The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2606 I listen to Brother 4

Chapter 2606 I listen to the fourth brother

After Luo Hua settled down Wang Jinling, she came back again.

She was worried about He Xiner.

If it wasn't for Wang Jinling being too young, she wouldn't be at ease with only Xiaoju by her side, and she wanted to bring Dabai back too.

Dabai and Miss Biao are not here, if Miss has another nightmare, who will wake her up.

So she has to come back.

At least she knows Miss better than Xiao Xing.

"Sister Luohua, it's great that you're back. Miss, she didn't eat at noon, and she didn't rest. She just stayed in the room and copied Buddhist scriptures. She didn't eat or drink, and she didn't let us wait on her. Oh, I'm about to die of anxiety."

As soon as He Jiajie and Luo Hua stepped into Qingxin's secluded courtyard, Xiao Xing, who was guarding the porch, rushed towards them. She was bitter and her eyes were red, and she was about to cry.

Hearing this, He Jiajie ran away.

Luo Hua hurriedly said, "Hurry up and prepare some moderate food, and cook a bowl of white fungus and lotus seed soup."

"Meals are always prepared, and the medicine is ready, but Miss..."

The two rushed to the upper room in a hurry, and before entering the room, He Jiajie asked, "Why doesn't Fourth Sister eat?
How thin have you become, and you are still tossing yourself like this, what should you do if you really want to burn yourself out?
How did this copy the scriptures again?

not in a good mood?

what happened?Uncle didn't agree? "

After a series of questions, He Xiner finally came back to her senses.

She looked up blankly, as if waking up from a dream, and when she saw that the person in front of her was He Jiajie, she quickly put down the pen in her hand, "Fourth brother is back? Cousin settled down? Is she still used to it?..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

He Jiajie stopped repeatedly, "Are you worried about that little girl?"

He Xiner looked worried, "My cousin is lively and active, I'm afraid she doesn't like the solemn and quiet environment, but luckily Dabai is with her, otherwise I'm afraid she will be scared at night."

He Jiajie said, "I don't see where she's scared, but if you go on like this, you're going to straddle."

As he spoke, he sighed helplessly, turned around and told him to stand quietly on Luohua Road at the door with red eyes, "Go and bring some food over here."


"Luohua? Why are you back? Cousin, she..."

When He Xiner saw Luo Hua, she wanted to get up in a hurry, but she felt dizzy and almost fell down. Fortunately, He Jiajie had sharp eyesight and helped her up, "Fourth sister, are you alright?"

"Quick! Go call the doctor."

"No, I'm fine."

He Xiner closed her eyes and waved her hands, "It's just that I got up in a hurry, it's fine."

He Jiajie felt distressed and helpless, "Little girl is fine, what are you in a hurry for?"

Luo Hua helped her to sit down slowly with red eyes, "Miss, don't worry, the servants have been arranged properly. Miss Biao lives in the most elegant Fufeng courtyard. The environment is quiet but not remote. The two courtyards adjacent to the left and right live Both are female relatives of high-ranking families, and both families have girls who are the same age as Miss Biao.

When the servant girl came back, Miss Biao was making an appointment with them to take Dabai to the mountain to dig out a rabbit nest, and said that she would bring it back tomorrow to roast rabbit meat for the lady. "

He Jiajie quickly said, "Look, fourth brother didn't lie to you, right? That girl is really nice. She became interested when she entered the mountain and ran happily. I couldn't even catch up with her. Really, she is so happy , not as scared, sad, or worried as you think, not at all."

He Xiner didn't open her eyes until she was no longer dizzy. She looked at He Jiajie and Luo Hua. Seeing the calm faces of the two, she knew what they said was true, but she sighed softly, "Cousin is afraid that I'm worried."

"Since the fourth sister knows what the little girl is thinking, she should take good care of her body so that the girl will not miss her big family and you..."

Thinking of the well-behaved Wang Jinling, He Jiajie couldn't help sighing, "It's really embarrassing for her, such a small person can still be stable in such a situation."

"My cousin is clear-minded and exquisite, so she is different from ordinary children."

He Jiajie clicked his tongue, "It's really rude of the fourth sister to boast about her own sister."

"Cousin is very good."

"Okay, okay, okay, the fourth sister is right, that little girl is the smartest, most transparent, cutest, and most sensible girl in the world."

A smile flashed in He Xiner's eyes, "Fourth brother is right."

He Jiajie was convinced, clicked his tongue again, and then gave Luo Hua a wink, signaling her to serve the food. Before Luo Hua could speak, someone lifted the door curtain, and Xiao Xing walked in with a food box.

"Fourth sister, if you really love that girl, you should take good care of yourself. Otherwise, if you fall down, who will protect her."

He Xiner lowered her eyes, "Well, I listen to fourth brother."

"That's right, hurry up and eat something, and we'll talk later if you have anything to say."

He Xiner nodded silently, Luo Hua waited on her to clean her hands, sat down again, drank half a bowl of meat porridge with some refreshing side dishes, and then put down the bowl and chopsticks.

"Miss, do you want to sleep to rest your mind?"

She doesn't eat much, and it doesn't matter whether she eats or not. Seeing her haggard face, Luo Hua suggested to take a nap.

"What time is it?"

He Jiajie, who was resting on the imperial concubine's couch with his eyes closed, opened his eyes, "It doesn't matter what time it is, the fourth sister will rest when she is tired, and the fourth brother will go back first."

As he spoke, he sat up unsteadily, and yawned lazily, looking exhausted.

He Xiner felt guilty. How long has this young master worked so hard? It's really hard work for him.

"Fourth brother, can you accompany me to the county government dungeon?"

She hesitated for a moment before she opened her mouth, "My grandma is old and her health is not good. I was frightened and frightened by this trip. I was afraid that she would fall ill, so I sent someone to the medical center to buy some soothing and heart-replenishing medicines." pills, and some hemostatic powder or something...

Can you send it with me? "

He Jiajie looked her up and down, always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell, "It's no problem, I just walk with you if I have nothing to do."

"Thank you fourth brother."

"You're welcome."

In late autumn, the weather is getting cooler, the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer, and the sky is getting darker in the near future. The dungeon is even more gloomy, and the place where the torches can't reach is even darker and gloomy.

He Jiajie frowned.

It's too cold in this dungeon.

It's cold and cold, not to mention it also has an unpleasant smell, so I shouldn't have brought my fourth sister here.

She is so weak, don't get sick again.

"Fourth sister, let's go back. In Lin'an County, there is nothing that uncle can't do. His old man has come forward in person. There is absolutely no problem. The Wang family can go out tomorrow, but stay here for one night. Nothing will happen, don't watch it.

Besides, I have already prepared everything, and they will not be short of thick quilts and fresh food, so why don't you worry about it.

This is really not the place for you to come, if you catch cold or get frightened and want to drink that bitter soup again, listen to fourth brother, let's go back. "

(End of this chapter)

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