The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2615 You really read it right

Chapter 2615 You really read it right

Nangong Han, who was about to leave for Beijing to see off his relatives, managed to spare half a day and rushed all the way here at lightning speed. It took two hours to travel by carriage, but he arrived in just one hour.

The speed was really fast, but it almost didn't kill him.

His legs trembled when he dismounted.

It's not easy.

But he had to meet her before going to Beijing.

So here he comes.

Naturally, he wanted to meet He Hongjin.

He was going to return to Fucheng after finishing his business, so he simply said hello and went straight to the topic without a single extra polite word.

He Hongjin looked at the red sandalwood box in front of him with a puzzled expression, "This is?"

Nangong Han said, "A silver ticket."

He Hongjin glanced at him in surprise, reached out and opened it, and ten thousand taels of silver bills lay quietly inside.

When he raised his eyes to look at Nangong Han again, his face was full of confusion. Are all the children so rich now? It's shocking that they cost tens of thousands of taels. .

He Xiner knew how to do business. He already knew that when she took out 1 taels of silver, she was a little surprised but not too surprised. When Yinzi came, he really surprised him.

You must know that Uncle Yongchang's family has been unable to make ends meet, if he hadn't secretly helped, the dignity of Earl Xungui's family would have been unable to maintain.

But even so, with his monthly allowance, it is still a pipe dream to save up to 1 taels.

He Hongjin looked around Nangong Han with probing eyes, and saw that he was well-dressed and well-equipped, so he didn't say much, but asked, "Why do you give me the bank note? And your father knows this something?"

Nangong Han made a long story short, "My nephew started a business in partnership with others and saved a little private money... Well, my parents don't know about it yet..."

Hearing this, He Hongjin raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect this kid to have such abilities, but he was much better than his father.

Thinking of his chubby cousin, he couldn't help but feel disgusted, but no matter how bad he was, he was still a dignified uncle, even if he was incompetent and only had a false name, he was still a high-ranking and honorable minister.

As long as he is willing to use his brain that is about to rust, it will be much easier than him to plan a good future for the family.

For example, clinging to Prince Ding.

That's a real nobleman, a powerful figure.

Thinking of this, He Hongjin's deep eyes became darker.


Seeing that he was distracted, Nangong Han stopped talking.

He Hongjin regained his composure, and when he looked at him again, his face was full of relief, "I know what you mean, but you can take this bank note back.

I have already prepared the dowry for the fourth girl. Although ten miles of red makeup is not enough, but other girls have it, and she can't do without it. You don't have to worry about it. "

Nangong Han naturally knew that he would prepare a generous dowry for He Xiner, after all, the He family was not short of money.

However, there are some things that he needs to clarify to avoid misunderstanding.

It's just that you can't say it too bluntly.

So he pondered and said, "To tell you the truth, my cousin, the reason my nephew is distracted from doing business with others when he is busy with his studies is to take on the responsibility of supporting the family and give my cousin more protection...

In short, my cousin's belongs to my cousin, and mine also belongs to my cousin..."

He Hongjin looked at him deeply, "I know you are a good person, I really read it right."

This kid is not bad.


The fourth girl will not be wronged if she marries him.

Thinking of this, He Hongjin raised the corners of his lips and put away the red sandalwood box.

Nangong Han finished a matter and was in a good mood. He smiled and told about the uncle's visit to propose marriage in two days, and said, "my nephew is going to Beijing soon, so I can't take care of these things. If there is something wrong Thoughtful place, I hope my cousin will take care of me more.

But I'll be back as soon as possible and never miss the gift of acceptance. "

He Hongjin was very satisfied with his attitude, and Yu Fa valued him very much, so he passed on his knowledge and experience of traveling far away to him, and didn't stop talking until He Jiajie came in.

Seeing that Nangong Han couldn't sit still anymore, he said, "The fourth girl was not feeling well a few days ago, so when you come, go and see her."


So He Jiajie, who had just rushed over, accompanied Nangong Han back to Qingxin Youju.

"Cousin, you've lost weight."

Nangong Han stared at He Xiner obsessively, his eyes were full of pity and distress, "Why do you get sick when you're so good?"

He Jiajie said, "Fourth younger sister is just better, what are you talking about, don't make her afraid, she is most afraid of drinking those bitter soups."

Nangong Han saw that He Xiner's eyes were dim and his expression was tired, so he quickly changed the subject and talked about his going to Beijing to see off his relatives.

He Xiner was a little interested, "How can you go to the capital by water? I didn't hear that there is a pier in Lin'an County."

"Lin'an is neither near the sea nor the river. There is indeed no pier. If you want to go by water, you have to go to Lin County, board a boat from there, and then go all the way to the capital..."

He Jiajie observed Nangong Han's every move calmly, but he didn't notice anything unusual.

He frowned suspiciously, did he think too much?
"Cousin,... I owe you a gift."

Nangong Han tried his best to act more natural, but he felt uneasy in his heart, "I carved this jade hairpin one by one. Although it is rough, it is my heart. I hope you like it."

He Xiner's eyes fell on the somewhat familiar rosewood jewelry box, and she remained silent for a while, as if she was frozen, not moving.

Nangong Han couldn't help raising his heart.

He Jiajie's brows frowned even deeper. Cousin is simply poking fourth sister's heart with a knife.

After a while, He Xiner finally moved when the two of them couldn't hold on any longer. She raised her hand to receive the rosewood jewelry box, and then slowly opened it.

The warm and delicate suet white magnolia flower hairpin is as soft as cream, which is lustrous, exquisite and extremely beautiful.

Sure enough, it's still the one from back then.

He kept it.

"Thank you cousin."

Nangong Han was so excited that he almost jumped up, "It's good that my cousin doesn't dislike her."

He Jiajie pouted.

Smiling like the second idiot, there is no trace of the appearance of a nobleman, it is really hard to see.

Finally handing over the jade hairpin that has been cherished for many years to the hands of his sweetheart, a big stone in Nangong Han's heart fell to the ground, his joy was beyond words, and he wished to take him into his arms and share this joy with her.

It's a pity that there is someone who doesn't have long eyes watching, no matter how excited he is, he dare not go beyond.

He Jiajie, who was quietly acting as a quail, couldn't help but sneer when he met someone's angry eyes.

Heh, I wanted to drive my young master away, but my young master refused to leave.

what can you do

Facts have proved that Nangong Han really can't do anything to him, but just stared twice again.

He was short of time and didn't have time to waste time with this unscrupulous brat, so after staring at him, he stopped talking to him.

"Marriage is done by the elders, you don't need to worry about it, just take good care of yourself..."

He asked He Xiner over and over again, and finally reluctantly said, "Wait until I come back to marry you."

He Xiner lowered her eyes and hummed softly.

The ecstatic Nangong Han only thought that she was shy, and didn't notice that her expression was unusual. She was so happy and silly, she stared blankly at her and kept laughing nonstop. In the end, He Jiajie couldn't stand it, and asked him if he was still in a hurry. I'm not in a hurry to rush back. If I'm not in a hurry, he will arrange for lunch.

Nangong Han said, "I'm about to leave for Beijing soon. There are a lot of things to worry about. I can't leave for too long, or my mother will turn Qingzhou City upside down."

He Jiajie hurriedly got up, "I'll see you off."

(End of this chapter)

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