Chapter 2622 All tied up

The one who suddenly scolded Wang Jinling was a little girl who looked somewhat similar to Jiang Lixia. Her name was Jiang Huihui. She was about thirteen or fourteen years old. She wore a linen dress that was probably new, but she looked brighter than the other girls. Also more delicate than them.

The small face is also more delicate than Jiang Lixia and the others, and it can be said that the girls in the entire Jiang family have the best looks.

At this moment, she was screaming emotionally, "Why are you so poisonous at such a young age? What good does it do you if my third uncle dies?!"

He blamed Wang Jinling sternly in his mouth, but his eyes kept drifting towards He Jiajie's face. Seeing that he seemed to be in deep thought, he suddenly gained courage while being ecstatic, and stretched out his hand to grab Wang Jinling's head, "Go Apologize to third uncle... ah—”

The sparkling pearls in Wang Jinling's hair, she liked it very much when she saw it, and she was jealous and envious in her heart, why should a little yellow-haired girl wear such a good thing, she deserves it!
Jiang Huihui was holding back her stomach and was about to tear that beautiful bead flower to pieces, lest this little girl steal her limelight.

The thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl had fierce eyes and came straight to Wang Jinling. He was full of thoughts about how powerful Qiu Jiu was. He Jiajie suddenly felt that danger was approaching. Without even thinking about it, he kicked at the rushing Black shadow, so Jiang Huihui suffered.

She backed up a few steps and finally fell to the ground because of her unsteady standing, her head was pounding, and she was in pain when she heard it.

Jiang Lixia secretly cursed that she deserved it, not to mention the joy in her heart, but when her eyes fell on He Jiajie's hand holding Wang Jinling tightly, her face immediately turned dark.

A dead girl who dares to seduce her man in front of her face is looking for death!
"Father! You can't let this kid go! You can't let go of Ye!"

Jiang Shouyi, the boss of the Jiang family, Jiang Huihui's biological father, saw that Wang Xiangdong and the others had already opened the door of the house, and the coachman of the He family had also led the horse. It's too much, and we don't take our Jiang family seriously.

I have lived so long, I have never seen such a bully.

If we really want them to leave just like that, then we might as well die as cowards! "

Lao Jiang's mind was in a mess, and it was difficult to make a decision for a while.

Finally, the old Wangtou who came out of the house stood quietly under the eaves, watching them die with a calm expression.

With the Ye Family Nursing Home, he no longer had to worry about He Jiajie being kidnapped by someone surnamed Jiang, so he was naturally happy to watch the show.

It was time for dinner, and the people watching the excitement in the alley had already dispersed, and they went home to eat, which was rare and clean.

However, there are neighbors around the Wang family, if there is a big trouble, there will always be people who can't help but come out to have a look.

The Jiang family was not afraid of people looking at them before, and it was the Wang family who were ashamed, so they didn't care.

But now it's different.

Old Jiang clenched his fist tightly.

Now that I think about it, I was too impulsive just now, I only thought about the benefits of clinging to the He family, but I didn't want to think about how the young master of the rich family was easily manipulated by others.

With his temper, how could he obediently marry the third girl.

He took it for granted.

He shouldn't instigate his children and grandchildren to make trouble, but now it's hard for him to ride a tiger.

The main reason is that the Ye family's nursing home is too powerful, and the driver of the He family seems to be not easy. With the two of them, plus the Wang family, it is absolutely impossible to quietly take away the young master of the He family. You can't really rob people blatantly, they are not bandits.

"Father! If you don't speak again, it will be too late!"

When Jiang Shouyi saw that the He family's carriage had turned around and was about to set off, his father was still staring at the third child in a daze. He was so anxious that he instinctively wanted to shout, but he was afraid that the neighbors would hear him, so he couldn't care less immediately, " Guard the gate and don't let them go."

Ye Laijin said angrily, "Are you going to be tough?"

"What's wrong with being so hard!"

Jiang Shouyi scolded, "Don't think that you can bully people casually with a few stinky money! The third child is almost dying of beatings by you, and there is no way to leave!"

Ye Laijin snorted coldly, "He was the one who wanted to do the trick, so who can blame him?"

When did you sneak attack so confidently? It's really unreasonable.

"I don't care! If you hurt the third child, you will have to pay, otherwise you will never leave here."

Jiang Shouyi thought to himself, so what if the Ye Family Nursing Academy has some skills, as the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat four hands, no matter how powerful he is, he can't beat so many of them.

Not counting the women and maids, there are more than 20 of them, all of whom are accustomed to doing farm work, and they all have great strength, and they are afraid that they will not be able to take him down.

As for the coachman of the He family, he was just relying on his size to bluff people. Two people can handle him, so there is nothing to worry about.

Thinking of this, he felt even more confident, "Your surname Ye! If you are sensible, pay your money and leave obediently, don't mind your own business, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

While the two were talking, the Jiang family boy and Wang Xiangdong clashed again.

The descendants of the Jiang family are prosperous. Lao Jiangtou has nine grandsons, plus five grandsons, that is, fourteen big and small sons, while Wang Xiangdong and the others only have three. Wang Xiangnan and Wang Xiangbei don't know where they are hiding. He didn't come back after dying, so it's okay to push lightly, but if you really do it, Brother Wang Xiangdong and the three will definitely suffer.

Uncle Wang, Uncle Wang, and Uncle Wang were all full of anger, but they were not in a hurry to help. They had to guard against Jiang Shouyi and his opponents against He Jiajie.

If the young master of the He family had an accident in his Wang family, they would not be able to explain it.

Uncle Wang glanced at Qiu Jiu, who was expressionless, and then at Wang Jinling. Seeing her calm expression, he was slightly relieved.

It seems that Qiu Jiu's kung fu should be pretty good.

He lowered his head and was thinking about how many people Qiu Jiu could use alone, when Ye Laijin said angrily, "I want to see how you are being rude."

Hearing this, he raised his head, and just saw an afterimage circling in the courtyard like a whirlwind, followed by screams of ah ah ah, he was startled and wanted to take a closer look, but there was a gust of wind blowing in his face, He squinted his eyes uncomfortably, and waited for the wind to pass before he finally looked over. He saw the men of the Jiang family, except Lao Jiangtou, lying on the ground in embarrassment, humming and screaming for pain.

Uncle Wang was taken aback, and turned to look at his father. Although the old man's eyes were wide open, his face was calm.

It seems that Ling girl mentioned Qiu Jiu to his father, and his father was not surprised at all.

The female family members of the Jiang family really panicked at this time. The old lady Jiang was so frightened that she hid behind Lao Jiang's head, while the others were dumbfounded, especially Jiang Lixia. so powerful.

All the men in the Jiang family fell down except her father, so how could they catch Master He and marry her back.

"Liu Liu, tie them all up."

He Jiajie said coldly, "Then you go to Pingning Town and ask their pavilion chief and chief armor to lead people to escort these bandits who intend to kidnap this young master to the county government office and hand them over to the county magistrate."

Old Jiang's body softened and he slid to the ground.

"Old man! Old man! Are you all right?"

Old Mrs. Jiang yelled hoarsely, "Come quickly! Someone has killed someone!"

(End of this chapter)

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