Chapter 2643 Finale ([-])

After the news reached the uncle's house again, Yun couldn't believe it, but had to believe it.

It turned out that the girl was actually serious.

She has long been accustomed to dealing with the endless tricks of the women in the backyard, but she was stunned for a long time but couldn't recover. She really couldn't believe that her precious son was dumped by a wild girl who grew up in the countryside.

Nangong Yaoting was so anxious that his hair was about to stand on end, "That girl is not angry at Xiao Wu for hiding her temper from her, it's fine, that kid He Jiaheng didn't try to persuade her, but let her get his temper, oh, really!
What can I do? "

After finally realizing that this was not a hallucination caused by exhaustion, but something that actually happened, Yun was furious, "What does the surname He mean? Are you kidding us?

Could it be that He Hongjin has climbed to a high branch again, so we don't need our uncle's house, so he put on such a big show to play tricks on people?

Businessmen are really unreliable, they are all shameless people who forget righteousness and destroy bridges by crossing rivers! "

Nangong Yaoting still has some brotherhood towards He Hongjin, so he couldn't hear Yun scolding him, "Hongjin is not that kind of person."

"What kind of person is that? Your son will be cheated to death by the good daughter he taught, and you still speak for him!"

Nangong Yaoting stiffened his neck and said, "What does the matter of the younger generation have to do with him? Why are you so unreasonable?"

"Who do you say is unreasonable?"



Seeing that the two of them were about to fight, Mr. Wan hurriedly persuaded, "Uncle and Madam, let's think of a way to explain to the guests outside."

Nangong Yaoting, who was still fighting cocks before, collapsed when he heard the words, and he was stunned, "Oh, I'm ashamed to see people after it's done like this."

Yun snorted coldly, "You still know you have no face?"

The manager was helpless, "Ma'am."

The lady in charge beside Yun's also quietly tugged on her sleeve, Yun turned away with a cold snort, and stopped staring at Nangong Yaoting.

Nangong Yaoting quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Yun's murmured, "The matter has come to this point and I can't cover it up. I'd better tell my mother the truth. I believe her old man will be able to turn the tide and keep the reputation of the uncle's house."

Hmph, isn't the old man meddling in his own business? Let's have a good taste of being nosy this time.

Boss Wan looked down at his toes and remained motionless.

Nangong Yaoting slapped his thigh excitedly, "Then do this!"

As far as he is concerned, as long as someone comes out, it is enough.

Anyway, he won't clean up this mess, shame on him.

Mrs. Zhou knew his temper, and knew their intentions before he finished speaking. The original good mood disappeared immediately. She glanced at the well-behaved Yun Shi, and said in a deep voice , "Where are the little five?"

Nangong Yaoting said, "He's still on Zhuangzi."

"It's less than half an hour before the auspicious time, what is he still doing on Zhuangzi?"

Nangong Yaoting opened his mouth wide, "He, he..."

Mrs. Zhou's eyes were slightly cold, "Send someone to bring him back, hurry up!"


"Find a petite girl who is as tall as the fourth girl of the He family."


Yun's eyes flashed, "Mother, is she looking for someone to pretend to be He? It's a good idea, but they also took the dowry away. This, this bride without a dowry doesn't seem like that."

Mrs. Zhou looked at her, "Do you have a better way?"

Yun Shi was almost choked to death by her, and was so angry that he cursed secretly.

But Mrs. Zhou ignored her and continued to order, "Send someone to chase after the brothers and sisters of the He family, but don't make too much noise or attract attention. It's best if they are willing to come back. If not, just let them go." .”


"Call the second child."


Nangong Yaohui arrived soon, and Mrs. Zhou ordered before he could catch his breath, "Leave immediately and go to Lin'an County. You must see Hongjin, tell him what happened today, and ask him, Fourth girl He is still married or not."

Nangong Yaohui's eyes widened in shock, "What does it mean to be married or not?"

"It literally means, hurry up."

"Oh, son, let's go now."

After sending away the second son, Mrs. Zhou braced herself up and made some more arrangements until everything that could be thought of was arranged properly before stopping.

Nangong Yaoting was stunned as he watched from the sidelines, and then sighed from the bottom of his heart, "Mother is the Dinghaishenzhen of the uncle's mansion. As long as you are here, the sky will not fall."

Yun's heart was dissatisfied, but she didn't dare to say anything, she could only sulk silently.

Originally, Mrs. Zhou's arrangement was not a problem. First, find a beautiful girl to pretend to be He Xin'er and pay respects to Nan Gonghan, so as to deal with today's big wedding, so as not to be laughed at.

Let Nangong Yaohui put pressure on He Hongjin to force him to send the real He Xiner back, so as not to be found out and cause the uncle's reputation to suffer.

As long as they are careful, this matter can be completely rounded up.

Mrs. Zhou's plan was very good, but Nangong Han didn't cooperate, no matter what he said, he would not marry another woman, even if it was fake.

The old lady really didn't withdraw next week.

The bride can find someone to pretend to be, but the groom can't, he can't cheat.

Under the command of He Jiaheng, the He family convoy drove all the way, and finally returned to Lin'an County before closing the city gate.

Nangong Ze, who was chasing after him, managed to advance to the city before the city gate was closed, but Nangong Yaohui and his party were ruthlessly locked out of the city.

At that time, the He family was holding a family banquet in the flower hall.

Because He Xiner's marriage went well, He Hongjin was in a good mood, and when he was happy, he inevitably drank two more glasses, making him a little tipsy.

At this moment, Director He ran in sweating profusely and whispered a few words in his ear. He Hongjin was stunned for a moment, and then he was furious, "Did Jiaheng bring him back?"

"...The Eldest Young Master is back too, but I don't know the exact situation..."

He Hongjin shouted, "Take the family law!"

Everyone was taken aback by him, not knowing why he suddenly went crazy.

What do you do with family law, no one is making trouble tonight.

The old lady couldn't figure it out either, but she soon figured it out.

Because He Jiaheng, who was in charge of seeing off the bride, walked in side by side with He Xiner, who was in a wedding dress.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the two of them.

He Hongjin was furious, and without saying a word, he was beaten by He Jiaheng, and He Xiner hurriedly asked Dabai to protect him, so that he would not suffer from flesh and blood.

"He Xiner! Do you still have your parents in your eyes? Where will you put your parents? Where will you put the entire He family? What will Qingqing girls do in the future if you do this?
After something like yours happened, which good family would dare to marry them?

Do you want them to be old girls forever?

How can you be so selfish! "

He Xiner looked at him calmly, "I won't trouble them."

(End of this chapter)

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