The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2616 I Will Listen To You

Chapter 2616 I Will Listen To You
Nangong Han took big strides and walked fast.

He was afraid that he couldn't help but turn around and go back.

After finally waiting for this day, she was finally willing to accept his jade hairpin, and him. He was so happy that he wanted to run to the top of the mountain and laugh a few times.

Or hold a pot and drink to your heart's content.

But he wants to be with her more, and he doesn't need to do anything, just stay together quietly.

Unfortunately no time.

At this moment, Nangong Han regretted extremely, regretting that he should go to Beijing to see off his relatives.

But it will be too late to regret.

He had no choice but to come back as soon as possible.

Come back and marry her.


He Jiajie walked with him all the way, and he hesitated to speak many times. If it was normal, Nangong Han would have noticed something strange, but all he was thinking about was He Xiner, so he didn't have the heart to pay attention to others.

"You actually followed me all the way?"

Nangong Han turned his head in surprise, "I still think you have gone back."

He Jiajie said angrily, "I'm such a big man, but you can't see, maybe you're blind?"

Nangong Han said with a smile, "I'm lost in thinking about things."

He Jiajie rolled his eyes silently.

However, Nangong Han suddenly became interested, and suddenly grabbed his shoulder and said with a smile, "Call me again, cousin."

Hearing this, He Jiajie sneered, "You said Fourth Younger Sister, if she knew you were still unwilling to call him Fourth Brother, what would she think?"

After saying this, he regretted it.

This is not his intention.

Originally, I just couldn't understand his smug face, and simply wanted to make him feel uncomfortable.

But this is good, this kid seems to be more proud.

He Jiajie gritted his teeth secretly.

Can't wait to go back in time and take back the words.

Nangong Han's eyes became brighter, "Fourth Brother!"

He Jiajie...

He looked at the other party up and down, and really suspected that this person was a fake.

"Don't mind, don't call me that, I can't bear it."

He rubbed his arms and said, "I don't know when my cousin became so thick-skinned, thanks to you how can you scream."

Nangong Han was in a high mood, and didn't care about his teasing at all, "Xin'er's fourth brother is my fourth brother, there is nothing I can't say.

When He Xiner was mentioned, his smile deepened, "If you feel bad, just call me cousin."

He Jiajie gave him a big roll of eyes, but made Nangong Han laugh out loud.

He Jiajie secretly sighed.

I really didn't expect that this noble and noble son would sometimes laugh like a fool.

It can be seen that he is really happy.


Alas, how can I tell him to speak~
"Cousin, I'm leaving."

Just when He Jiajie was secretly anxious, Nangong Han had turned over and stepped on the steed, he said loudly, "I need to trouble you to take care of Xin'er more, don't let her worry and trouble her, wait for me to buy you a drink when I come back."

Seeing that he was really going to leave, He Jiajie couldn't care anymore in a hurry. He grabbed the rein and looked up at Nangong Han, "Cousin, the fourth sister suffered from illness in the mountains, and she needs a good life. It will take a while..."

Looking at the young man who was immediately in high spirits, those excuses that he had thought up, for some reason, suddenly couldn't continue.

"...Well, what I mean is, is..., can we wait for the fourth sister to get better before getting married?"

Nangong Han lost his smile, and looked at him solemnly, "Is this your own idea, or...?"

Will not.

Once Xin'er agreed to him, she would not regret it.

Thinking of this, he felt a little relieved.

"Of course it's my idea, otherwise who else?"

He Jiajie rolled his eyes at him, "I originally wanted to persuade uncle, but I haven't had time yet..."

Nangong Han breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, my cousin and I have already discussed, the marriage does not need my cousin to bother, she just needs to take good care of her body.

I will take good care of her when we get married, let alone bother her about common affairs. "

His eyes were sincere and his tone was firm, which made He Jiajie unable to persist any longer.

Seeing Nangong Han galloping off on his horse in high spirits, he sighed deeply.

Forget it, my cousin is infatuated with the fourth sister and takes good care of her, so she will not be wronged.

Some things cannot be let go in a day or two. .

Over time, it will naturally fade away.

Worrying about He Xiner after all, He Jiajie once again set foot in Qingxin Youju, "It's boring to eat alone, let's go with Fourth Sister, so we can talk by the way."

Luo Hua's intestines were knotted in sorrow, seeing him like this, she was so grateful that she didn't know what to say.

Glancing at the expressionless He Xiner, she took a deep breath, and said nothing, it's important to pass the meal on first.

"After working for a long time, you are also tired. Go and have a rest."

The siblings had lunch together, and He Jiajie said, "I'm tired too, I need to sleep for a while. The little girl will pick me up later, and I just need to come back before dark."

He Xiner nodded.

The cousin has been with her for so long, and she probably got bored long ago, so let her play more when she goes out.

He Jiajie did what he said, and really brought Wang Jinling back before dark. Seeing her flying into He Xiner's arms like swallows throwing themselves into the forest, he couldn't help laughing.

Look at that little aggrieved look, it seems like it's been a long time since I've been separated from my fourth sister.

No, you were very happy when you were on the mountain, and I didn't see you feeling sad.

How could this cause the little nose to twitch.

He Jiajie shook his head.

He's really a child, he's always the same.

"Dabai hunted a lot of pheasants and rabbits, and I brought them back. Let's make spicy rabbit diced. I haven't eaten them for some days. I'm still wondering."

"it is good."

"Keep the chaotic soup for the pheasant. It's too late today. Let's cook it tomorrow. If you have the time, you can cook it a little longer. The pheasant is firm, so it won't work if the fire is light."

"Well, I'll listen to you."

Seeing that the two sisters were in a good mood, He Jiajie was relieved and didn't stay any longer. He was very tired after a day of tossing around, and he didn't have the energy to accompany them anymore.

Furthermore, with this eccentric little girl around, the fourth younger sister would not need him at all.

He Jiajie originally thought that He Xiner would keep Wang Jinling by his side, but unexpectedly, after only two days, she would send him away.


He asked confusedly, "Don't you like that little girl the most, why are you sending her back?"

"It's been a while since my cousin came..."


He Jiajie's eyes showed a fierce look, "Did someone say something? Or did some blind person dare to make face for the little girl?"

He Xiner chuckled, "Neither, my cousin has been obediently staying in the courtyard and never going out, who wouldn't want to come here and gossip to save face?

I am not afraid of being shot by Dabai. "

"That's it!"

He Jiajie was very afraid that after the little girl left, He Xin'er would become depressed again, so he tried his best to persuade him, "Don't think too much, this is your yard and your territory, no one cares about it, don't pay attention to what those people say. "

(End of this chapter)

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