The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 2623 Don't worry, Master He

Chapter 2623 Don't worry, Master He

The old Mrs. Jiang cried and shouted, attracting people from all over the neighborhood to come out to watch the excitement. After a while, the courtyard was crowded with people.

Seeing that there were more and more people, the old lady felt that she had gained confidence, and she was stunned for a moment. She sat cross-legged on the ground, patted her thigh and cried, "It's killing people! It's impossible to live! This is for our family. life!"

The melon-eaters looked at the kidnapped Jiang family, and their jaws almost dropped to the ground, "Oh, what did you say, why are the two parents still fighting?
No, just fight if you fight, why are you still tied up?You, this attack is too ruthless, right? "

The Wang family subconsciously went to see He Jiajie, and he did not disappoint them, "These people were kidnapped by me, and have nothing to do with the Wang family."

Old Mrs. Jiang cried when she heard the words, she gouged out He Jiajie's eyes with resentment, and then howled even louder, "Big fellow, judge me, this kid is doing evil because of his family's money, and he bullied my girl and wants to deny it." Well, we just want to ask him for an explanation, and he is going to put us all in prison...

Oh, my God, I can't live!
Our Lao Jiang's family is honest from top to bottom, and we have never done anything harmful to nature. How could we encounter such a thing! ..."

Her words seemed to wake up all the female family members of the Jiang family, and they all burst into tears as if they had been pressed by someone.

Immediately, the sound of crying resounded through the sky.

A group of onlookers were stunned.

Crying like this, how much wronged did you suffer?

A group of people chattered in low voices, and pointed at He Jiajie, like looking at a well-dressed beast.

He Jiajie snorted coldly, he looked around, and finally locked his eyes on Wang Xiangbei, "Go! Find your village chief and Li Zheng."

Wang Xiangbei was slightly startled, and asked his sister with his eyes. Wang Jinling nodded to him, and he immediately said loudly, "Sure!"

Old Jiang's body on the ground froze, almost poking over.

Old Mrs. Jiang's heart also skipped a beat, but when she got here, she still had delusional thoughts, thinking that they were so talkative, and they could still say that they couldn't succeed as a young master who didn't understand anything.

Instead, he just took the opportunity to sit down on the fact that he bullied the third girl. When the time comes, he will admit it if he admits it, and he must admit it if he doesn't!

She was only thinking about what to do to get Li Zheng to stand on their side, she didn't notice that her own daughter Jiang Shi had already quietly squeezed out of the crowd and sneaked away.

Wang Jinling glanced out lightly, pursed the corners of her lips and remained silent.

Qiu Jiu's eyes flickered slightly.

That's all, let her go.

Don't even think about the others, especially the woman who always secretly stares at the cousin girl.

Old Mrs. Jiang, relying on her large family, is going to have a lot of money to describe black as white and white as black, to confirm He Jiajie's crimes, making it difficult for him to argue.

Then he instigated the big guys to put pressure on him, forcing him to agree to marry Jiang Lixia.

With Li Zheng, the village chief and so many people testifying, he would never regret it afterwards.

The marriage is sealed.

The old lady pulled her shriveled lips and snickered proudly. Today's trip was not in vain, and she won't have to live a poor life after joining an in-law like the He family.

She squinted her eyes and glanced at Wang Jinling. Feeling that her clothes were dazzling, she looked away angrily. Then she locked on to Jiang Lixia with a swipe. Her old cloudy eyes were extremely sharp at this time, and the warning was very obvious.

'If you can't rely on the boy surnamed He, I will break your legs! '

The matter started because of her, so naturally she had to take care of it.

Jiang Lixia was well aware of the old lady's temper, so she dared not refute, and at this point, she couldn't allow her to shrink back, and she couldn't say she had to go all out.

Old Mrs. Jiang recited the words she had thought of over and over again in her heart, and immediately taught them in a low voice to her daughters-in-law and daughters-in-law after she had memorized them, but she didn't care about her granddaughter and granddaughter.

Without her instructions, they dare not talk nonsense.

Jiang Lixia also secretly rehearsed how to cry beautifully and touchingly, so that the village chief Lizheng and others would stand by her side without doubt.

The grandparents and grandchildren set up the stage, and they only started singing when everyone arrived.

Unexpectedly, Li Zheng and the village chief ignored them at all, let alone making decisions for them, they only had He Jiajie in their eyes.

"Ask a few women to help, tie up the female family members of the Jiang family, and take them to the county government."

He Jiajie had long been displeased with the Jiang family's female family members, but he had to let them go temporarily because there was no one available around him.

It's all right now, when Lizheng gave an order, more than a dozen women with big arms and round waists immediately took action, and finally recognized the facts. Old Mrs. Jiang, who knew that something was wrong, screamed at the top of her voice, "You don't have to be afraid if you help the bad guys." Is there a thunderbolt?"

She took advantage of these women's hesitation and ran out suddenly, and the other female relatives were unwilling to show it, and they all jumped around, but with Qiu Jiu guarding the gate of the house, how could they make their wish come true.

"Oh, I can't live anymore, you are not giving people a way to survive!"

"Master He, please forgive me. The person who wants to blackmail you is Jiang Lixia. If you want to vent your anger, just arrest her. Our fourth room did not offend you. Please let us go."

"Yeah, all the mistakes are the fault of Jiang Lixia, that dead girl. If you want to kill or cut, you just go to her, and you can't implicate the innocent."

Jiang Lixia was already panicked, but she was unwilling and wanted to try to struggle. She cried so pitifully, like an abandoned cub, weak and helpless, "He, Master He, I, I No!"

She looked miserable and cried, "I'm just, I'm just... Even if Young Master He accidentally bumped into me and hugged me... With a physical relationship, I don't dare to expect to marry Young Master He As a wife...but we...we also begged Young Master He to take him in. Lixia knew that her status was low and she didn't dare to think anything long as she could be by Young Master He's side, she could even be a maid..."

He Jiajie said coldly, "Shut her mouth!"

He is too lazy to talk to this kind of stuff, what!
His eyes are too hot to look at.

He was tired of making trouble for so long, and wanted to pat his ass and leave, but he didn't bring a servant with him when he went out today, and Dong Laoliu couldn't do it for two, and he couldn't guard the Jiang family when he was sent to the town. It's not easy to throw such offending things to the Wang family and the Ye family.

After all, he was the one who wanted to arrest people and report to officials, and it had nothing to do with others.

So he had to be patient, thinking that Dong Laoliu could quickly invite people to get these bastard bastards away as soon as possible.

But now it saves Dong Laoliu's trouble, and he doesn't have to look at these bastards anymore.

He Jiajie took off the purse from his waist and threw it to Li Zheng, "I would like to trouble you to send someone to escort these bandits to the town and hand them over to the pavilion chief.

I will rush over to greet him first, and he will send the person to the county government to be dealt with by the county magistrate, you just send it to him. "

Lizheng was secretly thinking about the purse in his hand. It was really heavy, and he immediately burst into joy, "Don't worry, Young Master He, I'll follow him personally, and nothing will go wrong."

Wang Jinling originally wanted to keep him for lunch, but it's hard to ask him to keep him after such a mess, "Fourth Brother, don't forget to eat when you're in town, don't rush on an empty stomach."


He Jiajie suddenly felt a little bit reluctant to leave the little girl, "You'd better go back with Uncle Ye, so that you won't have a headache from the chaos at home all day long."

"Well, I see."

(End of this chapter)

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