The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2614 This is too coincidental

Chapter 2614 This is too coincidental
Second Uncle Wang had just handed the old king's head to Uncle Wang Third. He was pinching his sore arm with his teeth bared. Hearing this, he turned his head and kicked him, "Is the money more important than the person? It's your own son who is imprisoned inside!"

Jiang was unprepared, and was kicked on her lower abdomen by him. She kicked her hind legs uncontrollably for two steps, and then fell to the ground with a heavy plop, and then a strong pain rushed straight to the sky.

It looks like the tailbone is broken.

She screamed at the top of her voice, "Ah——!"

It happened so fast, before everyone could react, their ears hurt from her shrill scream, and they all frowned subconsciously.

Mrs. Wang snorted coldly, but kept on walking.

No matter how good-tempered she was, she couldn't stand someone buzzing in her ears like a big fly, she was already annoyed, and Jiang's constant complaints about He Xiner made her feel even colder. Ye Yufa made up his mind to drive him out of the house.

I can't be soft-hearted anymore.

This kind of ungrateful and ungrateful things are not rare in the Wang family.

Uncle Wang, who was carrying the old king's head on his back, turned around and took a look. Seeing that his mother was walking faster and faster without looking sideways, he ignored the howling Jiang and continued to stride ahead.

Uncle Wang looked at Second Uncle Wang, who was still furious, "Don't worry about her, she likes to howl here, just howl here as much as she wants!"

Feng looked at the embarrassed Jiang with gloating, and called to his son loudly, "Go east and west quickly, the days are getting shorter every day, and the darkness is getting earlier, don't dare to delay time, if the sky Heiqian can't go back, and those who fall in this wilderness will be in trouble if they encounter gangsters and robbers."

As she spoke, her steps became faster, as if it would be dark soon, and there would be gangsters robbing her at any moment.

Wang Xiangdong sighed silently, patted Wang Xiangnan on the shoulder and said, "Hurry up and pull Second Aunt up, people come and go here, it's not good to make noise."

They have already left the city, but there are still quite a lot of people on the official road. Most of them are ordinary people who go to the city early in the morning to buy things and rush home for lunch. The trampling carriage passed by, but there were quite a few people anyway.

Mrs. Jiang is going to be a mother-in-law, and there are a lot of people who don't care about their age, and those who lie on the side of the road and howl are like killing pigs, which is not shameful.

Wang Xiangnan and Wang Xiangbei felt ashamed, their heads almost dropped to their chests.

There was nothing to do with such a mother at the booth, and she couldn't really ignore her, so she had to hold back the dissatisfaction in her heart and pulled her up.

Seeing that everyone in the family left her behind, Mrs. Jiang panicked a long time ago, and now that there are steps down, she half-pushed and got up, but the resentment in her heart became more and more intense, and she muttered and cursed Uncle Wang and the three brothers .

Scolding them for being stupid, scolding them for being stupid, living a long life in vain, not even having a heart, not covering up the vain money, saving it to build a house and marrying a wife, and giving it all to outsiders, it's really stupid .

Listening to his mother's unscrupulous words, Wang Xiangnan and Wang Xiangdong frowned even tighter.

"Now that you can't even get a scraping copper plate at home, what will happen to your marriage?"

Mrs. Jiang gritted her teeth and said, "It was so beautiful when Xiangdong got married. The table of ten big dishes is the only one in the village, and the dishes for the female guests are the same as those for the male guests. It's really open-faced. Who doesn't praise the old Wang's family?" The grandiose way of doing things made the envious eyes of the poor and poor in the clan red... But that was piled up with white money, and it was the money of the public.

But now it's your turn to get married, and the family doesn't even have the money to buy a piece of red paper, let alone buy a table, make new clothes, etc., so it's hard to ask you to walk to pick up the bride in old clothes Like those poor ghosts in the village who don't even post a happy letter, kowtow to their parents is considered a courtesy?
They are all grandsons of the old Wang family, why should they be treated differently?

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and she couldn't help scolding the second uncle and brother Wang.

"Father is getting angry, mother should say less."

"Hmph, he regretted that he did something stupid, but he didn't have the face to admit his mistake, so he spread his anger on my old lady."

Wang Xiangnan finally raised his head, and said with a serious face, "Mother, you mean that father, uncle, and third uncle took money to save our brothers, are they doing stupid things? Are they doing something wrong?"

As if Jiang was so angry that he didn't notice his son's expression, "It's not stupid! I told him clearly that He Xiner has money, so he doesn't need to spend our own money, and he still..."

Wang Xiangnan let go of her violently, turned around and strode away.

"Hey, hey! What kind of face are you throwing at my old lady!"

Jiang yelled at Wang Xiangnan's back, "Come back to me!"

Wang Xiangnan ignored her, but walked faster, and after a while, he caught up with the second uncle Wang and the others in front of him. He didn't speak, but just kept his head down and walked silently.

Wang Xiangdong patted him on the shoulder, but also remained silent.

"Everyone knows how to show off their temper with the old lady, so why don't they use the surname He to make such a big deal..."

Mrs. Jiang suddenly grabbed her youngest son's arm, "Xiangbei, mother thought of a good idea, she can trick He Xiner out, and then let her obediently hand over all the money..."

Wang Xiangbei's face darkened, and he let her go, and then trotted to chase his brother without looking at her again.

Jiang was so angry that she cursed, "Everyone is going to rebel, come back to my mother!"

She was about to run forward out of embarrassment, to teach these two unfilial sons a lesson, but she hadn't started running yet, but when she raised her foot, she felt more pain at the tailbone, and she fell down with a scream. fell to the ground.

This time she cried even harder.

Everyone in the old Wang family didn't seem to hear, and they all continued on their way with a blank expression.


"Fourth sister, you—are you okay?"

He Jiajie looked at He Xiner's expression, thinking about how to enlighten her, but his head hurt from thinking about it, and he couldn't think of a good idea.

It is a matter of course that male college students should get married and female college students should get married. Moreover, Nan Gonghan is a talented person, and Yongchang uncle's mansion is a noble family. It is really an excellent marriage. I don't know how many people have envied her.

At the beginning, he was quite optimistic about this marriage, thinking that Nangong Han and He Xiner were a natural couple, and they would definitely live happily together.

The wedding will be more beautiful.

The two of them are already outstanding in appearance, but when they put on festive and auspicious clothes, they will be even more radiant and amaze the audience.

Oh, just thinking about that picture makes me feel beautiful.

But now...

He really couldn't imagine how He Xiner would face the festive and lively scene.

No, he has to talk to his uncle and delay the marriage.

"Master, Fourth Miss."

Liangzi stood on the porch and said respectfully through the curtain, "My lord told the people in front of me that the fifth son of Nangong is here, and he is talking to the lord in the outer study."


He Jiajie narrowed his eyes, this is too coincidental.

(End of this chapter)

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