The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2605 Xin girl rest assured

Chapter 2605 Xin girl rest assured

"Uncle, Uncle, Uncle, you have also heard it. I will ask Mr. He to come forward to help make peace. His face is also given by Duan Xianwei, so you don't have to worry about it. You will just be imprisoned. It'll be out soon too."

Everyone in the Wang family breathed a sigh of relief, and He Xiner said again, "I'll let someone arrange a carriage, you hurry back and get home before Captain Duan, let my grandpa, grandpa and the others be mentally prepared, so as not to Frightened."

Uncle Wang said, "Uncle understands, Xin'er can rest assured."

Uncle Wang, who is the most timid, nodded again and again at this meeting, expressing that he knew what to do. Uncle Wang was ashamed and touched at the same time, his throat was choked and he didn't know what to say, it was Lu who held He Xiner's hand with tears in his eyes Said, "Our big family has caused you trouble."

"They're all from our own family, you're welcome, Sanjin."

Feng was worried that Jinsun would be frightened, and wished he could fly back immediately to hide the child, but he didn't have time to think about those vicious officials, so he stopped talking.

However, Jiang's two sons are not yet married and have already been arrested. There is nothing she cares about at home, so don't rush to be arrested.

"My husband and I won't be able to help when we go back, so let's stay with Ling girl as a companion..."

She was interrupted by He Xiner before she finished speaking, "It's better to have one more thing than one less thing at this time, if people take this opportunity to be accused of absconding in fear of crime..."

Jiang said airily, "Then girl Ling is not afraid of being accused of absconding in fear of crime?"

Uncle Wang and Mrs. Lu's expressions changed greatly, and He Xiner's expression turned cold. "My cousin never lived at home, and the neighbors in the street can testify. It's just that someone wants to charge her with absconding. Nor is it established."

Jiang went mad with jealousy, "But now she clearly knows that the official sent to the Wang's house to arrest someone and deliberately hides!"

He Xiner looked at her fixedly, "Could it be that the second concubine wants to kill her relatives righteously?"

The girl in front of her was not wearing any makeup, her clothes were plain, she didn't even have any decent jewelry, she was very bland, plus her complexion was pale and thin, her thin body didn't have any momentum at all, but I couldn't explain why, Jiang Shi didn't dare to look her in the eyes.

She didn't yell or yell, and she didn't lose her temper. She just looked at her silently, but there was an invisible sense of oppression rushing towards her, making her unable to breathe.

Seeing He Xiner's face turned, Uncle Wang couldn't help being anxious, "Don't worry, girl Xin, we won't reveal the whereabouts of girl Ling, just like you said, she wasn't at home in the first place, why bother to go back and suffer this pain?" .”

Uncle Wang said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid this matter will not be easy to settle. Don't be sad if you really become Xin girl. You have done your best. We all know that we won't blame you, but I am afraid that there will be no chance to pay you back." I'm in love, and..."

His eyes fell on Wang Jinling's face, "If the old Wang's family can't escape this catastrophe, I'll leave Miss Ling to you..."

He Xiner's heart was heavy, "Uncle, don't worry."

Uncle Wang's eyes were red, and Mrs. Lu's tears were streaming down her cheeks. Thousands of words can't express her feelings, so let's say nothing, or the pressure on girl Xin will be even greater.

While everyone was talking, He Jiajie's people had already arranged the carriage. Time was running out, so Uncle Wang didn't dare to delay, so he hurriedly thanked the He family brothers and sisters and boarded the carriage. , and set off in a hurry.

"Fourth brother, please send your cousin to Ciguang Temple."

After sending the Wang family away, He Xiner said to He Jiajie, "Go back and pack up and leave. I'll let Luohua and Xiaoju follow, and Dabai will also go. Only with him looking after my cousin can I rest assured."

He Jiajie didn't refuse, but he still asked, "You really don't need me to accompany you to see uncle?"

"No, time is urgent, let's split up."

"it is good."

This time, He Jiajie agreed without saying anything, "Ciguang Temple should have an empty courtyard at this time of year."

"Falling Blossom will arrange it."

He Xiner brought a group of maids to live in the mountains for two years, Luo Hua and the others are familiar with the people in the temple, besides, she just added two sums of money for sesame oil during the Mid-Autumn Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, so she still has to pay for it at the host's place. Some face.

"That's it. You just need to prepare. I'll wait here."

"Thank you fourth brother."

"Why are you being polite to my brother?"

He Xiner didn't say anything else, she remembered this feeling.

Wang Jinling has been obediently following He Xiner, and was held by her hand and trot all the way back to Qingxin Youju. She was out of breath from running, and she didn't stop, she didn't speak until she stepped into He Xiner's bedroom , "I don't want to go to the Temple of Mercy, is that okay?"

"Cousin is obedient, you go and hide for a while, and when this matter is over, cousin will send someone to pick you up."

Wang Jinling nodded hesitantly, "Okay, I'll listen to Sister Xin'er."

Luo Hua was suddenly entrusted with an important task, to accompany Wang Jinling to the Temple of Mercy to avoid disaster, she was surprised but also a little embarrassed, "Miss Biao and I have left, what should the young lady do?"

"Isn't there still Xiao Xing and the others? Don't worry, I can do anything at home. I need to eat and drink, and no one can disturb me."

Luo Hua pursed her lips and said nothing, He Xiner said again, "This matter is indeed a bit sudden, right now I can only leave my cousin to you, I don't worry about others."

Luo Hua's eyes were slightly red, "Miss, don't worry, the maid will take good care of Miss Biao."

"Well, I'm very relieved that my cousin will leave it to you."

Sending the little girl away as quickly as possible, He Xiner breathed a sigh of relief, and took out the box containing the silver notes herself, counted 1 taels of silver notes and put them in a small wooden box.

When she picked up the wooden box and was about to go out, she looked down at the clothes on her body, pursed her lips and thought about turning around resolutely. When she came out, she had already changed into a blue dress, but she was anxious, so she didn't wash and put on makeup. There is still no jewelry on the head.

In the study outside the front yard, He Hongjin's eyes fell on the beige hairband on her bun, and he didn't move away for a long time.

He Xiner put the wooden box in her hand on the table, "Here is the 1 taels of silver bill, please have a look at it, sir."

He Hongjin was secretly surprised that this kid was so rich!
He picked up the wooden box and took out the silver bills. The ten thousand taels of silver bills were neatly arranged and could be seen at a glance.

"You are this?"

He Xin'er made a long story short, finished the predicament encountered by the Wang's restaurant in a few words, and said, "The 1 taels of silver bill is my sincerity, please help the elders to negotiate a deal, and hope that Duan and Wang's family can resolve this matter privately." .”

He Hongjin's eyes were complicated. If it wasn't for County Captain Duan who was chasing him closely and time was too tight, she would have been able to do it without herself. A few more people are willing to die.

"Lieutenant Duan Xian was born in the army. He has a hot temper and is arrogant. There are not many people in Lin'an County who can catch his eyes. This matter... is not impossible. Don't look at the current Yongchang Bo. It's a casual job, but it's a real family of military generals, a veteran honorable man, the county captain Duan still wants to give him his face."

(End of this chapter)

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