venting their rants, Feng and Jiang's emotions had calmed down a lot, and their rationality gradually returned, but they didn't stop, instead they yelled even more vigorously.

If He Xiner refuses to agree, she will shout to the end of time.

No matter how much Uncle Ren Wang and Uncle Wang scolded him, they would not stop.

But in a short time, the room became a mess, causing people to have headaches.

He Jiajie's feeling was so simple, he picked up the teapot on the table and slammed it on the ground, "Shut up, sir!"

The yelling stopped abruptly.

He Jiajie sneered, "Stop pretending to be crazy here, and pretend that others can't see what you're up to?"

Feng's old face turned red, while Jiang's chest heaved violently with anger.

The brat did it on purpose!

And that stinky girl He Xiner, who is clearly capable of hiding them all, but she's so cold-hearted and desperate to save them, she's really not a thing!

Uncle Wang and Mrs. Lu looked at each other silently, but neither spoke.

It's already risky for girl Xin to keep her daughter alone, so they naturally can't burden her anymore.

But now that the first and second families are in such a mess, it's hard for them to say anything.

Wouldn't it be normal, provoking them would only make things worse.

But if they were asked to take the initiative to ask their daughter to join them, the two of them really couldn't do it, so they could only keep silent.

He Xiner said in a deep voice, "Uncle, you guys go back, I will arrange for the carriage to go faster."

Feng Shi and Jiang Shi, who had lowered their heads to avoid He Jiajie's sinister gaze, suddenly raised their heads and stared at her, almost blurting out curse words, but seeing Dabai looking over coldly, they could only hold back forcefully.

Uncle Wang's lips trembled, "I understand."

Uncle Wang's hands trembled even more, he didn't want to go back and throw himself into a trap.

Uncle Wang hesitated to speak, he glanced at the girl with a sullen face, his heart was about to twist into a twist.

He Xiner continued, "Grandma and grandpa are old, and have never experienced such a thing. Seeing the official sentry suddenly will make you panic and frightened. It will be better if you are all here..."

She said and turned to look at Mrs. Jiang, "The family is old and young. If you don't go back, you will have no backbone, especially when the eldest cousin is away. The only thing the cousin and nephew can rely on is the elder sister-in-law..."

Feng's heart tightened, and she couldn't stand it any longer. She even forgot her golden grandson just now, she was really led astray by Jiang, and almost became confused.

"Back, let's go back, Hu Zi is still young, if he is scared, he will be in trouble, it will be better if there are more people..."

Thinking of the eldest grandson, Feng's body broke out in a cold sweat. Those officials are all vicious, Huzi must be frightened, what can I do, what should I do?

Time was running short, so He Xiner quickly analyzed the current situation, and said that Duan County Wei was responsible for the arrest of the police, and he came forward in person to follow the rules and bring all the relevant people back.

No one can convict them before the county magistrate opens the court.

So everyone should cooperate with him obediently, and don't try to resist, otherwise it will give him the opportunity to avenge his personal revenge.

He Xiner said quickly, "They can't go fast if there are too many people, and they may not know how to get to the Wang's shop. They need to find the town chief to lead the way, so it will be even slower, and it will not be fast if they bring people back. No, it’s impossible to hold a trial today, we’ve given us time to deal with it..."

Things have come to this point, they don't have any confidence in confronting others, they can only bribe the plaintiff with money.

As long as everyone is safe and sound, no matter how much money you spend, it's worth it.

"The fourth brother at the prison head has already taken care of it, and he won't embarrass the big guy. Don't worry, uncle, and tell my grandpa and grandpa not to be afraid. I will definitely find a way to save everyone..."

Having said that, she turned her head to look at He Jiajie, "Fourth brother?"

He Jiajie sighed, "Your method is fine, money can turn ghosts around, and the vain money is delivered to their doorsteps, few people are not tempted, it is really not difficult to get them to withdraw the lawsuit.

The problem is that time is too tight, if the county magistrate directly convicts the Wang family when the court starts tomorrow, it will be too late..."

He Xiner naturally knew this, "So hurry up, the sooner the better, it would be even better if we can get rid of Duan Xianwei's relatives before he comes back."

"Impossible, he has already taken the matter over, and no one dares to agree without his nod."

"Then find someone first, and then go to see him after he is on duty, and bring the money directly, and we must settle the matter tonight."

"That's right, that's the only way to go now."


"I can't."

He Jiajie smiled wryly, "It's fine if you give me a few more days, but I can't handle it in such a short time."

Seeing He Xiner's gloomy eyes, he finally couldn't hold back, "Why don't I ask uncle for help."

He knew very well that He Xiner didn't want to ask He Hongjin for help, but she couldn't leave the Wang family aside, so he would do it.

He Xiner was startled, "No, I'll find him myself."

It takes sincerity to ask someone for help. Her relatives asked the fourth brother to come forward to figure out what is going on. The elder must have a lump in his heart.

Let her go, tell the truth, and ask for a good word, he should agree.

This is the first time she begged him.

(End of this chapter)

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